
美 [mit]英 [miːt]
  • v.满足;迎接;遇见;相遇
  • n.运动会;体育比赛;猎狐运动(现在于英国用狗猎狐属违法行为)
  • adj.适合的
  • 网络见面;会见;遇到

复数:meets 比较级:meeter 最高级:meetest 现在分词:meeting 过去式:met

meet demand,meet challenge,meet need,meet requirement,meet person
meet regularly,probably meet


v. n.

偶然地by chance

1.[i][t][nopass]相遇;相逢;遇见to be in the same place as sb by chance and talk to them

通过安排by arrangement

2.[i][t][nopass]开会;会晤to come together formally in order to discuss sth

3.[i][t][nopass](与…)会面;集合to come together socially after you have arranged it

4.[t]~ sb/sth迎接to go to a place and wait there for a particular person to arrive

初次for the first time

5.[t][nopass][i]~ (sb)相识;结识;被引见介绍(给某人)to see and know sb for the first time; to be introduced to sb

比赛in contest

6.[i][t][nopass]遭遇;交锋to play, fight, etc. together as opponents in a competition

经历experience sth

7.[t]~ sth经历(常指不愉快的事)to experience sth, often sth unpleasant


8.[i][t]接触(某物);连接to touch sth; to join


9.[t]~ sth满足;使满意to do or satisfy what is needed or what sb asks for


10.[t]~ sth支付;偿付to pay sth


meet sbs eye(s)|meet sbs gaze, look, etc.|peoples eyes meet

(和某人)对视,目光相遇if youmeet sb's eye(s) , you look directly at them as they look at you; if two people'seyes meet , they look directly at each other

meet sb halfway

和某人妥协;对某人作出让步to reach an agreement with sb by giving them part of what they want

meet your Maker

死;见上帝to die

there is more to sb/sth than meets the eye

某人(或物)比料想的更为复杂(或有趣)a person or thing is more complicated or interesting than you might think at first


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... to part. 用于与动词原形一起构成动词不定式 meet v. 遇见;相逢 you pron. 你;你们 ...


见字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 见貌辨色〖 adaptoneselftochangingconditions〗 见面meet;see〗 见钱眼开〖 moneygrubber …


字典中 姤 字的解释 ... ◎ 姤 gòu (2) 相遇[ meet] (3) 六十四卦之一,巽下乾上[ meet;a diagram of the Sixty-four Diagrams] ...


新起点英语五年级下册 单词表_百度文库 ... buy 买 meet 会见;遇到 Inner Mongolia 内蒙古 ...


新起点英语五年级下册 单词表_百度文库 ... buy 买 meet 会见;遇到 Inner Mongolia 内蒙古 ...


机务英语基础 - 豆丁网 ... 正常的 Normal 满足 Meet 需要,要求 Need ...


七年级(上)英语单词表一. ... 152 to prep (表示方向)到,向动词不定式符号 153 meet v 见面,会面,遇见 154 child n 小孩 ...


初一英语上册外研版单词_百度知道 ... fifty num. 五十 *meet v. 认识,遇见 *first adj. 第一 ...

Forward, toward the front, have no reason to regret it tomorrow to meet the brilliant life and create the life of the fiery red. 迈进,向着前方,无悔地去迎接明天那生命的辉煌,创造那生命的火红。
Wenzhou furniture market is ready to meet guests from all parts of the world in a brand new aspect and with first-rate service. 温州家具市场将以崭新的面貌、流的服务迎接来自五湖四海的宾客。
I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and love a person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forget you. 遇上一个人只要一分钟,喜欢一个人只需一小时,爱上一个人要一天,可要我忘记你却要用上一生。
This is only a first step, now we have to meet the increasingly discerning audience taste mouth, to make it a classic. 这只是第一步,我们尽力满足如今玩家越来越挑剔的味口,使之成为经典之作。
I meet him on campus and asked whether he had eaten supper or not but he did not reply. 我在学校里遇见他并问他有没有吃饭,可是他没有回答。
Over time, the body becomes less and less able to process enough insulin to meet the body's needs, and glucose builds up in the bloodstream. 过不了多久,人体吸收这些胰岛素的能力越来越低,人体的正常需要便不能满足,血液里的葡萄糖便会上升。
But of course, if you don't have to meet visitors, you may just as well choose a small and nice hotel to reduce travel costs. 当然,如果你不是会见可以,也可以选择优秀的小规模酒店来降低差旅成本。
New Yorkers are working hard to meet their city's needs and to keep it a world center of culture, industry and commerce. 纽约人正在努力奋斗以适应这种城市作为世界文化、工业和商务中心的需求。
To seek work with a famous company, you must get ready to meet with fierce competition and challenges from all sides. 在有声望的大公司求职,你必须做好准备迎接激烈的竞争以及来自各方面的挑战。
She said that the two countries wanted to present a plan to Obama and Medvedev before they meet at the G20 summit in London on 2 April. 她说两国希望在伦敦4月2日举行的20国集团首脑会议之前提交方案,届时奥巴马总统和梅德韦杰夫总统将展开进一步磋商。
You know, like, just as a reminder, that once, we really did meet. 你知道的,这就好比提醒自己我们确实的相遇
As such, we need to prepare the next generation of entrepreneurs to meet the challenges brought by the global nature of enterprise. 就此而言,我们必须为下一代创业者做好准备,以满足全球化企业带来的挑战。
And thou shalt lay them up in the tabernacle of the congregation before the testimony, where I will meet with you. 你要把这些杖存在会幕内法柜前,就是我与你们相会之处。
But before it flowers slowly wearing purple clothes into a white, as if it is white with the arrival of the winter meet. 可是以前的花朵慢慢地把它身穿的紫色的衣服换成白色的了,好像在用它的白色迎接冬天的到来。
After seeing the water cut-off notice, everyone began to stock water. For now, the reserved water is enough to meet need for a whole week. 看到停水通知后大家都开始储水,目前贮备已经够一个星期使用了。
This would be the only time I would meet him, and I figured I better do it. 这可能是我唯一能见到他的机会,我认为我最好做点什么。
Relationships in animals can be more complicated than just a male and a female who meet and reproduce. 动物之间的两性关系遥远要比‘雄性遇到雌性后便繁衍后代’复杂得多。
It is as if one of the fairies, whom we left in our dear old England, had decked her out to meet us. 仿佛有一个被我们留在我们亲爱的老英格兰的仙子,把自己打扮好,跑来迎接我们了。
It was a wonderful chat, but we'll be hard pressed to meet again as this was a chance encounter at both of our non-regular hour. 聊的好开心,不过,再见的缘份不大,因为今天都是在我们的意外时间才偶遇。
'Our two nations are trying to do something never been done in history, ' she said. 'When an established power and a rising power meet. ' 我们两个国家努力做的一些事情,是历史上老牌大国遇上新兴大国时从来没人做过的。
Once the Q&A session ended, 50 lucky fans were able to meet the man of the hour himself and receive an autographed poster. 当Q&A环节结束,50名幸运的粉丝有机会亲眼见到这个男人一个小时和收到一张他亲笔签名的海报。
There is a new manager coming in and he would at least like to meet with him over the next couple of weeks to discuss his future in person. 一名新的主教练来了,西德维尔希望至少能够在接下来的几周中与他坐下来谈谈关于自己在球队中的前途。
We got to talking and he invited me to Starbucks to meet his friend for coffee. 我们谈了谈,他邀请我去新巴克喝喝咖啡,见一个朋友。
I'm like, well, why didn't I meet her a year ago before I got kick out of school or something. 我就在想,啊,一年前被学校开除之前我怎么没遇到她。
The right attitude to adopt when you're going to meet women is to think of it as a mutual selection process. 在你同女人会面的时,正确的态度是把“追”看作一个相互选择的过程。
"They're trying to allow traditional wastewater lagoons to meet more strict effluent standards, " he said. 人们正试着使传统污水处理池满足更高的排污标准。
But after one or two speeches, you should be able to meet the gaze of your listeners as comfortably as you do in casual conversation. 不过经过一两次的演讲,你就应该能像在随便的谈话中那样比较自在的迎接听众的目光了。
We made arrangements with him to meet in a week. 我们和他约好一周后见面。
My new husband would be awaiting my arrival, I said, and would hurry out to meet me at the car. 我说,我的新丈夫会等候我回来,然后,迅速赶出来迎接我。
To help deal with that, a number of grouped organizers meet once a week to make sure they are not at cross-purposes. 要想帮助解决这个问题,小组的一些组织者们要每星期碰面一次,以确保他们之间不会相互误解。