美 [maʊnt]英 [maʊnt]
  • n.山;坐骑;山峰;衬纸板
  • v.登上;爬上;攀登;准备
  • 网络挂载;安装;挂接

第三人称单数:mounts 现在分词:mounting 过去式:mounted

mount attack,mount offensive,mount horse,mount operation


v. n.


1.[t]~ sth准备;安排;组织开展to organize and begin sth


2.[i]逐步增加to increase gradually

攀登go up sth

3.[t]~ sth登上;爬上;攀登to go up sth, or up on to sth that is raised


4.[t][i]~ (sth)骑上;乘上;跨上to get on a bicycle, horse, etc. in order to ride it

图画、宝石等picture/jewel, etc.

5.[t]~ sth (on/onto/in sth)镶嵌;安置to fix sth into position on sth, so that you can use it, look at it or study it


挂载MOunt)菜单:需要说明,如图显示unmount XX表示对应该项已挂载按这里检视图片 高级选项(Advanced):按这里 …


安装Mount)位置。   在升级系统或其他情况下,硬盘或分区系统中已经有FreeBSD子分区存在,但这些子分区的安装位置 …

刘丽的语言学博客 - Lily - 网易博客 ... (mouse) 肌肉 - (mount) - (save) 保留 - ...


挂接命令(mount) 首先,介绍一下挂接(mount)命令的使用方法,mount命令参数非常多,这里主要讲一下今天我们要用到的。 …


工业相机镜头的参数与选型 ... 2.光圈( Iris) 4.接口( Mount) 5.景深( Depth ofField,DOF) ...


新概念第三册精解 ... climb vt. 爬上 mount: 登上 come to 后面常接名词,表示达到 ...


装配mount)设备文件.这里最好是能够做一张带驱动的安装引导盘,然后用光盘等介质安装.在slackware的站点上有最 …

Since both the assembly location and the document location must have sufficient evidence to execute, this attack is not easy to mount. 由于程序集位置和文档位置都必须具有足够的证据才能执行,所以并不容易发起这种攻击。
Most suspension systems attach the shock to a moving linkage at the top, and a fixed frame mount on the bottom. 大多数避震系统将减震器上端连接在一个可移动的部件,下部则连接在固定的车架部分上。
One idea was that the vehicle itself was an intelligent droid, mirroring Obi-Wan's faithful Boga as "living" mount for General Grievous. 有一种创意是,该座驾本身是一个智慧机器人,作为格里弗斯将军的“活体”坐骑,跟忠于欧比-万的博加相呼应。
The beautiful birds from England are ready to sing songs for you, and the monkeys from Mount Emei will be happy to talk to you. 美丽的鸟儿从英国准备为你唱歌,和猴子从峨眉山将很高兴与您交谈。
Bilal had a mount for a camera surgically implanted into the back of his head for his art project "The 3rd I" . 为了他的这个艺术项目“第三眼”(The3rdI)Bilal接受了很多相机植入手术。
Locally, he said, Occupy worked to help tenants at a building in the neighborhood around the church mount a rent strike. 在当地,他称占领活动致力于帮助在教会街区周围大楼的租户们发起拒付租金的抗议。
Edwin climbed out of the Valley and went through the Forest of Hard Work to the top of Mount University. 范德萨爬出山谷,穿过了森林的刻苦的顶部。从那里他可以俯视大海的业务。
In the Mount Hill area, the administrator of a special offers aunt, visitors take a free ride him all that he moved. 在芒山景区,管理员大妈的一个特殊优惠,游客免费让他搭乘的一次顺风车都使他感动不已。
In this paper, we come to a conclude through a mount of experiments and observation: less the surface roughness , better polishing quality. 通过大量的对比试验和观察发现:零件基体表面粗糙度越小,抛光效果越好;反之,则差。
And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives; and his disciples also followed him. 耶稣出来,照常往橄榄山去。门徒也跟随他。
Here's Mount Pinatubo in the early '90s, that put a whole bunch of sulfur in the stratosphere with a sort of atomic bomb-like cloud. 这是90年代初的皮纳图博火山喷发,产生了有一中类似原子弹爆炸的云把大量的硫带入了平流层。
I am sometimes driven to wish that you and I could mount upon a cloud (as we used to fancy in those heavenly walks of ours). 我不时产生一个愿望,我多么想和你驾上一朵白云(我们在醉人的漫步中常常这样幻想),
And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the mount of God. 他就起来吃了喝了,仗着这饮食的力,走了四十昼夜,到了神的山,就是何烈山。
23And he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him seven days' journey; and they overtook him in the mount Gilead. 23拉班带领他的众弟兄去追赶,追了七日,在基列山就追上了。
Although it did not mount a landmark case akin to the prosecution of Microsoft, there was plenty of activity on Mr Bush's watch. 尽管像诸如微软公司这样的起诉不能算是具有里程碑意义的案件,但是布什对这方面的关注还是很高。
In the Taiqing Palace at the southern foot of Mount Laoshan, they emulated a legendary Taoist priest by trying to walk through the wall. 在崂山南麓的太清宫,选手们试图模仿传说中穿墙而过的崂山道士。
Reporters traveling with Mr. Ali said the Mount Merapi volcano eruption did not affect the previous here, "it seems this is very serious. " 与记者同行的阿里先生说,默拉皮火山前几次喷发没有影响到这里,“看来这次相当严重。”
You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. 你是那受膏遮掩约柜的基路伯。我将你安置在神的圣山上。你在发光如火的宝石中间往来。
Verify that the version of Microsoft Exchange that you are using is compatible with the database version that you are trying to mount. 验证使用的MicrosoftExchange版本与尝试装入的数据库版本是否兼容。
During my visit to Mount Lemmon, he made a trumpeting noise just before he pointed out the first NEO to us. 在我访问莱蒙山时,他在指给我们看当晚发现的第一颗近地天体时,向我们做出吹喇叭的样子。
She was the first woman who climbed to the top of Mount Everest. But you think you know everything, so I won't tell you about her. 她是爬到埃弗莱斯峰顶部的第一位女性。可是你认为你什么都知道,所以我就不告诉你有关她的事了。
And all the children of Israel came to him: and he gave them in commandment all that he had heard of the Lord in mount Sinai. 以后全以色列子民也来到他跟前,他把上主在西乃山上同他所说的一切,都吩咐了他们。
There was a definite groove around the bottom and sides of the lens mount. 有一个明确的槽的底部和两侧周围的镜头接口。
All that said, I am excited to put two Velcro strips on the back of this thing and mount it to my elliptical trainer. 当然,我也心情美美地给它扣上魔术贴,把它挂着,在椭圆机上锻炼下。
So I decided to take the train to Shanghai and stop halfway at Tai'an for a day to break up the trip and climb Mount Tai. 所以我决定乘火车去上海,并在一天打破这次旅行和爬泰山泰安半途而废。
He took out his girlfriend frequently and paid for a snowboarding trip, during which he proposed to her at the summit of Mount Hood, Ore. 他经常带女朋友出去玩,还花钱带她滑了次雪,在那次旅行中,普雷斯顿在俄勒冈州胡德山(MountHood)山顶向女朋友求了婚。
Once upon a time, there lived an old couple at the foot of Mount Taihang. They made a living by farming. They led a life of ease. 从前,在太行山脚下住着老俩口。他们靠种地为生,日子过得悠闲自在。
I've on occasion been able to get one to mount, but find hard drives seem to mount differently than memory sticks. 我偶然可以把其中的一个挂载上,但是发现硬盘挂载和记忆卡挂载还是有很大的不同。
Girls brave enough to stand at the top of a tower (ramp), mount a galloping horse, and plummet fifty feet into a pool of water. 女孩勇敢地站在塔顶部(坡道),装入一个奔马,暴跌到五十英尺的水池。
When you share a directory with NFS, you can then mount the directory from another machine just as if it was a local disk. 当使用NFS共享目录时,可以像本地磁盘一样从另一个计算机加载目录。