move on

  • na.继续前进;(使)继续前进;〔交通警察命令〕向前!
  • 网络继续移动;往前走;继续前行

第三人称单数:moves on 现在分词:moving on 过去式:moved on

move onmove on

move on


初中英语短语大全 ... 38.traffic lights 交通灯 39.move on 继续前进 ready for 为…做准备 ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... call on 拜访 move on 继续移动,往前走 live on 以……为生 ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... call on 拜访 move on 继续移动,往前走 live on 以……为生 ...


给“暮光女”一个机会!|微刊 - 悦读喜欢 ... ——put sth. all behind 将...抛在脑后 ——move on 继续前行 ——Zuhair Murad 设计师 ...


初中英语第1-6册单词全解析 - 豆丁网 ... notice v. 注意到 move on 继续向前移动 away adv. 离开 ...


巧记动词词组_百度文库 ... live on 以…为生 move on 继续移动,向前走 operate on 给…做手术 ...

When he swung out of the enclosure he was on the gallop. By this time some preservative instinct warned me to get a move on. 待他冲出围墙便狂奔过来,这会儿某种保护自乙的本能提醒我快溜走。
Before I move on to the next iteration example, you should know about one other bit of syntactic sugar regarding Maps in Groovy. 在继续研究下一个迭代例子前,应当了解Groovy中有关Map的另一个语法。
Once you've examined its code, you'll be ready to move on to the next section. 一旦研究过其代码后,您就可以继续进行下一部分了。
What were western workers going to move on to this time, once they had been priced out of the services sector? 一旦服务业定价过高,这时西方的工人们又要转移去何处呢?
You've got to put the past behind you before you can move on. That's what my run was all about. 你必须要把过去的一切抛在身后才能继续前进。那就是我跑的原因。
Wow, we have so much to see today. We better get a move on. 哇,我们今天要去看看这么多地方啊,我们应该快快走。
And as for the future of Rihanna 's relationship with Brown, he has one piece of fatherly advice. "If it were me, I'd move on, " he said. 至于将来蕾汉娜和布朗之间的关系,他有一条父亲的建议,“如果是我,我会继续前进。”
Whilst it is a sad day for me to leave such a great Club and Manager I believe that the time has now come for me to move on. 同时对我来说离开俱乐部和老板是悲伤的一天我认为这一时刻的到来让我。
Give it a try for at least a chapter, but if you still don't love it, move on. 你可以至少尝试一个章节,但是如果你仍然不喜欢的话,那就离开。
Once you can keep your level of self-discipline, you will be ready to move on to the next level by stretching yourself. 一旦你可以保持你自律的水平,你就可以通过自我扩展进行到下一个阶段。
Just crank it out on a spreadsheet or whiteboard, show the boss, and move on to the next problem. 其实,只需要在电子表格或者白板上写写算算,然后交给老板,就可以进入下一个话题。
And everyday feels more like a year, Sometimes I wish I could move on, The memories would all just disappear. 有时我希望自己可以从过去中走出来,那样回忆就会烟消云散。
Devote all of your energy to that habit change, and once it's on autopilot, move on to the next one. Knock 'em down one at a time. 投入你全部的精力去改变这个习惯,并且当它进入自动运行状态,再转移至下一个,每次只击倒一个。
Your contributions will be evaluated when you acquire the necessary skills and ready to move on to the next role. 当你已经获取必要的技能并准备好进入下一个职业角色的时候,我们将评估你对公司的贡献。
Though the central bank now seems to suggest the status quo will continue, it would be odd for China to flag any move on the yuan. 尽管央行现在看来暗示将继续保持现状,但对中国而言,表明任何人民币汇率方面的举动均不寻常。
Although you may be ready to move on, your kids may still be reeling from the idea of their parents no longer being together. 尽管你准备好忘记过去、继续前行,但你的孩子可能还承受着爸爸妈妈以后不在一起的不良影响。
Many practitioners from her previous path pressured her and some even slandered her, but she managed to hold her own and move on. 那阵子许多过去的道友不断给她压力甚至流言,但她都一路挺过去。
If you can hear an electronic piano tone, you are ready to move on to the next step. 如果可以听到电子钢琴声,那么您就已经准备好继续执行下一步。
When you're ready to move on, you can stroll to your destination, and hop aboard the train whenever you want a lift somewhere. 准备好之后,你就可以闲逛着去你想去的地方;若想搭个便车,你也可以随时随地跳上观光车。
I'm going to move on, and yes you can make an argument out of that but let me just move on and show you exactly why I say that. 我继续讲,你们可以提出一个论点,但是我继续讲,并让你们知道为什么我那样说。
Let's move on, as I don't think talking about it further is going to get us anywhere, as things stand at the moment. 我们继续进行吧,就目前情况而言,我觉得再接着讨论下去也不会有结果。
First, an enduring one from my mother, Eve, who always taught me never to look back in regret but to move on to the next thing. 首先是我母亲伊芙常常教育我,永远不要遗憾地回顾过往,而要开始做下一件事。
Yet he's ready to move on, knowing that "the causes I care about have campaign-tested technology to work with. " 然而他已经准备好了前行,他明白,“他所在意的那些已经经过了竞选活动的测试。”
When the new life structure has been established, we are ready to move on to the next period. 当新的人生阶段构建起来时,我们又要准备走入下一个时期。
Rejection is just one way of knowing that this piece of the puzzle does not fit. Time to move on to the next piece. 拒绝是让你了解是否适合这道谜题的方法之一,而时间总会前进到下一个谜题。
Most people, when confronted with the death of a loved one, mourn intensely for a few weeks or months and then gradually manage to move on. 大多数的人们,当他们挚爱的人去世的时候,强烈的悲伤可能会持续几周甚至几个月,然后逐渐设法驱赶悲伤。
Another community decides to come on board. The European Union is ready to move on without waiting for others. 另一个团体也决定支持。欧盟不等其它国家就准备开始行动了。
But I would like to say just a couple of things about the center and its goals before we move on to Norm's talk. 但我想讲一讲,关于这个中心的一些事情,先讲中心的目标再开始Norm的讲话。
Said the guitarist, "There's only 12 power chords, and I think we've had about 20 years of them, so maybe it's time to move on. " 吉他手说,“只有12和弦的权力,我认为我们不得不对其中的20年,也许是时候继续前进。”
It's when you move on to the next and much harder step that it helps most to be in a place where you can find peers and encouragement. 当你开始面对这些棘手的问题时,身处一个四周都是同党的令人振奋的环境就可令你受益匪浅。