
美 [mit]英 [miːt]
  • v.满足;迎接;遇见;相遇;出迎;见面;面谈;满足;迎接;见面;面谈;满足
  • n.会;赛会;【数】(直线或平面的)交点;交(集);运动会;体育比赛;猎狐运动(现在于英国用狗猎狐属违法行为)
  • adj.相称的 (for;to do; to be done;that);适合的
  • 网络与预期符合;会见;集会

复数:meets 比较级:meeter 最高级:meetest 现在分词:meeting 过去式:met

meet demand,meet challenge,meet need,meet requirement,meet person
meet regularly,probably meet


v. n.

偶然地by chance

1.[i][t][nopass]相遇;相逢;遇见to be in the same place as sb by chance and talk to them

通过安排by arrangement

2.[i][t][nopass]开会;会晤to come together formally in order to discuss sth

3.[i][t][nopass](与…)会面;集合to come together socially after you have arranged it

4.[t]~ sb/sth迎接to go to a place and wait there for a particular person to arrive

初次for the first time

5.[t][nopass][i]~ (sb)相识;结识;被引见介绍(给某人)to see and know sb for the first time; to be introduced to sb

比赛in contest

6.[i][t][nopass]遭遇;交锋to play, fight, etc. together as opponents in a competition

经历experience sth

7.[t]~ sth经历(常指不愉快的事)to experience sth, often sth unpleasant


8.[i][t]接触(某物);连接to touch sth; to join


9.[t]~ sth满足;使满意to do or satisfy what is needed or what sb asks for


10.[t]~ sth支付;偿付to pay sth


meet sbs eye(s)|meet sbs gaze, look, etc.|peoples eyes meet

(和某人)对视,目光相遇if youmeet sb's eye(s) , you look directly at them as they look at you; if two people'seyes meet , they look directly at each other

meet sb halfway

和某人妥协;对某人作出让步to reach an agreement with sb by giving them part of what they want

meet your Maker

死;见上帝to die

there is more to sb/sth than meets the eye

某人(或物)比料想的更为复杂(或有趣)a person or thing is more complicated or interesting than you might think at first


发音课发音笔记... ... gets 得到(三单) meets 遇见(三单) hurts 伤害(三单) ...


Happiness is when thedesolated soul meets... ... soul 灵魂 心灵 meets 遇见 相遇 接触 Happiness 幸福 ...


???? CPC34 12H ...  强( Strong)  与预期符合( Meets)  尚待成长( Growth) ...


默然_新浪博客 ... 8. Shots 打枪 9. Meets 会见 10. Fights 打仗 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... takin n. [动]羚牛,扭角羚 meets n. 会, 集会 budge v. 移动 ...


Our Vitamin ... 潜.时.装- Skins 路径相遇|Meets 参与|to Participate ...

But if you were to look deeper and think further, you'll realize that there's far more to these steps than meets the eyes. 你要是看得远一点,想得深一些,你会发现还有远比这些表面所见更多的东西。
Buffett, the largest shareholder in Goldman Sachs, meets with the President, the next day Goldman settles for chump change. 巴菲特,高盛最大的股东,与总统会面后的第二天,高盛案以鸡毛蒜皮的方式了解。
If a traveler has found a particular rating system useful in the past, they should look for a hotel that meets the standards of that system. 如果客人在过去已经找到有关详细的酒店的评级系统是有用的话,他们应该寻找同等标准的酒店。
Sadly, the client may not be able to see exactly how the final product meets the brief. 遗憾的是,客户可能无法确切的看到最终的产品与摘要介绍是如何相配的。
Examine the MFC code that your time- critical code uses to see if it meets your performance requirements . 检查时间关键代码使用的MFC代码,查看它是否满足性能要求。
Love affair is always beginning with such a romantic episode that the young guy meets with young lady occasionally. 恋爱总是以少男巧遇少女这种传统的浪漫插曲开始的
The result of experiments show that this method is flexible, low cost and meets the requirements for products tests. 试验结果表明,该方案灵活,且成本低,满足了产品测试需求。
Each festival meets a particular need in the individuals of that nation and becomes an integral part of a way of life. 每个节日都满足了该国家中个体成员的某种特殊需要,并且构成了生活方式中不可或缺的部分。
But there is more here than meets the eye, even if it does not all come out in the details of what the President wears on Sundays. 尽管总统周末的穿衣细节并不能告诉我们所有,但是事情远不止是我们看到的这些。
Second, do not allow her to drink over three glasses; otherwise, she will hit whoever she meets. 第二、不要让她喝三杯以上,否则她会逢人就打;
The result of test shows that this control unit meets the need of the power station. Now, three generators are working well. 调试结果表明,本文设计的航机发电控制器满足现场电站的要求,现在,电站三台机组已全部正常发电。
Think of it as a place where user-generated information meets official stats, sort of like Wikipedia plus Yahoo! Finance. 试想想,那是一个基于用户提供信息,接近官方统计的,类似于维基百科+雅虎财经的复合体。
Droke said she meets with Clark and McDaniel often, mostly because their office is across the hallway from her classroom. Droke说她经常和Clark与McDaniel见面,通常都是在他们的办公室与她的教室之间的走廊上。
Late in the night, the streets are haunted. Kevin wanders alone. There he meets a woman raising pigeons. He follows her to her house. 夜深了,街道空幽。凯文独自踟躇。他遇见一位养鸽的妇女。他跟她来到她的住处。
In between changing diapers he's been able to compete in two meets this year: the Long Beach Grand Prix and a local meet in Irvine. 在这两者之间不断变化的尿布他都能够适应竞争,今年在两个:长滩大奖赛和欧文在当地举行。
The new Beijing is much more east-meets-east, with a gap of just a few hundred years. 对于新北京,更贴切的说法是古今交汇的产物,前后相隔了百来年。
President Bush says he does not know whether America's sagging economic performance meets the technical definition of a recession. 布什总统说,他不知道美国经济疲软是否满足了经济衰退的严格定义。
Oct. 15. The sun is covered occasionally by the cloud. Bright followed by dark inside. He never meets her. 15日阳光被不断飘过的云朵遮住,屋内的光线忽明忽暗。他从不曾遇见她。
the executive council normally meets once a week , and its proceedings are confidential , although many of its decisions are made public. 行政会议通常每星期举行会议一次,由行政长官主持。虽然会议事项保密,但很多决定都向外公布。
I'm just saying from what was on his screen on the telephone that there was definitely more than meets the eye. 我只是说从他的电话屏幕上就可以知晓那绝对比我们眼球看到的还要多。
Comments from people his mother meets about his mother are not always taken in the same spirit. 不过,他妈妈碰到的人关于他妈妈的言谈,却并不总能得到礼貌应对。
if edgar linton meets me , i shall not hesitate to knock him down , and give him enough to insure his quiescence while i stay. 如果埃德加林敦遇见我,我将毫不犹豫地一拳打倒他,在我待在那儿的时候保证给他足够的时间休息。
In the course of an unexpected return visit, working on a film, she meets a woman who leads her to re-examine how much she has lost. 在一次意料之外的故地重游中,由于她工作的那部电影,她遇到了一个女人并在她的引领下再次检验了她失去的究竟有多少。
I wanted to get more comfortable and I seem to be doing better the last couple meets. 她说。“我想更舒服。过去两次比赛我干的都不错。”
I much prefer that to any other form, since code is where the "rubber meets the road" with respect to performance. 比起其他形式我更喜欢这种,因为代码是关系到性能“出现偏差”的地方。
That's when he meets Kate Walker, a survey taker at Heathrow Airport who persuades Harvey to stay in London for the reception. 这个时候他碰到了KATEWALKER,在HEATHROW机场当调查员,她劝说哈维留在伦敦参加婚礼仪式。
Mitchell is trying to hammer out a compromise before the Arab League meets Friday in Libya to discuss the fate of the peace talks. 阿拉伯联盟将于本星期五在利比亚举行会议,讨论和谈的前途。米切尔试图在这次会议之前达成一个妥协方案。
We've got to make sure it meets their needs in terms of the different roles they play in the agency. 我们必须确保它能够满足预订人员在旅行社中担任不同角色的需要。
She spends 12 hours a day in the office every day and work is all that she talks about when she meets her friends occasionally. 办公室是她一天花去二分之一时间的地方,偶尔和大伙儿聊天谈的都是工作。
No longer will I judge a man on one meeting; no longer will I fail to call again tomorrow on he who meets me with hate today. 我不再只凭一面之交来判断一个人,也不再因他今日的可恶而明日不给他打电话。