real one

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real onereal one

real one


俱乐部会员_名人名商俱乐部 ... 陈红 Tina 天合地产 Real One 杨超 David Young ...


  中国人民大学经济学博士、加拿大天合地产经纪公司REAL ONE)首席经济学家兼市场分析师徐华飞接受《第一财经(相关:理 …


...的小年夜开始拉开帷幕的,每年都是差不多的话题,批评我表哥real one)工作不努力,女朋友找的不称心。


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A girl gamer - a real one, not a Booth Babe or someone's girlfriend trying to bond through an MMO - can get what she needs on her own. 女性玩家——真正的女性,不是展会宝贝,也不是某人通过网游结识的女朋友——能得到她自己想要的东西。
It would be much better for her to choose a real one she liked. 她会比较高兴的去选择一辆他喜欢的实实在在的自行车的。
You know what? I've already lost a fake dad this week and I don't think I'm ready to lose a real one. 你知道吗?我这个礼拜已经失去一个假爸爸了,我不想再失去一个真的爸爸。
It would be easy to call the world the aliens live in the "real" one and the synthetic world a "false" one. 当然,你可以说外星人生活的世界为“真”,虚拟世界为“假”,那很简单。
They say that a man is not a real one until he hears his name from the lips of a woman. . . It could be. 他们都说,一个男人不是一个真正的男人,直到他听见自己的名字从一个女人的唇边呼出应该是这样的。
In the Bohai Sea, the wind speed forecasted by mesoscale system model is usually lower than the real one. 在渤海,中尺度模式预报的风速通常比实际风速低得多。
The stuffed dog barks as if it is a real one. 这个狗标本叫起来像真狗似的。
If Mr. Bernanke tries one, critics will say he is trying to create the illusion of a recovery when a real one isn't at hand. 如果贝南克试验其中某一个选项,批评者会说他想在真正的复苏遥遥无期时制造复苏假象。
If that email address is occupied with an account on Facebook, it gives us full confidence that this e-mails address is a real one. 如果该电子邮件地址是一个Facebook帐户被占领,它使我们完全有信心,这个E-maill地址是真实的。
You know, I don't know anyone who keeps a stuffed dog in place of a real one! 我知道不会有任何人用玩具狗来取代真的狗。
I love this movie and I love the way BYJ portrayed his role. It was like real. One of the best movie I've ever seen in my whole life. 我喜欢这部戏,并且喜欢裴勇俊饰演的角色的方式,是真的喜欢,是我一生中看过的最好的戏剧之一。
With at least one company offering "non-legal wedding ceremonies" in Bali, the possibility of marriage "without tears" is a real one. 至少在巴厘岛还有一家公司提供“不受法律保护的婚礼”,因此,“没有眼泪”的婚姻确实是有可能出现的。
Letting fly those paper airplanes might be okay in a virtual classroom, but it could get you into real trouble in a real one. 在虚拟教室中放飞纸飞机是没问题的,不过如果在现实生活中这样做你可是会遇到麻烦。
Helen stared up at him like he'd lost his mind. "I want a real pig, " she said, "a really real one. " 海伦盯着他,似乎他昏了头:“我要一头真的小猪”,她说,“一头真正的小猪”。
Because he had a bad limp - this time a real one - he never went on any expeditions that required much walking. 因为他瘸得厉害——这次是真的瘸了——他不再参加需要走长路的远征了。
To build a real one you lack will power and endurance, as you are a soft and idealistic person, not the fighting type. 你没有建立一个真正的城堡所需的耐力和毅力。你性格软弱有点理想主义,不是那种斗志旺盛的人。
What if I make a little bike out of clay and write a note that she could trade in the model bike for a real one? 什么如果我用泥土制做一辆小脚踏车并且写一个她为一个真正的可以在样板的脚踏车中交易的笔记?。
The emulator enables you to set up a virtual PC within a real one. 这个模拟器让您可以在一个实际的PC中再构建一个虚拟的PC。
This kind of cooperation was not a real one, but took the cooperation as a meant which eventually resulted in split, struggle even war. 这样的团结不是真正的团结,这种狭隘意义上的团结实际上是把团结作为一种手段,最终带来的是分裂、斗争,甚至战争。
might be taken over by powerful instinctual drives and revert back to complete unconsciousness was indeed a very real one. 被各种强大的本能驱使接管,从而回到那个完全无意识状态确实是一个十分真实的威胁。
I'm listening to a donkey love story, but I wish I had a real one! 虽然我是在听驴谈情,但我希望听到一个真正的爱情故事!
The printout will act as a "driving licence" until the real one arrives through the post, whenever that might be. 在真驾照邮寄到司机手上之前,证明书将作为“临时驾照”。
A member of the audience promptly offered a real one and threw in a small Dior as an extra . 一位听众立刻提出捐赠一个真品,并额外提供一款小巧的迪奥包。
Out of surprise, he found a litter of five kittens lying in the dark space between the fake ceiling and the real one. 出意外,他发现一窝共五个小猫躺在天花板吊顶和屋顶间黑暗的空间。
Yeah, I bet it's bogus though. I'm not jealous or anything, but I don't think she could afford a real one. 有啊,不过我敢说那一定是仿冒的。我不是在嫉妒,但我觉得她买不起真的。
He never believed in ghosts until he saw a real one. 在他亲眼看到鬼之前,他从来不相信有鬼。
But, no, she meant the real one; the one about to take place between the son of our eternal non-king and his comely peasant girl. 可是这次,她说的不是童话,是真人真事;我们敬爱的王子和他漂亮的农家女。
The real one will be ready in a week or two. 正式的身份证将在一两个星期内准备好。
The game player would come out to reasonableness gradually from reasonableness when he comes from the virtual world to the real one. 但随着玩家逐渐从虚拟的世界走出来,消费行为必将实现“非理性”向“理性”的回归。
It is obvious that an imagined world, however difference it may be from the real one, must have something-- a form--in common with it. 显然,一个想像的世界,无论它怎样不同于实在的世界,必有某种东西——一种形式——为它与实在的世界所共有。