
美 [rɪˈzɪst]英 [rɪ'zɪst]
  • v.抵制;抵抗;抵挡;反抗
  • n.防染剂;防蚀用涂料;防腐剂
  • 网络抗拒;对抗;忍住

第三人称单数:resists 现在分词:resisting 过去式:resisted

resist temptation,resist pressure,resist aggression,resist urge,resist impact
firmly resist,stubbornly resist



1.[t][i]抵制;阻挡to refuse to accept sth and try to stop it from happening

2.[i][t]反抗;回击;抵抗to fight back when attacked; to use force to stop sth from happening

3.[t][i]忍住;抵挡to stop yourself from having sth you like or doing sth you very much want to do

4.[t]~ sth使不受…的伤害;抗(伤害)to not be harmed or damaged by sth


英语doing与to do的区别_爱问知识人 ... pardon 原谅,饶恕 resist 抵抗,阻止 resume 恢复 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... persistent a 坚持的;顽固的 resist v 反抗,对抗 resistance n 反抗;抵抗力 ...


新东方|英语六级绝密资料 - 豆丁网 ... sist 站立 resist 抵制 consist of 由......组成 ...


梗字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 阻塞;阻碍〖 obstruct;hinder〗 假借为“抗”。抵御;抗拒resist〗 通“鲠”。食留咽中〖 chokewithfo…


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... persistent a 坚持的;顽固的 resist v 反抗,对抗 resistance n 反抗;抵抗力 ...


自考英语综合英语课文(1) ... paragraph n. 段落 resist v. 忍住,忍耐(诱惑等) equally adv. 均等地,平等地 ...


CalmSky的学习笔记[旺旺英语论坛] ... resignation n. 此致,辞呈 resist v. 抵抗,反抗;抗,忍得住,抵制 resolute a. 坚决的, …

It hardened the German popular will to resist and shut the door to negotiation by an anti-Hitler faction. 它坚定了德国老百姓的抵抗决心,并关上了反希特勒派进行谈判的大门。
A baby pig to resist the enemy's game, that is, put the eradication of its enemies on both sides, have put the sky bird hit the ground. 一款猪宝贝抗敌的游戏,就是把其两边的敌人消灭,还有把天上的小鸟打到地上。
The trick, now, is to assert as much strength as you need to achieve the liberty you deserve and then to resist the urge to be vengeful. 搞笑的是,现在你只能尽力克制报复的欲望,坚持下去来赢取最后的自由。
But as he pressed toward the door he saw the larger gangster waving to him, a leer on his square face, and Kostya did not resist. 不过,就在他向门口挤去的时候,他看到了那个大块头在向他招手,他的方脸上挂着一丝暧昧的神态。克斯特亚没有拒绝。
Analysts calculated the above-mentioned 1. 2 trillion loan demand may be able to resist the bank is currently facing a negative impact? 上述分析师计算出来的1.2万亿贷款需求,能否可以抵挡住目前银行面临的各种负面影响?
While many times it's easier - in the beginning - to do things yourself, resist the urge. 很多时候开头容易—自己一人搞定,经得住驱策。
But allow me to pause for a moment and throw another sandbag on the levee of those trying to resist this tide. 但请容许我暂停片刻,在试图抵挡这股潮流的堤坝上再添一个沙袋。
If she did not resist atrophy with every cell in her body, it would creep in as soon as she dropped her vigilance. 如果她不用全身的细胞去对抗萎缩,那么只要她稍一松懈,这种萎缩将会很快蔓延到她的全身。
As the movie suggests, however, we might not be able to resist visiting them, whether they like it or not. 然而这部电影认为,人类可能无法抵制去探访外星生物的渴望,不管外星生物喜不喜欢。
To be honest, if I were on a reading retreat at the Castello di Galeazzo, I doubt I'd be able to resist the siren song of nearby Bologna. 老实说,如果我是在一个加莱亚扎城堡阅读闭关,我怀疑我是否能够抵挡博洛尼亚附近迷人的歌声。
Unless you know perfectly well when and how to do yourself a favor, you won't be confident and ready enough to resist the attack of illness. 若是你非常清楚地知道在什么时候该如何帮助自己,你就可以有信心地充分准备好来抵御疾病的侵袭。
cheese , and parmesan cheese sprinkled on any dinner is often a winner . they cannot resist it. 洒些起士巴马乾酪,通常会赢得它们的青睐,因为它们无法抗拒这些美食的诱惑。
Some of the magnolia leaves have a bit of shimmer . . . I couldn't resist enhancing many of them with a little metallic craft paint. 我在一些木兰树叶上涂了一层闪光剂,我实在是忍不住在他们上面涂上一点金属色手工颜料。
Thus, the question of imbalances within the eurozone is inescapable, however much Germany may wish to resist such a discussion. 因此,欧元区内部失衡的问题是不可避免的,无论德国多么希望抵制这种言论。
It was a statement, not a hope; there had been a minor fracture, but Aziraphale couldn't resist an opportunity to do good. 这是个祝福,而不是什么希望;本来有个小小的骨裂的,但是,亚茨拉斐尔实在抵挡不住任何行善的机会。
At the same time, he says, texting can be so hard to resist that teenagers aren't likely to stop just by hearing such a message. 与此同时他认为,发短信的诱惑是那么难抵制,以至于青少年们不大可能仅仅因为听到这则消息就停止发短信。
She couldn't resist laughing at him in those clothes. 看到他穿着那样的衣服,她忍不住笑了起来。
I lost control today. Everything I've kept buried inside came rushing to the surface. I'm simply not able to resist her. 我今天失控了。我已经深埋内心的一切都冲破了束缚。我只是无法抗拒她。
Relax thy body, resist not with tension. Place in thy heart the flame of thy Soul. Swiftly then sweep it to the seat of the triangle. 放松身体,不要紧张。把你的精神之火放在心中。很快地,然后把它席卷到
Think about that for a second: when horses stiffen and resist, their musculature becomes paralyzed for the duration of that resistance. 想一秒钟:当马僵硬抗拒,他们的肌肉组织在抗拒过程中变得不能行动自如。
Resist the pressure to couple up if it doesn't happen to be the time for you, and celebrate the moment. 如果现在还不是你认为结束单身的理想时刻,抗拒成双成对的压力,并庆祝这一时刻。
I led her by the arm and she did not resist. 我拉着她的手,她也没有反抗。
Sad to say, he failed to resist the temptation of money and lent himself to illegal business. 令人遗憾的是,他没能抵制住金钱的诱惑,参与了非法勾当。
Resist the urge to say no just because you may not know everyone there or you may initially feel awkward. 不要因为不认识大家或者起初会觉得尴尬而说“不”。
Feather flat also want to ask, but cannot resist in anger, for he said now that had all together in peace feather ou, why can't nice to her? 羽平还想追问,但可中却忍不住对他发怒,表示既然当初羽平和卉凡在一同,为何不能好好待她?
And yet, when a real enemy comes, and seeks to do evil, be brave to resist him. 而当真正的敌人前来寻机行恶时,你要勇敢地抵制他。
MCVODO polarizer, reflective surface for you to resist, making it easy to travel, comfortable fishing. MCVODO偏光镜,为您抵抗水面的反光,令你轻松出行,惬意垂钓。
The keel helps the boat resist the leeward force of the wind and provides stability against excessive heeling. 龙骨帮助船只抵御背风力(leewardforceofthewind),并稳定过度倾侧。
She did not resist you anomalous, just nodded her head n said: "Oh, i know. " 她反常的没有反抗你,只是乖乖的点点头说:“哦,知道了。”
I could not resist it. I dropped the phrase, as it were, in self-defence, and that was all she wanted, this fresh humiliation for me. 我没能克制住自己,似乎用这句话去为自己进行辩护;而她需要的也恰恰就是这个,使我受到一次新的屈辱而已,她幸灾乐祸地哈哈大笑。