out from under

  • un.出路;解除困境
  • 网络改头换面;脱离危难;摆脱危难

out from underout from under

out from under


布兰妮最新专辑中的所有歌名?_百度知道 ... Circus 妮裳马戏团 Out From Under 改头换面 Kill The Lights 扼杀镁光灯 ...


英语词组。积累。急!!!_百度知道 ... out of work 失业的 out from under 脱离危难 out from prep. 从...中迸出 ...


关于"out"的短语,越多越好。加翻译... ... go out of 从…出来,离开 out from under 摆脱危难 do out 打扫;收拾 ...


Britney Spears - Out From Under - cc... ... Forever 永别 Out From Under 走出情伤 Breath you out 想忘记你 ...


推荐10首好听的英文歌_百度知道 ... out from under( 新歌,很好听) God Is a Girl( 上帝是个女孩) ...


谁能介绍几个英语流行歌曲_百度知道 ... rise and fall 大起大落(超级好听) out from under 逃出阴霾(很不错喔~) A&E 急诊室 ...


布兰妮出的最新专辑_百度知道 ... 03 Circus 马戏团 04 Out From Under 走出阴霾 05 Shattered Glass 打碎的玻璃 ...

The boy did not know whether yesterday's paper was a fiction too. But the old man brought it out from under the bed. 这小男孩并不知道这份昨天的报纸是不是也是虚构的,但老人果然从床底下拿出一份报纸。
Hermione moaned with relief, wove out from under the Cloak, and sat down on a wobble-legged chair. 赫敏放心地舒了口气,从隐形衣下面钻了出来,坐在一张摇摇晃晃的椅子上。
Right as a trivet now, said the mechanic as he crawled out from under the CAR. I've replaced your silencer. 修好了,那修理工从车底下爬出来说道,我已经更换了你的消声器。
They notified the company commander to put forward an anti- tank gun to force the enemy out from under the tank. 他们通报给连长,拉上一门反坦克炮朝残骸开火,好把躲在里面的敌人逼出来。
The Mole reached out from under his blanket, felt for the Rat's paw in the darkness, and gave it a squeeze. 鼹鼠从毯子下面伸出爪子,在黑暗里摸到河鼠的爪子,捏了一下。
i love it here, but dad always used to tell me how happy he was to have gotten away, out from under the thumb of his raising. 我热爱这片土地,但是父亲过去总是告诉我能够离开那里,不再被这片土地养育着,让他欢欣鼓舞。
Twenty minutes later, all that changed. Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a torrent of water streaming out from under the door. 二十分钟过去了,一切全都变了。当祖母从洗手间旁边走过,她发现从门缝里涌出洪水。
He thought he would be elected, but his friends pulled the rug out from under him and voted for somebody else. 他以为自己会选上,但是他的朋友们突然放弃对他的支持,而投了别人的票。
He slides it out from under my pillow, holds it up like the Statue of Liberty torch and said "Mama, wut's dis? " 然后他从我的枕头下把那自慰振动器拿了出来,像自由女神像高举着火把那样举着问道“这是什么?”
The real question is: Are we prepared to get out from under the covers and step into the dark? 真正的问题是:我们是否准备从遮蔽处走出来,真正地站在黑暗中呢?
It also was underwriter on its own stock-and-bond offering, as it seeks to get out from under the TARP. 摩根士丹利还承销了自己的股票与债券发行,以筹集资金偿还问题资产救助资金。
She was overjoyed, hastened to crawl out from under the bed, her brother had one to see their little sister, but very happy. 她喜出望外,急忙从床下爬出来,她的哥哥们一见自己的小妹妹,也异常高兴。
Banks have been repaying their infusions in part to get out from under compensation limits imposed on the bailout recipients . 银行一直都在支付它们得到的注资,一定程度上是因为想跳出针对救市基金受益者施加的偿还限制。
Was it Nelson Mandela, with a steel-trap political sense sneaking out from under the surface charm and grace? 是温文尔雅的外表下潜藏着极其敏锐的政治嗅觉的纳尔逊?曼德拉?。
Its main purpose is to call on people from Sichuan to get out from under the Chinese Communist Party's control. 它的主要宗旨是号召四川人摆脱中国共产党的控制。
They provide security when the things we depend upon seem to be slipping out from under us. 当我们的依靠即将从脚下溜走时,支撑点会带给我们安全的保障。
A few days later, I was moving forward over a slope that seemed safe when suddenly without warning my world dropped out from under my skis. 几天以后,我正在一个似乎安全的斜坡上前行,突然,毫无预兆,滑雪板下的大地陷下去了。
Putting down her welder, she disengaged the safety on her pistol and moved stealthily out from under the ship. 朱诺放下了自己的焊枪,她打开了手枪上的保险,匍匐着从飞船下面潜行过去。
And then Mary's little dog came out from under her bloody dress and veil, and walked slowly, unhappily, through the blood towards her head. 那时,玛丽的小狗从她那被鲜血染红了的连衣裙和纱裙下面钻了出来,淌过鲜血很伤心地,慢慢地走向她的头颅。
Then they spied the Duke's feet sticking out from under a door, and beheaded him on the spot. Finally, they set up Wuzhi as ruler of Qi. 他们发现了齐候得脚露在门下面,就把他杀了,另立公孙无知为国君。
I felt myself falling to the ground as if someone had pulled carpet out from under me. 我不由自主地跌倒了,就好象有人从我脚下抽走了地毯。
Slowly, he clawed his way out from under the collapsed building. 他艰难地从倒塌的大楼废墟底下慢慢爬了出来。
One of the twelve kept watch the next day and saw the girl jump out from under the bed. 第二天,十二兄弟留下一个人守着房间,他发现一个姑娘从床底下跳了出来。
When he came out from under the anesthetic, the doctor was leaning over him anxiously. 当麻药渐渐失效时,医生焦虑地弯身看着他。
I feel unable to get out from under my work. 我觉得我不能从工作中摆脱出来。
The last thing she remembers seeing before blacking out was the wheels of the red Chevy moving out from under the brushes. 两眼发黑前她记得的最后一件事就是红色雪佛兰的轮子正从车刷下移出。
In southern Ethiopia's Omo region, a Hamar child peeks out from under her mother's shawl. 在南部埃塞俄比亚的奥莫地区,一个哈马族孩子在她母亲的头巾下的一瞥。
As the smell wafted up, I climbed out from under my mosquito net and walked softly out of my room. 我从蚊帐里探身出来,浑身软绵绵的走出房间。
I pulled my camera and the clothes issued by the military headquarters out from under the mound of the debris, and I got dressed. 我把相机和军部发的制服从这些石渣灰尘堆成的小山下拽出来,好歹让自己穿好衣服。
After years of struggling to get ahead, the young couple finally got out from under their debts. 在努力奋斗了好几年之后,那对年轻夫妇终于摆脱了向人借钱皂命运。