over the edge

  • 网络大河边缘;太超过;在边缘

over the edgeover the edge

over the edge


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  专门举办垂降活动的组织「在边缘以外 (Over The Edge)」,主要是为残障者的非营利机构 Blind Start of America与洛杉矶男童 …


麦特狄伦 Matt Dillon - 明星介绍 -... ... 我的保镖 My Bodyguard 危险边缘 Over The Edge 欧吉桑卡好 Old Dogs ...


...s of the Dark Knight),以及《跨越边缘》(Over the Edge)


最近更新... ... Emma 爱玛 Over The Edge:101 Sex Jokes and Comix 越过界限:101个性笑话和漫画 Gulliver’s Travels 格列佛 …


The shape of this amazing fishbowl was inspired by a water drop which was ready to flow over the edge of the surface it was resting on. 这个样貌奇特的鱼缸的设计灵感,来自于一滴即将从它正停留表面滑落的水珠。
He's waiting to see if I'll break, I know, if this will be the thing that puts me over the edge, brave-faced little Mireya. 我知道他在等着看我是不是会掉泪,看这件事会不会把我——外表坚强的小玛利亚——压垮。
From time to time, parts of that plate spring back, like a ruler bent over the edge of a desk and let go. 有时,有部分板块会弹回去,就好像将一把尺子在桌子边缘压下去再松开那样。
But he said: "If somebody already has cardiovascular disease then it might just tip them over the edge and trigger a heart attack. " 但他说:“如果有的人本来就有心血管疾病,那这就可能把他们逼到临界点,导致心脏病发作。”
It's the sort of climate in which people push themselves to great heights or right over the edge. 在这种情形中,人们要么把自已推向极高点,要么恰巧落在边沿。
The veins of the marble even follow right down over the edge to give it a seamless look. 大理石的纹理甚至跟随在接缝处给它一个无缝的外观。
When he looked down over the edge, all he could see were the dark, cold, foreboding Atlantic waters. 当他从平台上往下看时,看到的只有黑暗、冰冷、令人生畏的大西洋海水。
Student: If it's that's one thing that puts, you know, someone over the edge, then it's, I guess that would be, you know, justifiable. 学生:如果这是其中一个(录取标准),成为了一些人的优势,那么我猜那会是合理的。
I guess what finally pushed me over the edge was that I needed help to pay off my loans from school. “我猜最终促使我越过那条界限的,是因为我需要支付从学校贷的款”。
I picked up the rake and began to sweep the oak leaves over the edge of the roof, watching them whump to the ground. 我拿起耙子开始把橡树叶子扫到屋顶的边上,看着叶子噗噗地往地上落。
His hand, leaning over the edge of the boat, stirred up the muddy waters. 他把手伸在船弦之外在混浊的水中搅和着。
He told us that Archimedes noticed that when he got into a pool at public bathhouse, the water rose, spilling over the edge. 他告诉大家当阿基米德钻进公共澡堂的浴池洗澡时,他发现浴池里的水面上升了,水向外溢。对这个发现,阿基米德兴奋不已。
Exercising too much with no iron supplements will tip one over the edge into a more serious deficiency. 锻炼太多而又未服铁质补剂,可能改变人体的含铁量,使之处于严重缺铁状态。
As an entrepreneur, you have to be able to balance your characteristics, getting the most of them without going over the edge. 作为一个企业家你必须有能力平衡你的特征,发挥它们的最大优势,不走极端。
One day she kicked at a cracked sheep's skull with the side of a bare foot and sent it bouncing over the edge of the hill. 某天她赤足把一个裂掉的羊头骨踢了出去,一直顺着山丘的边缘滚了下去。
It took years of dead-end love affairs (and a healthy dose of therapy) to push me over the edge. 经过几年无望的爱情(和一次治疗),才使我跨过了这道坎。
Your game winning shots are the activities which push you over the edge as you work towards your goals. 你的致胜球是推动你完成工作即将实现目标的行动。
Now, researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder say my children are not intentionally trying to push me over the edge. 现在,博尔德科罗拉多大学的研究人员说我的孩子并不是故意要把我推向极端。
He is committed, of course, but he sometimes can go over the edge a bit and that was an example. 虽然他被警告了,但是他总是有些很大的动作,就像对埃尔南德斯的犯规一样。
It was the "Little White Donkey" incident that pushed many readers over the edge. 这是“小白驴”事件,推倒了很多读者的边缘。
She sealed it to make me think she was going to give it to her lover. To push me over the edge. Then she hid it, knowing I was watching her. 她把信封好,让我觉得她要送给她的情人。把我逼到忍无可忍后,把它藏起来,她知道我当时在看着她。
Such a presence, however, is fully disclosed only when the other similarly leans over the edge of nothingness or falls into it (dies). 可是,这样一个存在,只有当另外一个人同样地倾靠在空无的边缘,或是掉落到空无当中,它才会充分地被揭露。
Gordon said the brother's arrest may have pushed the gunman over the edge. 戈登说,他的兄弟被捕把Mendoza推向疯狂的边缘。
Lie on your back by the edge of a pool or dock so your butt's just hanging over the edge above the water. 躺在一个泳池或船坞的边缘,让你的屁股恰好悬空。
Do not reverse over the edge or shoulder of the road or into the curb. 倒车时不要越过路边、路肩或是碰到路沿。
She went over the edge after all of her family were killed in an accident. 她的全家在事故中丧命以后,她又疯了。
There was not a sound but the starlings, wheeling and flocking, wheeling and turning over the edge of Afghanistan. 那里一点声音也没有,只有欧掠鸟成群在阿富汗边际来来回回盘旋。
The fear comes from many directions, but what pushed markets over the edge was the danger from European banks and Italy. 恐惧来自许多方向,但是,把市场推下悬崖边缘的是来自欧洲各银行和意大利的危险。
In prison, Holt matured, got off drugs, and learned a lot. She realized how close she had come to going over the edge. 在狱中,霍尔特意识到她就站在万劫不复的边缘。她戒除了毒品,学到了许多东西,变得成熟了。
The meltdown has also taken a more hidden toll, helping to push Mr. Fox and a handful of Wall Streeters over the edge. 崩溃也已经造成了隐形的伤害,将Fox先生和一小部分在华尔街上混的人推倒了悬崖边上。