one fourth

  • 网络四分之一;是四分之一;等等

one fourthone fourth

one fourth


英语分数的表达法_爱问知识人 ... five eighty-ninths 分子用基数词,分母用序数词, one fourth 四分之一 three fourths 四分之三 ...


英语中 用past表 X点X分的具体用法 急!!! -... ... two thirds 是三分之二 one fourth 是四分之一 five past seven 七点过五分 ...


英语中的分数写法?_百度知道 ... 1/2 a half~ 一半 1/4 one fourth 等等 5/7 five over seven 就是五在七上面 ...

S. China would need to have an average income only one-fourth that of the U. S. to develop an economy that would surpass ours. 而中国只要达到美国人均收入的四份一,就能超过美国的经济,成为世界第一。
Despite all this, Pimas have moderately low levels of LDL and only about one-fourth the heart-attack rate of the American public. 除此之外,皮马人与其他人一样拥有较低的LDL含量,而他们的心脏病发生率只占全美的四分之一。
Indeed, seeing that his expenditure was only one-fourth of his income, he might have been called a prosperous man. 因为他的进款,只用四分之一就够他用度了,所以他实在可以算得上是一个发财的人。
The money spent on educating a black child was just one fourth of that spent on each white child . 用于每个黑人儿童的教育经费,只有每个白人儿童的四分之一。
The men who worked the cattle in the treeless expanses of the West, at least one-fourth of them blacks, became known as cowboys. 那些在荒芜广阔的西部驱使牛工作的人有至少四分之一是黑人,他们被认知为牛仔。
A revision conference is to be convened by the depositary when not less than one-fourth of the Contracting States so request. 经不少于四分之一缔约国要求,保管人即应召开修订会议。
About one-fourth of Egyptian workers under 25 are unemployed, a statistic that is often cited as a reason for the revolution there. 埃及大约四分之一的25岁以下工人处于失业状态,这一数据常被援引作为说明发生革命的一大原因。
Inserting the data into a table residing in a DMS table space takes about one-fourth of the time compared to the SMS table space. 与SMS表空间相比,将数据插入DMS表空间上的表中花费的时间大约只有四分之一。
So far, national road and provincial road account for one fourth of the total, the situation of traffic accident on highway is serious. 截至目前,甘肃省国道、省道占全省公路总里程的四分之一,高速公路事故形势十分严峻。
But even if it was double, China's yearly military budget would still be only about one-fourth the size of the Pentagon's. 但是即便如此,中国每年的军费开支仍然只有五角大楼的四分之一。
Their rate of fatal heart attacks was one-fourth the American incidence. 心脏病致死率仅占美国的四分之一。
From the opening of that first afternoon until the last day I was visited by well over one-fourth of the attendees. 从开营的当天下午直到最后一天闭营,大约有四分之一的与会者前来参观了我的领地。
Even Reggie Miller was getting every call at the end of his career, and he wasn't one-fourth of the player that Shaq was. 即使是雷吉米勒在他职业生涯的末期都能得到每个该得的判罚,而他连沙克的4分之1都比不上。
Exploited by landlords, they were poor, ignorant, and, like the Italians, were one-fourth to one-half illiterate. 由于受地主的剥削,他们是贫穷和愚昧的,并且象意大利人一样,有四分之一到一半人是文盲。
The average income of Chinese farmers is about one fourth that of the urban residents earn. 我国农民的平均月收入只有城市居民的四分之一左右。
The personnel of the company have been reduced nearly by one- third and the expenses by one- fourth . 该公司的员工裁减了近三分之一,开支减少了四分之一。
"Adventure, " one-fourth as long, had brought him twice as much from THE MILLENNIUM. 只有它四分之一长的《冒险》却从《千年盛世》得到了两倍的收入。
The Sunnis make up about one-fourth of the population, but won only a few parliamentary seats, because of a boycott of the elections. 逊尼派阿拉伯人占伊拉克人口总数的四分之一,但是由于他们抵制了选举,最后只获得少数议会席位。
Both its tourism revenues and foreign currency take up one fourth of the national tourism revenues and of the national currency revenues. 广东的旅游业收入和外汇收入各占全国旅游业收入和外汇收入的四分之一。
But still, it said per capita income would be one-fourth the U. S. level, comparable to Malaysia or Latin America. 然而,以人均收入计算,到那时中国只是美国的四分之一,只相当于马拉西亚或者拉丁美洲的水平。
This number equaled to one fourth of Sharp's production volume in a year by March 2002. 这个数目相当于夏普公司在二00二年三月止的一年内此类手机出货量的四分之一。
To them, the Indian-owned Mehta Group's effort to convert about one-fourth of the Mabira Forest into a sugar plantation is a case in point. 对他们来说,印度Mehta集团试图将4分之1的马比拉森林转变为蔗糖种植园就刚好是个例证。
Shareholders representing one-fourth or more of the votes, or one-third of the directors or supervisors, may propose for an interim meeting. 代表四分之一以上表决权的股东,三分之一以上董事,或者监事,可以提议召开临时会议。
Whatever the cause, the blitz of radiation expanded outward in a bubble at about one-fourth the speed of light. 不论是什么原因,猛烈的放射线象肥皂沫一样以四分之一光速向外喷出。
But it wasn't just a call, or a bounce, or a shot. It wasn't even just one fourth-quarter collapse. 但是,实际上,这些都不是原因,它不是一次暂停,或者一个弹跳,或者一个关键球,甚至也不是一次第四节的崩溃。
About one-fourth of those who used media the least reported that their grades were mostly average or below. 使用媒体最少的人中有四分之一的人报告自己的成绩与平均水平持平或低于平均水平。
The ballots are counted by hand, with each accountant responsible for one fourth of the total. 采取人工计票的方法,每位统计师负责总票数的四分之一。
The cedar logs are cut into small , pencil- length slats less than one- fourth of an inch in thickness . 香柏原木被切割成不到四分之一英寸村厚度的、小的、铅笔长度板条。
One-fourth of all small reservoirs had what officials called "dead water" remaining, which could be pumped for use only in an emergency. 全部小型水库中的五分之一仅维持在官员们所称的“死水”水位,即仅能用作紧急状况下的抽水之用。
The speed of all my movements was slower than one fourth of the normal speed, simply like the movement in front of tigers. 所有的动作我都是用不到正常速度的四分之一,以免引起警官们的快速反应,就像在老虎面前的动作一定要缓慢一样。