
美 [mɪr]英 [mɪə(r)]
  • adj.只不过;仅仅的;只凭…就足以
  • n.小湖;池塘
  • 网络纯粹的;只不过的

最高级:merest 复数:meres

mere fact,mere presence,mere coincidence,mere convention,mere speculation


1.仅仅的;只不过used when you want to emphasize how small, unimportant, etc. sb/sth is

2.只凭…就足以used when you are saying that the fact that a particular thing is present in a situation is enough to have an influence on that situation


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... mercy n. 仁慈,慈悲,恩惠 mere a. 仅仅的;纯粹的 merely ad. 仅仅,只不 …


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... mercy n. 仁慈,慈悲,恩惠 mere a. 仅仅的;纯粹的 merely ad. 仅仅,只不 …


职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... mercy 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈 mere 仅仅,只不过 merely 仅仅,只不过 ...


转载 四个字母的英文单词 - 豆丁网 ... menu n. 菜单 mere a. 纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 mess n. 混乱,混杂,脏乱v.弄脏,弄乱,搞糟 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... operate vt. 操作, 运转 mere a. 仅仅的, 只不过的 locomotive n. 火车头 ...

If this had been a mere financial crisis, it would be over by now. 如果这仅仅是一场金融危机,那么到现在就该已经结束了。
Some hire people to be mere order-takers or cash register operators. But that's not what selling is all about. 有些商店请人来接受顾客购买或操作收银机。但那不是销售的全部。
Ts'ui Pen was a fine novelist but he was also a man of letters who, doubtless, considered himself more than a mere novelist. 彭寂是个天才的小说家,但也是一个文学家,他绝不会认为自己只是个写小说的。
The mere prospect of a deal seems to be forcing both sides to buck up their business, though. 然而,仅仅是这笔交易的可能性,似乎就正迫使双方加强自身业务。
But space is so great that the stars seem to us to be mere specks in the sky. 但是太空如此的广阔,对于我们,星星看起来仅仅是天空中的斑点。
A measure of that restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social value, more noble than mere monetary profits. 衡量这重建的尺度是我们体现比金钱利益更高尚的社会价值的程度。
The Delegation considered that the mere existence of an exclusive right to own IP did not necessarily mean anti-competitiveness. 该代表团认为,知识产权专有权的存在并不一定意味着反对竞争。
I first saw the Eskimo, and will, I suppose, always first see what I first saw there, as if the Indian was mere afterthought. 我第一眼看到爱斯基摩人,那么我猜每次再看到也会第一时间想起它,至于印第安人永远只能是事后烟。
To say the least, it was a big surprise to find out that sharks were being taken by an octopus - a mere invertebrate. 到最后,他们惊奇地发现鲨鱼被一只章鱼猎杀了–只是一只无脊椎动物。
Needless to say, the examples of borrowing from American quoted in the preceding pages are a mere fraction of what might be adduced. 不用说,前面所引的借自美国的词语的种种例子仅仅是可以引证的一小部分。
He said he spent a mere $150, 000 on his Iowa campaign, and a third of those who voted for him paid for their own tickets. 他说,他在艾奥瓦的选战中只花费了区区15万美元,有三分之一投他票的人是自己花钱买的入场券。
The spirit of the age tends to doom the lawyer to a narrow life of practice, the business man to a mere money-making career. 时代的精神注定要把律师限定在事务所的狭小天地里,而商人则成了纯粹的赚钱职业。
Sometimes it is mere coincidence that the application seems to work correctly even with bad memory errors close to the starting point. 有时一开始即使使用了错误的内存,应用程序似乎也能正常工作。
A mere reduction absenteeism does not provide solid evidence for the proposition that robots would be better than humans for factory work. 纯粹减少旷工现象不足以提供有力的证据,来证明机器人比人类能更好地从事工厂工作这一命题。
The mere mention of his name was enough to put the devotees of Davos and other such gatherings into a swoon. 仅仅提一下他的名字就足以使达沃斯和其他这样的集会的支持者高兴不已。
To work as an inducement, the food must be good: a mere dry biscuit is no longer sufficient to get a single bottom on to a single seat. 要起到引诱作用,食物必须美味:只供应干巴巴的饼干已不再足以吸引人落座了。
Before I could come to any conclusion it occurred to me that my speech or my silence, indeed any action of mine, would be a mere futility. 还不等我决定是谈还是不谈,我就看出来了,说也罢,或者沉默也罢,我的任何其他行动都不过是徒劳。
If anyone lift the cloth from the face of that unpleasant thing it will be in gratification of a mere morbid curiosity. 如果谁将这个不悦的玩样儿脸上的布掀开,那它会因为一种病态的好奇而心感满足。
Another participant concurred, adding that this might help steer political parties towards policy formulation rather than mere opposition. 有嘉宾表示同意,并补充这建议将有利于引导政党多做政策制订工作,而不纯然作为反对派。
The reason his wife left him was that she couldn't bear being treated as a mere drudge. 他的妻子不堪忍受被当作苦工役使,因而离开了他。
I wanted her far away from me, so unattainable that she could continue as the mere memory she had become and remained all these years. 我想要她离我远一些,远到她没法继续与我维系这层关系,因为她变成了纯粹的记忆,而且这么多年就是这样保持着。
Like any other major economy, China has no interest in being a mere buyer of others' goods. 与其他任何主要经济体一样,中国对仅仅成为其他国家产品的购买者不感兴趣。
Spam coming out of China has consistently dropped over the last several months as well, now resting at a mere three percent. 来自中国的垃圾邮件在过去的几个月中一直在下降,现在稳定在3%。
Moreover, from the mere inspection of Cosette's toilet, a woman would have recognized the fact that she had no mother. 其实,只要对珂赛特的衣着随便看一眼,一个女人便能看出她是没有母亲的。
but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect for elders-as if mere age were a reason for respect. 但我不会而求助于尊重长辈之类的陈词滥调-似乎只要年老受到尊重的理由。
For some, however, marginality was more than a mere circumstance; it was a way of life. 对一些人而言,边缘并不只是环境,这是一种生活方式。
I'm your mayor, and ready to do all I can, but I stand alone with a mere pitiful veto right. 我是你们的市长,我准备尽我的一切力量,但是我是孤立的,我只有一种可怜的否决权。
It is no less than blackmail to ask such a price for a mere vase. 区区一花瓶索要如此高价,简直是敲诈。
A life without love, without the presence of the beloved, is nothing but a mere magic-lantern show. 如果没有爱情和爱人的存在,生命只不过是一部幻灯片而已。
And even though it's unlikely he'll win anything at the Olympics, the mere fact that he's there at all seems to be enough. 虽然他在奥运会上获得奖牌的希望很渺茫,但是他能参赛本身已经足够了。