
美 [.oʊ 'es]英 [.əʊ 'es]
  • int.
  • prep.代替 of 的非正式说法
  • 网络操作系统(Operating System);作业系统;锇(Osmium)

复数:ossa 复数:ora



操作系统(Operating System)

操作系统 许多操作系统OS)现在都支持OS固有的多路径功能。这不仅可以从存储子系统而且可以从HBA中分解多路径功能。


作业系统(OS)  Microsoft Windows2000Pro/XP 正体中文版CPU  PentiumⅢ-500MHz以上(建议使用PentiumⅢ-800MHz以上…


采用(Os)细粉在 细粉在17.5 MPa和600 ℃获得了单 ◇ 1909年Haber采用锇 年 采用锇 细粉在 和 程转化率8%这一当时能达到 …


总的生存期(OS)分别为69%、82%;7年的PFS和OS分别为54%、52%,5年总生存率为62%,而文献报道单纯手术治疗的5年生存 …

总生存(overall survival)


You clicked on the warning at the top and said allow downloads, but as the OS I will do nothing at this point. 你打了浏览警告,并点击允许下载,但作为操作系统,我将不做任何操作。
MS-DOS required you to type in arcane commands, so Microsoft set to work on making a new OS with a more accessible user interface. MS-DOS要求键入生涩难懂的指令,所以微软着手研发新的具有更为简易操作界面的操作系统。
I was recently able to ask Os Guinness a few questions about Schaeffer's impact and significance. 我最近有机会请教金纳斯一些有关薛华的影响以及他(在历史上)重要性的问题。
Forstall was one of the original architects of OS X, the operating system that saved the company earlier this decade. 福斯塔尔是OSX操作系统的原始设计者之一,该操作系统在本世纪初拯救了苹果公司。
I first tested Tab Candy on OS X, where these shortcuts don't (yet) work, but I gave it a try and the shortcuts do indeed work in Windows. 我起先在苹果系统OSX上测试TabCandy这个快捷键,但(还)没用,在windows下就可以了。
Through all of these the system's real-time performance and many problems when the OS had not been included have been improved. 并提高了系统的实时性能和改善了未加操作系统时出现的诸多问题。
This leads me to believe that the range of effectiveness range of situations seems to be a bit wider on Mac OS X. 这让我不由地相信在MacOSX上有效性的范围比其他系统更广泛。
BlackBerry phones are much like iPhones in the fact that you can only use BlackBerry OS with an official phone by BlackBerry. 你只能在黑莓手机上使用黑莓操作系统,这点与iphone类似。
Another flow of environmental refugees comes from Haiti, where the land is denuded of vegetation and the soil os washing into the sea. 还有一群环境难民来自海地,那儿土地无法种植,海水又侵蚀着土壤。
GRUB will then show only the options specific to the booting of that OS, which you can then edit as you see fit. GRUB只会显示出与那个OS的引导相关的选项,然后您可以恰当地进行编辑。
That seems to be the thought behind Chrome OS, a minimalist operating system that Google announced it was working on a couple of months ago. 这似乎就是藏在ChromeOS背后的想法,一款极简配置的操作系统,谷歌宣称数月前已致力于其开发。
How much attention are you giving to the role of touch as an interface for Chrome OS? 在Chrome操作系统界面中,触摸操作扮演了多大的角色?
Chrome nails this experience that I'm looking for, and that's one of the reasons why Chrome OS excites me so much. 我正在找CHROMENAIL这方面的经验,这对为什么Chrome操作系统让我非常兴奋的原因之一。
Here's what I can say: Most of the user experience in Chrome OS apps still seems to be unpolished. 以下是我的想法:大多数的用户在Chrome操作系统应用软件上的体验还没有被充分激发出来。
While it would be foolhardy to make any bold predictions about this still-unseen OS, conditions look good for Google. 虽然对于这个尚不了解的操作系统作任何大胆的预测都是莽撞的,但情况似乎有利于谷歌。
I was very excited as it was the first time I was about to see a non-Windows OS. 我那时非常激动,因为这是我第一次就要看到非windows操作系统了。
So, if I had to guess, I would bet that we'll see some sort of Chrome OS beta launch in December. 所以,如果非要让我猜的话,我打赌我们会在十二月份多多少少见到一些ChromeOS的测试版本。
Nokia's Symbian OS is still in a respectable second place with 34% of requests, but then the numbers dip down quite a bit. 诺基亚的Symbian的操作系统以34%的成绩处于第二位,随后,其他智能手机操作系统所占的比例也降的非常厉害。
Prior to that he'd been the interim CEO, or iCEO, and OS X was the last major part of the company he needed to fix. 在此之前他是临时CEO,而OSX系统是他要塑造的公司中的最后一个重要部分。
After years of taking hits, Microsoft is trying to revamp its image with expensive ads, new stores, and a new OS, among other things. 多年以来微软就饱受指责,因此它正在花费巨额广告、开新商店以及开发新的操作系统等来修复形象。
In a market nowadays dominated by Google's Android, Apple's iOS, and BlackBerry OS, it's pretty easy to overlook Nokia. 在如今这个由谷歌的Android、苹果(Apple)的iOS,以及黑莓(BlackBerry)操作系统主宰的市场中,诺基亚很容易被忽略。
The trackball, which feels similar to that of the G1 and Blackberry phones, provides another quick way to get around the Web OS interface. 轨迹球的使用感觉和G1及黑莓手机差不多,提供了另外一种快速操作方式。
Better yet, rsync is available on every flavor of UNIX, including Mac OS X, so it's easy to interconnect virtually any set of systems. 更棒的是,在所有风格的UNIX上都可以使用rsync,包括MacOSX,所以很容易连接任何系统。
Why? Because the company has no answer for a market in which the operating system (OS) is free, and the dominant application isn't Office. 这是为什么呢?因为这家公司对于操作系统(OS)是免费的,而决定性的应用程序并非Office这样的办公软件的市场一筹莫展。
Putting a simple and easy-to-use mobile OS onto desktops and laptops would limit errors by users and simplify existing file-based computing. 将一个简单易用的手机操作系统植入到台机和笔记本上,将限制用户的错误同时简化现在基于文件计算。
Additionally, Hardy got Rubin to fire off a bit of a hit on Google's other OS, Chrome. 另外,在同哈迪的谈话中,鲁宾对谷歌的另一款操作系统——Chrome“略有微词”。
This client becomes widely used for authentication simply because it's easy to set up as a default since the OS is widely used. 这种客户端广泛用于认证,因为这种OS被广泛使用,所以很容易将它设定为预设值。
OS X is often misunderstood, regarded as a pretty version of FreeBSD, a microkernel, and various other things. MacOSX常被误解,被看作是标致版的FreeBSD,微内核,以及其他各种不同的东西。
However, it would be the only store to launch near the OS as the Mission Viejo, California store would only open a few weeks later. 不过另外一家位于加州MissionViejo的专卖店则不会同期开张,其开张日期可能会拖后几周之久。
Apple said the new operating system (OS) is almost half the size of previous versions, freeing up to 7GB of drive space once installed. 苹果说新操作系统的体积几乎只是以前版本的一半,可以节省出7GB的硬盘空间。