
美 [met]英 [met]
  • abbr.“meet”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络蛋氨酸(methionine);甲硫氨酸;遇见




蛋氨酸MET)参与胆碱的合成,具有去脂的功能,防治动脉硬化高血脂症;促进胰岛素的合成。甘氨酸 (GLY)降低血液中 …


甲硫氨酸(MET) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0923 增强皮肤弹性 异亮氨酸(ILE) 0.1133 0.1208 0.1144 0.0664 与毛发的生长 亮 …


新目标八年级下册英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... anywhere ad. 任何地方; met v. 遇见; vbl. 遇见 156 ...


除了大都会博物馆(Met),我还推荐位于88街和5大道的Guggenheim Museum (古根海姆博物馆), 最近在展出世界各地的毕加 …

多效唑(Multi-effect Triazole)

多效唑MET)的使用方法:每亩(667平方米)用1~2两(50~100克)上海联合化工厂生产的15%多效唑粉剂对水50公斤( …

市场经济待遇(Market Economy Treatment)

MET (Market Economy Treatment) 市场经济待遇 Optimal Allocation of Resources 资源最优配置 High-level Talks 高层会谈 WA…


(3)代谢当量MET):表示作功量的基本单位,1MET相当于3.5ml/min/kg的VO(4)无氧阈(AT):运动中,血乳酸浓 …


固件名单党总理|MP3维修/MP4固件 - 数码之家 ... qs QS 型 met 会见 Anonim 匿名 ...

His construction supervisor was just leaving in his pickup truck as I walked up to his simple, small and tidy home. Mike met me at the door. 他的建筑监理人刚坐着他的卡车离开,我就进了他那窄小而简朴整洁的家,迈克站在门口迎接我。
Encouraged, Mr. Zhou and his mother met the three girls the next day. 在这个朋友的劝说下,周先生和他的母亲第二天就见了这三个女子。
A: Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent? B: Haven't you met yet? A: No, we haven't. B: I'll be glad to do it. A. 请替我引介新来负责采购的人好吗?B:你们还没见面吗?A:嗯,没有。B:我乐意为你们介绍。
He met Ms. Hilton and her father earlier this year through a mutual friend and pitched the idea of a collaboration, he said. 他说,今年早先时候,他通过一位共同的朋友约见了帕丽斯·希尔顿和她的父亲,向他们提出了合作的想法。
What if you could specify and validate that these load and performance requirements are being met at least once a day? 如果你能确定并验证每天至少满足一次负载和性能的需求,那会怎样?
On a much grander scale, God's offer to liberate us from the slavery of sin is often met with resistance. 在更高的一个层面上,同样地,上帝要拯救我们脱离罪恶,祂也常遭人反抗。
Once upon a time something happened to me, it was a fantasy dream come true, it was the day i met u. 有一次在我身上发生了一件事,它使我的美梦成真,那就是---在那一天我遇到了你。
Nervous bond investors are sure that target won't be met but do not know just how high debt will rise. 紧张不安的债券投资者确定爱尔兰无法实现这个目标但是不知道它的债务水平会高到什么程度。
After I freshened up, I met with the owner. From his entourage and the car he drove, I figured that he must be very rich. 我梳洗后,接见屋主,从他和随行的人开来的车子,相信屋主是很有钱的。
None of these was premeditated but sprang spontaneously out of the talk of black boys who met at the crossroads. 这些不是经过深思熟虑而产生的,而是听到那些路上相遇的黑孩子们谈话产生出来的。
be about, be apt He met her in the doorway just as she was about to go away. 她正要离开,他在门口碰到她。
Moments flashed back in my mind, I could still see Amber dancing the dance of life, as if I was back to the moment I first met her. 往日的瞬间又清晰地呈现在我眼前,我似乎仍然能看见琥珀舞动的身姿,仿佛又回到了我第一次看见她的那一天。
The new operating team spent a year more to settle down and refine the operation before original efficiency objectives were met. 新的经营团队花了一年多下来,原来之前,改善运作效率目标的满足了。
If, out of time, I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I'd pick the moment I met you. 如果,超越时空,我会采摘一个瞬间,让它闪烁,总是清新自然,在我的生命中的每一天,我要让这个瞬间与你相遇!
He met my gaze for a minute, and then looked down. I could hear shame and rebellion war in his head. 他看着我的眼神一会儿,之后低下眼睛。我能听见在他脑海中的羞愧和斗争。
Honey, do you know how much I missed you when you were not with me ? It has been 22 days since we met before. 老公你知道在你不在我身边的这些日子我有多想你吗?我们已经有22天没有见面了!
The fox, unable to reach their supper, met with a fitting response, after the fashion of his own hospitality. 狐狸,无法到达吃晚饭,以一个合适的反应热烈,经过他自己的接待方式。
The spelling and meaning of words can be said to be the first difficulty I met as a beginner. But I found our my own way to deal with them. 词的拼写和意思能据说是我作为一个新手遇到的第一困难的。但是我裁决我们处理他们按自己的方式的。
I think I enjoyed writing her a bit more than I would have done if I hadn't met a lot of journalists, though! 虽然我觉得如果没有遇见这么多新闻人士,我可能不会像现在这么喜欢写她。
Our company decided to cancel the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met. 我公司决定撤销合同,因为有很多合同条件并未达到。
I met with my 55-year-old cousin, and he was generous enough to share with me a variety of perspectives gleaned from the web. 见到55岁的表亲后,他很慷慨的跟我分享了从网络上收集的繁多资料。
He'd never met Ledger before, so when Ledger arrived and performed he gave Caine such a fright he forgot his lines. 他之前从未见过希斯·莱杰,所以当莱杰达到后开始表演时,他的表现让凯恩被震慑到忘记了台词。
Ivetta had never met Emil, but she had an opinion of him. 艾薇塔从未见过埃米尔,但她对他有些看法。
Now I realize that if he'd gone to Old Melchor's he might never have met the French Woman, and no one would have gossiped about them. 现在我才明白,他若是去老梅尔乔理发馆的话,他可能永远都不会见到那个法国女人的,也就不会有人对他说三道四了。
So, I said, "You mentioned that you were thinking of doing that when I first met you. " 所以,我说:“我第一次见到你时你就说过你正在考虑这件事情。”
Once, on a train, I met a man who told me a story about his sons, who had inherited his wife's concert-quality musical ability. 有一次在火车上,我遇到了一位男士,他告诉我一个关于他两个儿子的故事,他的儿子继承了他妻子的音乐天赋。
the specific plans he set out over the next four years mean that the goal should be met in 2014-15, a year early. 他对未来四年所做的计划,意味着这一目标将在2014-15财年里实现,比预期提前了一年。
And when we first met, one of the things that I remember is that he took me out on a date. 在我们最初相识的时候我记得,他带我出去约会。
Whenever people met him, they would move out of his way to let him pass, one after the other. 无论人们什么时候遇见他,他们都会一个接一个地让路给他。
Martiny created belts and purses for a few years until she met Dale Harwood, one of the best saddle makers around. 好几年里,她制做皮带和手袋之类的小物件。后来她遇到当地制作马鞍的顶尖高手戴尔·哈伍德。