my skin

  • 网络我的皮肤;我的肌肤;我那美丽的肌肤

my skinmy skin

my skin


机身与动画图形用户界面的主题相搭配; 我的皮肤My Skin)功能可以将用户需要的图片设为背景;Sammy 图形用户界面主 …


beautypapers 美妹收集册: 粉红护士 ... lace 蕾丝 my skin 我的肌肤 CAT 桥头糖厂 ...


ChinaSprout - Chinese Cultural &... ... Teeth 我有一口小白牙 My Skin 我那美丽的肌肤 Say No 不!不!不! ...


由於我的自身已延伸至他人,因此伦理的关怀并不止於我自身my skin),而是涌溢至我的同类(my kin)。伦理的成熟伴随 …


音乐❤惬意时光 - 沪江节目单 ... 【063】一个真实的我: The Truth about Me 【062】我们可以暧昧,但却不能相爱: My Skin ...


音乐❤惬意时光 - 沪江节目单 ... 【063】一个真实的我: The Truth about Me 【062】我们可以暧昧,但却不能相爱My Skin ...


Glee 欢乐合唱团 第三季 第七集... ... 在我* *Here beneath 眼中* *My skin 不懈的* *And constant ...

He closed his eyes and barely looked at me, just wanted to hug me and touch my skin. 他闭上双眼几乎没怎么看我,只想紧紧的抱住我抚摸我的肌肤。
Since my skin is so sensitive now, do you know of a moisturizer that has nothing at all in it but moisture? 由于我的皮肤现在很敏感,你知道有哪款乳液除了含有水分之外,再无其他成分的吗?
I could not bear the heat of the sun so well when quite naked, as with some clothes on; the very heat frequently blistered my skin. 当我完全裸体时,我不能象有衣服时那样能够忍受太阳的热;它的热有时简直把我的皮肤晒得起泡。
I use mud masks and have weekly facial scrubs and use concealer to hide the dark circles around my eyes and foundation if my skin looks wan. 我使用矿物泥面膜,每周都会去除面部角质。另外,我会用遮瑕膏来遮盖黑眼圈。假如皮肤看上去苍白暗哑,我就会用粉底修饰一番。
I am sorry to see the sun go, for one of the pleasures I have discovered is the warmth of his touch on my skin. 我感到抱歉见到太阳去,为我已经发现的快乐之一在我的皮肤上是他的触觉的温暖。
What I strive not to do, with both praise and criticism, is to let it get under my skin. 对于表扬和批评,我都尽量不让自己感到烦躁和讨厌。
Unthinkingly , my fingers traced the crescent-shaped scar on my hand that was always just a few degrees cooler than the rest of my skin. 手指不自觉再次去触摸那个新月型的伤疤,那地方的皮肤,总比别处要冰凉些。
The teachers at my son's school really got under my skin -- they seemed to think grades are more important than anything else. 我儿子学校的老师真的把我惹烦了,他们似乎认为成绩才是最重要的事。
"He said: " I'm grateful for them, they just break my hands and feet, hurt my skin and did not let me deadly. 他说:「我还是要感恩他们,他们只是打断我的手脚,伤了我的皮肉,并没有让我致命。」
But I was trembling so badly that it shook the knife out of my skin , and I could move again . 我使劲地发抖,以至于那把刀掉下去了,我又可以动了。
I nearly jumped out of my skin when a hand grabbed me in the dark. 黑暗中有一只手把我抓住,可真把我吓了一大跳。
I started taking it about a week ago. I had a skin disease that would turn my skin red and my skin would flake off. Now it's almost healed! 我是一周前开始用这个产品的,我有皮肤病,会让皮肤变红,皮肤易剥落,现在几乎全愈了!
Your hair is dancing in the wind. Your eyes are burning up my skin, and I'm so happy when I see that you are smiling back at me. 你的头发在风中飞舞,你的眼神灼伤我的肌肤,你回头向我的微笑使我感觉到是的如此幸福。
I am reminded everyday that I am Chinese when I look in a mirror or at my skin. However, I am not ashamed of it. 每一天,当我照镜子或者看到自己的皮肤时,我总是记得,我是一个中国人,并对此毫无羞愧。
It allows my skin shader always reflect some light from the environment, even where the skin doesn't seem to be reflective. 它使我的皮肤材质能够反射一些旁边环境的光线,甚至是那些看起来并没有反射的皮肤。
Hong Yun heard very good moisturizing effect of cosmetics, do not know my skin type is suitable to use what? 听说虹韵化装品保湿效果挺好,不知道我的皮肤类型适宜用哪些?
I had never heard of that before, and the thought of it makes my skin crawl. 我从未听说过那件事,一想到都让我觉得不舒服。
If I decide to eradicate it, my skin stays very red, sometimes all day. 如果我决定来消除它,我的皮肤保持通红,有时一整天。
Since I have had enough sleep recently and my skin is in good condition, light make-up might be good for me today. 因为最近睡眠充足,肌肤的状况也很好,所以今天我想画淡妆就好了!
One day I'll jump out of my skin. I'll shake the sky like a hundred violins. 有一天我要跳出自己的身躯,我要摇晃天空,像一百把小提琴。
I knew that her sharp teeth could have gone rightthrough my skin, but she was always playfully careful. 我知道,她锐利的牙齿本可咬穿我的皮肤,但她总是小心地嬉闹。
The unease was on my skin and beyond. It was like the sensation of not having washed. 这份不安依附在我身上,并深入我内心,就像是一种没有洗过澡的感觉。
"In the beginning, though, " I pressed while he taped another long piece of gauze securely in place, sealing it to my skin. “那么一开始,”我按住他放上来的纱布令它贴合皮肤,以便他能用胶布将它固定在正确的位置上。
I was furious with the sun; it burnt down on me so angrily, small blisters formed on my skin. 烈日烤得我暴怒,让我快疯了,皮肤上冒起了水泡。
Then I switched to traditional medicine and all the hives disappeared, together with my itching. However, my skin began to sag and fold. 然后我开始服用一些传统药物,荨麻疹和瘙痒都消失了,但我的皮肤却开始松弛下垂。
Hmm, I don't feel greasy at all, and my skin seems to instantly become smoother. 嗯,一点也不会觉得油,而且我的皮肤好像马上变得光滑了。
The sun was hot on my skin, too bright as it bounced off the white concrete and blinded me. 阳光灼烧着我的肌肤,白色的水泥地面上反射着太过明亮的光线,晃了我的眼。
But I know for certain that God made us the way we're supposed to be, and I love everything about myself, the way I look, my nose, my skin. 但我确信上帝决定了我们的未来,我爱我的样貌,我的鼻子,还有我的皮肤,我爱自己的一切。
I find this to be extremely moisturizing. My skin feels 'dewy' all day long. 我发现这个极度保湿,皮肤如晨露般一整天。
But I do care, beauty salon to help the little girl that my skin is dry, come back again a week after they deposited film, or moisture. 但是美容院帮我做护理的小姑娘说我皮肤很缺水,回来后自己还是要再一周敷片保湿的。