
美 [mɪs]英 [mɪs]
  • v.错过;思念;怀念;赶不上
  • n.错过;女士;未击中;(选美比赛优胜者的头衔)小姐
  • 网络想念;失去;失误

第三人称单数:misses 现在分词:missing 过去式:missed

Miss train,Miss bus,Miss opportunity,Miss chance,Miss point
Miss person
completely Miss


v. n.

未击中;错过not hit, catch, etc.

1.[t][i]未击中;未得到;未达到;错过to fail to hit, catch, reach, etc. sth

不闻;不见not hear/see

2.[t]~ sth未见到;未听到;未觉察to fail to hear, see or notice sth

不懂not understand

3.[t]~ sth不理解;不懂to fail to understand sth

不在;不去not be/go somewhere

4.[t]~ sth不在;不去;错过to fail to be or go somewhere

不做not do sth

5.[t]~ sth不做;错过to fail to do sth

6.[t]~ (doing) sth错过机会to not take the opportunity to do sth

迟到be late

7.[t]~ sth/sb.~ doing sth迟到;赶不上;错过to be or arrive too late for sth

伤心feel sad

8.[t]怀念;思念to feel sad because you can no longer see sb or do sth that you like

发觉某物不在notice sth not there

9.[t]~ sb/sth发觉丢失;发觉…不在原处to notice that sb/sth is not where they/it should be

避开坏事avoid sth bad

10.[t]避开(不愉快的事)to avoid sth unpleasant


he, she, etc. doesnt miss a trick

不失时机;很机敏used to say that sb notices every opportunity to gain an advantage

miss the boat

错失良机to be unable to take advantage of sth because you are too late

miss your guess

做错;犯错to make a mistake


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... today 今天 Miss 小姐 oh 啊,噢 ...


英语doing与to do的区别_爱问知识人 ... repent 悔悟 miss 错过 resent 怨恨 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... whatever 不管怎样的 miss 想念;错过 suggest 建议 ...


仁字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 同情;怜悯〖 sympathize〗 思念miss〗 人〖 man(pl.men)〗 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... mirror n. 镜子 miss vt. 失去,错过,缺 Miss missile n. n. 小姐,女士(称呼未婚妇女) 导弹 ...


教养失误 (MISS) 解说DP 不回复 解说 生病 受伤 解说 生病&受伤 的效果是暂时让您的数码兽战斗力减弱 过一段时间就能回复 …


“思”字组词_百度知道 ... [think;think carefully;deeply through;ponder over] 思索、考虑 [miss] 想念,怀念 [consider] 思索 ...


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... miss n. 小姐 miss vt. 未看到;惦念 missile n. 发射物;导弹 ...

"I really miss this stuff the rest of the year, since they don't sell it in Shenzhen, " he said, his jaw working furiously. “我是真的很怀念这玩意儿,深圳没有卖槟榔的。”他说,同时下巴仍在快速“工作”着。
'Miss Oliver will forget me in a month, and will probably marry someone who'll make her far happier than I ever could! ' 奥利弗小姐一个月后就会把我忘掉,可能会嫁给一个比我更能使她幸福的人!
Oh people how much I miss this word. 噢,我是多麽想念这个话语。
"He snubbed me. " . Explained Miss DeVoe, smiling slightly at the thought of treating Peter with a dose of his own medicine. “他冷落了我。”······德沃小姐解释说,并且决定让彼得自食其果,一想到此,不禁轻轻笑了起来。
Mary blushed until the tears stood in her eyes, but Miss Meadows has gone back to the music-stand; her voice rang through the music hall. 玛丽的脸涨得通红直到泪水充满了眼眶,然而此时美多斯小姐已经走回了乐谱架,声音响彻乐厅。
With the FA yet to receive any paperwork on the matter from their Dutch counterparts, Scholes and Rooney will not miss the game. 由于目前他们仍没有收到任何来自荷兰足协的书面文件,因此斯科尔斯和鲁尼将不会错过揭幕战。
This is a piece of pure land, is really in front of it? She did not love, not hate, do not miss, there is no anxiety. 这一片净土,真的就在眼前吗?她没有爱、没有恨,没有思念、没有不安。
The same thing happened again the next Monday. Miss Nancy felt it strange and this time she began to think of ways to find out the sender. 在接下来的星期一又出现了同样的情况。南希小姐觉得很奇怪,这一次她想调查一下这个送花人是谁。
Well, just as you've said, whatever, you will miss the days we spent together as well. 就像你说的,无论怎么样,你将怀念我们在一起的日子。
'Mrs. Gardiner would be happy to see Miss March and Miss Josephine at a little dance on New Year's Eve. 加德纳夫人诚邀马奇小姐和约瑟芬小姐参加新年除夕的小舞会。
I kept trying to do everything I could and I wanted to be somebody, somebody called Miss Big who could change the world. 那时我对新鲜事物都愿意去了解、去尝试,因为我梦想成为一名大人物——一名可以改变世界的大人物。
When I sat behind him, hesitated for a long time whether or not to cling to his waist, I miss the warmth of his generous spine. 我坐在他身后的时候,迟疑了很久要不要抱住他的腰,我很想念他宽厚脊背的温暖。
And I'm surrounded by a million people , I still feel alone. Let me go home. I miss you , you know. 尽管我周围有很多人相伴,但我仍然觉得孤独。因为我想回家,你知道的,我想念你。
That Miss Blanche has been setting her cap at him for years. 那个布兰契小姐对他暗送秋波已经几年了。
DRIVING through the countryside south of Hanover, it would be easy to miss the GEO600 experiment. 驱车行驶在汉诺威南部的乡村,很容易错过GE0600实验场。
Miss Dean was placed in a sack and carried to safety along with her mother and brother. 小姐迪安是放置在一个麻袋和开展安全连同她的母亲和弟弟。
Lifting my legs made me miss the toilet, and I peed all over the only uniform I had that wasn't in the wash. 穿裤子的时候我一不小心没对准马桶,尿撒在了我唯一还没洗的制服上。
and she thought he looked a little confused as he answered that he had never been so fortunate as to meet Miss Bennet. 他回答说,不幸从来未曾碰到过班纳特小姐,她觉得他回答这话时神色有点慌张。
You said the falling leaf is the root of the miss, or aspire to in this wandering in the process of that freedom? 你说叶的飘落,是对根的想念,还是向往在这飘零过程中的那份自由?
This past summer was the first summer that I did not visit the little green cottage by the sea, and I cannot help but miss her. 过去的这个暑假是我第一个没有去海边小屋度过的暑假,但是我会忍不住地想念她。
She wept bitterly, and jealousy of Miss Glover stabbed her to the heart with sudden pain . 她痛苦地哭泣着。对于格格弗小姐的妒忌,以一种突如其来的痛苦刺痛她的心。
You don't know how much I miss you! 你不知道我有多想你。
Then I guess you wanna escape. Tunnel under the wall maybe? (Andy laughs politely) I miss something of you. What's the funny? 那我猜你是想逃狱,也许会在墙底挖地道?(安迪轻轻地笑了笑)我不明白,有什么好笑的?
I miss you, for your chi, for you madness, I think you think you think you to think is going to die, I love you. 我想念你,为你痴狂,因为你疯狂,我想你想你想你想得要死了,我爱你。
and that is , there a nigger here that im a - trying to steal out of slavery , and his name is jim - old miss watson s jim . 那就是,还有一个黑人,我想力争把他给偷出来,好不再当奴隶他的名字是杰姆华珍老小姐的杰姆。
But even they might be surprised -- and worried -- by just how much we can miss in the voices we decide to tune out. 可是,即便他们也可能感到惊讶--并且担忧--因为对于“屏蔽”的声音,我们能失去多么多的声音。
I can feel how much i miss u . 我能感觉到我是多么的想念你。
Miss Emily met them at the door, dressed as usual and with no trace of grief on her face. 爱米丽小姐在家门口接待她们,衣着和平日一样,脸上没有一丝哀愁。
The sensitivity of the technique to potential abnormalities is often raised, in order not to miss anything important. 为了不漏掉任何重要的线索,这个技术对可能出现的误差敏感性过高。
It is a class method, as it is static, but needs to be able to call the setUserServices method in case of a cache miss. 它是一个类方法,因为它是静态的,但是需要能够在丢失缓存时调用setUserServices方法。