mcdonald s

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mcdonald s


其强大的竞争对手麦当劳McDonald s)最近发布的财报显示,其仍然威力不减,哪怕是在欧洲。偏重饮料供应的星巴克(Star…


开放英语II2 - 豆丁网 ... therefore 因此; : • McDonald s 麦当劳餐厅; approximately 大约; ...


麦当劳优惠券麦当劳(McDonald s)是全球规模最大、最着名的快餐集团。总部座落在美国伊利诺斯州的芝加哥。


5、全球最大的汉堡包连锁店麦当劳公司McDonald s)公布了可怕的7月销售业绩报告,7月份全球同店销售额同比持平,这 …


截止上世纪 90 年代末,快餐连锁店麦当劳 (McDonald s) 的非凡表现已经持续了 40 年。比如说,到 1997 年,该公司已连续 1…

It features a teenager sitting in a McDonald's restaurant gazing at a photo of his gay lover, then phoning to say he "misses him. " 广告中,一个同性恋男孩坐在麦当劳餐厅里,凝视着恋人的照片,然后拿起电话诉说思念之苦。
McDonald's smooth handling of its serial misfortunes at the top certainly seems to prove the point. 麦当劳在高层发生一连串的不幸事件后能够平静地交接似乎清楚地证明了这一点。
Getting there takes a bit of maneuvering. You are greeted at the Metro station exit by a Gypsy beggar or two and a sign for McDonald's. 往那儿去,你得多留些神。刚出地铁口时,你会看到一两个吉普赛乞丐和一个麦当劳标志牌。
The next day, she goes to McDonald's. She orders her lunch and asks the young man at the counter, "How old do you think I am? " 第二天,妇女去了麦当劳,她点了午餐后问柜台后的小伙子:“你瞧我有多大岁数?”
In great chain restaurant companies like McDonald's, you can get fast food at the counter ready "to go " , or "to take out" . 许多大型的连锁餐馆比如麦当劳专营快餐,这种食品在柜台上能即食或打包。
McDonald's, meantime, is going "uptown" with its own, premium Arabica-bean coffees, high-class pastries, and toasted Italian sandwiches. 而与此同时麦当劳却在往上层路线的方向发展,提供用特级阿拉伯咖啡豆自制的咖啡,精致的糕饼和意大利三明治。
Now I think of it, I used to have cravings for McDonald's when I was pregnant. It must have been a premonition. 现在我在想,我怀孕时那么喜欢吃麦当劳的食物,那一定是个预兆。
The world's leading fast-food chain McDonald's in India will be able to market a good example to illustrate this point. 世界领先的快餐连锁店麦当劳公司在印度将能够市场一个很好的例子来说明这一点。
You can see them gathered in McDonald's and Starbucks, in sneakers and baseball caps , bitching about how much they hate America. 你可以看到他们聚集在麦当劳和星巴克里,穿着运动鞋戴着棒球帽,对他们是多么恨美国大发牢骚。
The work of the McDonald's specializes the service quantity that can raise the employee with the management of the easy to management layer. 麦当劳的工作专门化能提高员工的服务质量与便于管理层的管理。
In McDonald? ? s and KFC, the food is usually ready to before the customer ever orders it. 在麦当劳和肯德基,食物通常是在客人下订单之前准备好的。
McDonald's seems to be a cultural broker, through the provision of products for the consumer recognition and establish emotional bonds. 麦当劳俨然是一位文化经纪人,通过提供产品得到消费者认同,并建立起情感的纽带。
The judge said lawyers acting for the children had failed to show that McDonald's products presented a danger unknown to consumers. 法官说,儿童的代表律师失败的证明了麦当劳的产品对消费者是一种未知的危险。
The economy is not the only reason people are drawn to McDonald's. The company's management also deserves credit for its success. 经济问题并不是把人们吸引到麦当劳的唯一原因,公司的管理也值得称道。
McDonald's has enjoyed several years of strong growth. The company had almost twenty-two billion dollars in sales in two thousand six. 麦当劳已经享受多年的持续增长。2006年销售收入几乎达到了二十二亿美元,
'There's a tremendous opportunity for McDonald's if they broaden out, ' he said, adding that the company has sufficient capital to invest. 他说,如果麦当劳的门店增多,将有无限商机等着它。另外他还补充说,麦当劳有充足的投资资金。
Today, I ordered food at McDonald's. I'm on crutches, and a guy offered to carry my tray to the table. He rushed out with my food. 今天,我在麦当劳点了餐之后,由于我拄着拐,所以有个人说要帮我把餐盘端到桌子上去,结果,他拿着我的吃的跑了。
His first announcement was that McDonald's had been trying to do too many things. 坎塔卢波上任后马上宣布,麦当劳一直以来手头的事情太多。
McDonald's has adjusted nimbly to the shift towards healthier food and its restaurants' average turnover is double that of rivals. 麦当劳已灵活地调整策略,以适应向更健康食品的转变,其餐厅的平均营业额是竞争对手的两倍。
Long-time McDonald's man Jim Cantalupo came out of retirement to run the company and elevated Skinner to vice chairman. 长期以来,麦当劳大佬吉姆坎塔卢坡出现了退休的迹象但仍经营公司,还提拔斯金纳为副主席。
But convenience eating comes at a price: McDonald's must be held at least partly responsible for the supersizing of American waistlines. 麦当劳食品必须为美国人腰围的超级肥大负责,至少要负部分责任。
"Organising Wal-Mart, KFC and McDonald's is all good, but they should be going after local companies as well, " he said. “在沃尔玛、肯德基(KFC)和麦当劳(McDonald)中组建工会非常好,但他们也应当将中国公司列为目标,”他表示。
Now McDonald's has given consumers looking for fast weight loss another tool: easy to read and easy to find nutritional labels. 现在麦当劳给消费者快速减肥寻找另一个工具:易读易找营养标签。
If you walk into a McDonald's in London, the clerk won't ask if you'd like to "supersize" that. 如果你走进伦敦的一家麦当劳,店员不会询问你是否要来个“大号快餐”之类的问题。
Like the face of an elephant, I do not know where to start, I think we better talk about it from the McDonald's bathroom. 好像面对一头大象,不知从何下手,我想,我们不如从麦当劳的厕所说起吧。
McDonald's so much a global business like this, I think, from 1955 to the present, McDonald's is able to "century-old" , but our enterprise? 麦当劳这么大的一家全球企业尚且如此,我想,从1955年到现在,麦当劳是可以做到“百年老店”的,但是我们的企业呢?
Initially we reported Mr McDonald's quote as, "Well, fuck it. I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing. " 起初我们是这样报道麦当劳先生说的话:“屌,我才不在乎你怎么看,我在努力做正确的事。”
McDonald's, Jia Wan super shopping plaza in close proximity, is all business, travelers staying in the best places. 麦当劳、万佳超级购物广场近在咫尺,是各界商务、旅游人士下榻的最佳场所。
because at the same time they are "slugging it out with a global powerhouse" in the form of McDonald's. 因为在这段时间,他们正“与类似麦当劳经营模式的国际集团一决高下”
But parents may have to think twice before bringing their kids into a local Mcdonald's for a meal. 但是父母们在带他们的孩子进入当地的麦当劳用餐时可能得三思。