
美 [fɔl]英 [fɔːl]
  • v.下降;跌倒;落下;跌落
  • n.落下;跌落;下落;掉落
  • adj.〈美〉秋天的;秋天成熟的;(衣服等)秋天用的
  • 网络秋季;坠落;倒下

过去式:fell 过去分词:fallen 第三人称单数:falls 现在分词:falling

sharp fall,sudden fall,dollar fall,dramatic fall,bad fall
take fall,cause fall,prevent fall,fall floor,fall earth
fall apart,probably fall,gradually fall


v. n.

落下drop down

1.[i]落下;下落;掉落;跌落to drop down from a higher level to a lower level

倒下stop standing

2.[i]突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌to suddenly stop standing

毛发;材料of hair/material

3.[i]+ adv./prep.下垂;低垂to hang down

向下倾斜slope downwards

4.[i]~ (away/off)向下倾斜to slope downwards


5.[i](数量)减少,下降;(强度)减小to decrease in amount, number or strength

被打败be defeated

6.[i]被打败;沦陷;失守to be defeated or captured

阵亡die in battle

7.[i]阵亡;被击毙to die in battle; to be shot


8.[i]进入(某状态);开始变成(某事物)to pass into a particular state; to begin to be sth


9.[i]突然来到;突然出现to come quickly and suddenly

10.[i]+ adv./prep.发生to happen or take place

11.[i]+ adv./prep.(向某方向)移动;落(在某位置上)to move in a particular direction or come in a particular position

属于群体belong to group

12.[i]+ adv./prep.属于(某类、群体、责任范围)to belong to a particular class, group or area of responsibility


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... else 别的 fall 落下;降下 fast 快的 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... independent adj 独立自主的 fall n 秋天;瀑布 expression n 短语;表情 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... slip 滑倒,滑了一脚 fall 落下,跌倒 downstairs 下楼 ...


剑桥国际英语教程_词汇手册入门级_百度文库 ... dry 干燥的 fall 秋季 favorite 最喜欢的 ...


坠字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 坠毁〖 fallandbreak;crash〗 坠落fall;drop〗 坠腿〖 holdsb.back〗 ...


英语动词大全_百度知道 ... 42. fail 失败;不及格 43. fall 落下;下降 44. feel 感觉;触;摸 ...


顿_百度百科 ... (2) 同本义[ kowtow] (6) 倒下,跌倒[ fall] (10) 舍弃;废弃[ abandon] ...

Just this fall, a team of researchers announced that they had found a new species of carnivore lurking in one of Madagascar's lakes. 这个秋天,一个研究组宣布他们在马达加斯加的一个湖中发现了一种食虫植物。
little water drop and some of his friends fall down into a lake. the sun comes out. little water drop feels warm again. he sees mr wind. 小水滴和它的一些朋友们落到一个湖中。太阳出来了,小水滴再次感到温暖。他看见了风先生。
Honey, as you read this message, I had already prepared to take this responsibility to fall in to with you. 亲爱的,当你读到这封信的时候,我做好了爱你的准备。
It's easy to fall into the trap of wanting to talk on and on about your problem, question, new product etc. 很容易掉进这样一个陷阱,你很想多讨论关于你的问题、麻烦、新产品等。
I almost fall over right there. A wide smile takes his face. And mine. As I said, it was a perfect night. But somehow, it just got better. 我差点跌倒在那里。我们俩的脸上都露出了灿烂笑容。正如我所说的,那一夜堪称完美。但无论如何,生活越过越好了。
The cradle of your birth and sustenance is now prepared for an overhaul which shall lead to the fall of all that have chosen to fall. 你们诞生和赖以生存的摇篮,现已为一个大检修做好准备,这将导致所有那些选择跌落者的跌落。
What if I don't want her to fall in love with me? 你有没有想过我会不会不想让她爱上我?!
This signals to the woman that you're just like all the other guys who fall for her too fast. . . and can't control themselves. 这个信号告诉女士:你就像其他男人一样不能自已,太快迷上她了。
As a woman, once you fall in love with someone married, no matter how much the man loves you, you are doomed to end up with tragedy. 作为一个女人,一旦你沦为别人的情妇,做别人婚姻的第三者,不管那个男人多么爱你,你最终都注定以悲剧收场。
Behind his back he was called "Wide-oh, " on account of his reputation; to his face "Mr" Fall. 由于他的名声,人们背后叫他做“铁嘴”,当面称他孚尔“先生”。
After the fall of Suharto in Indonesia, I began to explore conditions of poverty in a country that was on its way towards modernization. 在印尼苏哈托下台后,我开始探讨一个国家在迈向现代化的过程中的贫困的处境。
Let's say for a moment Blatch does exist. You think he'd just fall to his knees and cry, "Yes, I did it! " 让我们先假定有布赖奇这么个人存在,你认为他真的会跪下来叫喊:’是的,是我干的!
Fall, most other trees have withered, but the cedar leaves did not wilt, but the individual a bit yellow. 秋天,别的树木大多都枯萎了,但是杉树的叶子并没有枯萎,只是个别有点枯黄了。
If no wind is blowing, raindrops fall vertically and a man at rest with an umbrella directly over his head does not get wet. 如果不刮风,雨点是垂直下落的,一个静止不动的人,头上有一把雨伞,就不会淋湿。
How much does the flower know to fall? 花落知多少?
It's easy to see how people who are in corporate situations fall into the overcommitment trap. 先是与别人合作,后来却掉入承诺过多的陷阱,这种情况随处可见。
Then, tell your belayer to leave some slack in the rope while you climb up a few moves and take a fall. 然后,上爬几步并让保护员收绳时留一些余量,接着尝试坠落。
"When we fall we fall together, when we stand together . . . " she said. The audience burst into applause. 她说:“跌倒时我们一起跌倒,当我们一起站起来时……”与会者爆发出了热烈的掌声。
But it may have been a typical 'bear-market rally' doomed to fall flat on its face. 但它或许是次典型的“熊市反弹”,注定会完全失败。
Is often lost, is learned to decadent, is no lack of fitness goals, warn you, don't fall, you have no right! ! ! ! ! 是不是经常迷茫,是不是学会了颓废,是不是缺少目标无所适事,警告你,别堕落,你没资格!
The clattering roar of the train muffled the thud of her fall on to the ground more than a metre below. She was knocked senseless. 呼啸而过的列车,把她甩到超过一米以下的地面,顿时失去了知觉。
The decline and fall of the American car industry is relatively easy to summarise, and the Hummer is its reductio. 美国汽车业的衰亡相对比较容易概括总结,悍马正是美国汽车业的缩影。
If the sun did not give off heat the temperature of the earth would fall almost to absolute zero. 假如太阳不放射热量,地球的温度几乎就会下降到绝对零度。
Today, however, I have come to realize that I did not merely fall into medicine -- I fell in love with the profession on my own accord. 然而今天,我逐渐意识到我不仅仅沉迷于医学--我很情愿的爱上了这个行业。
is trying to talk her 10-year-old daughter, Maia Rosenfeld, into resuming her twice-a-week Mandarin classes at the Ellis School in the fall. 眼下,她正试图劝说10岁的女儿玛亚·罗斯菲尔德(MaiaRosenfeld)今年秋天继续参加一周两次的中文课程。
Although this was better than expected, the German bank recorded a sharp fall in revenue from investment banking, trading and securities. 虽然这比预期的要好,但德国银行来自投资银行、贸易和证券的收入大幅下降。
Further positive news came from the money markets as interbank lending rates continued to fall across the board. 更多正面消息来自货币市场,银行间贷款利率继续全面下降。
Such a fall would bring prices back in line with the long-term trend. 这种跌幅将会使价格回落到与长期趋势相符。
Lots of hands shot up during the Q&A period. Susan said the plan is going to fall flat on its face but Bill dismissed the comment. 发问期间举手的人很多。苏珊说那个计划将会一败涂地,但比尔说那是无稽之谈。
'Do you know something? I'm seriously beginning to be afraid I could fall in love with you. You'd better ask Prudence. ' 我真怕我真的爱上您了,您知道吗?还是问问布吕丹丝吧。