feel safe

  • 网络放心;安全感;安全保障

feel safefeel safe

feel safe


笃_百度百科 ... [without hurry and haste] 从容不迫;安心 [feel safe] 放心 [sincere and magnanimous] 老实忠厚 ...


201105-Oshadhi团购-协同复方纯精油 ... Mountain Breeze 微风山脉 Feel Safe 安全感 Petit Prince 小王子 ...


锦江白玉兰官方网站-客户服务-宾客意见卡 ... 信任品牌 Trust the brand 安全保障 Feel safe 会员卡号码 CLUB NUMBER ...

Such a state of command also allows one to feel safe, nurtured and protected. 这样一个指令的状态,也允许你感觉到安全、滋养和被保护。
China needs a place to park its capital and there's no place that's as stable, easy to purchase and feel safe in as the United States. 中国需要一个安全稳定的投资环境,而没有任何地方比美国更适合了。
You want to touch and play with your kitten as much as you can as they are growing up to help them feel safe and loved. 在小猫成长的过程中,你需要尽可能抚摸你的小猫,并和它玩耍,这会让他们感到安全且受到关爱。
Your feeling center (your heart) wants to connect with your belly, in order for it to be truly grounded and for you to feel safe on earth. 你的感觉中心(心灵)想要跟腹部连结起来,以便它能够真正地扎根,让你在地球上感觉到安全。
Some of the refugees say that they have ventured north to check on their houses but did not feel safe enough to stay. 有难民说,他们冒着生命危险回到北方,去看看自己的房子是否还在,但觉得那里依然不是安身之所。
Ms. Finn said that her attacker's family was on the police force and that she "did not feel safe" reporting what had happened. 芬说,针对她的攻击者的家人供职于警察部门并且她若报告所发生的事情并“不会感到安全”。
Do you want people to feel scared of you, or to feel safe and able to speak their mind? 你是想要别人害怕你还是觉得自在,说出他们的真实想法?
If this did not work he would ask the man to consent to meeting in a public forum where he would feel safe from aggressive questioning. 如果这样不行,他会要求对方同意到一个公共场所见面,在那儿他就不会受到攻击性盘问。
I feel safe and secure around you, after all, i know how much you love me. 在你身边我感觉到安全和舒适,毕竟,我知道你是多么的爱我。
I guess it makes her feel safe and reminds her about how much I love her. 我猜,这么做会让她有安全感,并且这能提醒她,妈妈有多爱她。
So women may be hardwired to feel safe and soothed when connecting with other women, she said. 因此当女性同其他女性接触时,会感到安全和放松。
She had a vivid sense of what makes children feel safe, and she believed in a child's experience of the world. 她具有明显的使孩子们感到安全的气质,相信孩子眼中看到的世界。
She said it was up to women to do whatever felt right to make them feel safe, secure and supported. 她说,怎么做才让她们感到安全、安心和有依靠,要由妇女自己决定。
Maybe you live in a neighborhood where you don't feel safe, or have friends who are pressuring you to do things you know aren't right. 或许你们生活在使你们感觉不安全的社区,或有朋友逼迫你们去做你们知道不对的事情。
He said he would no longer feel safe traveling to the United States after his hair and facial wrinkles appeared on the bin Laden image. 他说,以后他去美国都得担心自己的人身安全,这张合成照片上“拷贝”了他的头发和面部皱纹。
Love the citrus smell and the fact that it is not toxic and I feel safe using it with my baby dishes, bottles, etc. 我喜爱柠檬的滋味,并且它的确无毒有害,我能够很放心的用它洗我家宝宝的餐具和奶瓶等。
This is why grounding allows the body to feel safe and be safe from accidents of any kind upon the physical plane. 这是为什么根植让身体觉得安全,并免于在物质层上遭受任何事故的原因。
KM: Not to repeat myself but again, it is a very safe environment to feel safe to take risks and be open to one another. 不是要重复,不过再说一次,那真的是一个非常安全的环境,能让你安心地去冒险,也能让你对其他人敞开心房。
These scenes can be really have their place, where you feel safe and relaxed, you can imagine out of your quiet, safe and relaxing scene. 这些景象可以是真有其地,在那里你觉得安全和松弛,也可以是你想象出来的宁静、安全和放松的景象。
His neighbors said that they did not feel safe with such a person in the community. 他的邻居表示让这样一个人住在小区很不安全。
Pep needs to think things real hard to feel safe. And then, he started listening people, expanding his mind. 佩普需要好好把事情想明白。从那时开始,他开始聆听别人的意见,开阔他的思维。
But when you move away from the wall, the harness and the ropes hold you, and you begin to feel safe. 但是,当你从墙上掉下来的时候,保护带和绳索就会拉住你,你就会感到安全。
There was a discussion group that spoke of efforts to let children now feel safe in public areas. 有一个小组讲述如何使儿童在公共场所感到安全。
Similarly, the smell of vanilla or of baby powder "tends to induce people to feel safe and secure. " 同样,香草或婴儿爽身粉的气味“往往使人觉得有安全感”。
I, more than anyone, wish for Toyota's cars to be safe, and for our customers to feel safe when they use our vehicles. 我比任何人都更加希望丰田汽车是安全的,也比任何人更希望驾驶丰田汽车时消费者能感到安心。
Drivers swarm in or out of the lanes and make it difficult to me to feel safe when I cross the road. 司机涌进车道涌出车道,使我在过马路时很难觉得安全。
Your partner should be able feel safe to share with you anything without the fear of being judged or condemned. 当你的同伴和你分享任何事情时都应该让对方感到有安全感的,而不是担心被审判或谴责。
If you are a Cancer think about how good you feel when you are close to your family and feel safe and secure in a warm, happy home. 如果你是巨蟹座,想想当你和家人欢聚一堂深深的享受着温暖祥和中的安全感,该有多美好!
People will be unable to talk freely if they do not feel safe or unthreatened doing so. 当人们感觉不安全或者有威胁时,就不能自由地交谈了。
Security is a pure concept, a state of mind that makes a man or woman feel safe inside, a sense that keeps the nerves calm. 安全纯属一种观念,一种使一个男人或一个女人感到内在安全的精神状态,一种保持神经平静的感官。