
美 [miˈsteɪk]英 [mɪ'steɪk]
  • n.错误;失策;失误;误会
  • v.误会;误解;误认;弄错
  • 网络过失;差错

复数:mistakes 现在分词:mistaking 过去式:mistook 过去分词:mistaken

make mistake,admit mistake,correct mistake,commit mistake,forgive mistake
same mistake,big mistake,serious mistake,Common mistake,huge mistake


n. v.

1.(言语或行为上的)错误,失误an action or an opinion that is not correct, or that produces a result that you did not want

2.(用词或数字等上的)错误,口误,笔误a word, figure, etc. that is not said or written down correctly


and no mistake

准确无误;毫无疑问used to show that you are sure about the truth of what you have just said

by mistake

错误地;无意中by accident; without intending to

make no mistake (about sth)

别搞错;注意used to emphasize what you are saying, especially when you want to warn sb about sth

in mistake for sth

误以为是;错看成thinking that sth is sth else


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Microsoft 微软 Mistake 错误 Forehead 前额 ...


误字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 误国〖 doharmtoone’scountry〗 误会mistake;misunderstand;misconstrue〗 误教〖 misteach …


尤字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 责备;怪罪〖 blame〗 过失,罪过〖 mistake〗 尤其,更加〖 particularly〗 ...


新概念第二册单词表(附音标)_百度知道 ... lake 湖泊,湖水 mistake 错误,误会,误解 wake 醒,醒来,警觉 ...


仁爱英语八年级上册单词表标准版 - 豆丁网 ... reach v. 伸手(脚等)够到;达到 mistake n. 错误; v.弄错 die v. 死 ...


失误(mistake):可能产生非希望结果的人的行为。缺陷(defect):代码中引起一个或一个以上故障 或失效的错误的编码,软 …


差字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 差别〖 difference;disparity〗 差错〖 error;mistake;slip〗 差讹〖 mistake〗 ...

Turning to my husband, I confessed that I wanted to check out his work computer, so I could reassure my parents they'd made a mistake. 我忏悔我想看看他的工作电脑,这样我可以保证我的父母犯了一个错误。
Tai, ah, you cast a big mistake, our hearts how much pain ah! 太康啊,你铸下了大错,我们心中是多么痛苦啊!
My last lap should have been a bit better, but I made a mistake in turn 12, locking the rear under braking. 我的最后一圈本来能更好一些,但我在12号弯出错了,刹车制动时锁死了前轮。
Bush's bigotry was not an isolated mistake, blurted out in the heat of the moment, and later retracted. 布什的偏执并不是一个单独的错误,在兴致所至的时候脱口而出,然后又收回去。
And instead be able to see with clarity where you went wrong and what you can learn from your mistake. And then try again. 如此也能看清你错在何处,看清你能从自己的错误中学到什么,并不断地改进。
He took a needless risk, the foolishness of which does not confer on you any moral obligation to correct his mistake. 他是冒不必要的风险。对于这种愚蠢的错误,你不必负任何道义上的责任。
We apologize in advance for the occasional mistake, but hope you recognize that this process is in the best interest of Pingo customers. 在此,我们就可能发生的错误向您致以万分的歉意,并希望您能够理解此过程旨在维护Pingo客户的重要利益。
Land for peace was one thing, they said; land with no peace agreement in return was going to be a mistake. 他们说,土地换和平是一回事;失去了土地却换不来和平保障那就是一个错误。
The mistake he made is not to have asked the doctor of Man City, 'can I take that or not? 他犯下的错误就在于他没有去问曼城的医生,‘我能不能吃减肥药’。
This is all new to me , so let me know if I make a mistake . 这是我的第一次,所以错了请告诉我。
Of course Mrs. Darling brushed him, but he began to talk again about its being a mistake to have a dog for a nurse. 当然,达林太太给他刷掉了毛,不过,他又念叨起用一只狗当保姆是个错误。
It was a big mistake that she bought that dress. It was a big mistake for her to buy that dress. 她买那件衣服可犯了大错误。
To be frank with you, it is impossible for you to cover up your mistake. 坦率地对你说吧,你的错误是掩盖不了的。
His bank eventually accepted that the17-digit purchase had been a mistake and refunded his money the next day. 银行最终接受,这笔高达17位数的交易是一个错误,第二天将资金返还。
I replied, I agree with what he said . . . I made a bad mistake, it was indefensible, and I'm sorry about it. 我回答说:“我同意他的说法……我犯了个糟糕的错误,不可原谅,我非常抱歉。”
Especially, it was I that had thrown it away, my mistake, my own decision, so no remedy could be made to it. 尤其是因为过错是由我自己造成的,是我亲手把它抛弃的,所以,那样的憾恨总是无法弥补。
They began to see that they had made a serious mistake. 他们开始认识到自己犯了一个大错误。
Indeed, the consequences of my making any mistake due to my lack of sleep can be very serious indeed. 事实上,由于我缺乏睡眠而造成任何错误的后果将是十分严重的。
I'd rather miss out on a real opportunity than to take a risk that I may may make a big mistake in the process. 我宁可失去一个真正的机会,也不愿意去冒一个我可能会在其中犯下巨大错误的风险。
Was it a mistake to accept the Italians, maybe that's why the currency is not performing (or are the Netherlands the ones to be blamed)? 纳入义大利是个错误吗?或许这是货币表现不好的原因(还是应该怪罪于荷兰)?。
At first I was confused and admittedly a bit angry, but then and there I realized it was an honest mistake and decided to just roll with it. 一开始我会有点困惑和生气,但我后来明白了那些都难免的误会,就顺其自然吧。
I think he might have finally come to the realization that he's making a mistake by going forward with the trial and representing himself. 我看,他可能意识到了,出庭受审,不用律师而是自我辩护是个错误。
Assignment to a read-only identifier usually is the result of a mistake, since it has no effect. 为只读标识符赋值通常是某种差错引起的,因为它不会有任何效果。
If I make a mistake, Please oblige me with your valuable comments. 把你珍贵的一票,投给你心目中的高校。
None of them would have to take direct responsibility if stopping the Cardinal turned out to be a gigantic mistake. 如果停止生产红雀是大错的话,他们谁也没有直接责任。
This is where you made another mistake. You were trying to be cute or funny as a way to cover your bitterness at her rejection. 这就是一个错误,你在试着用开玩笑掩盖被拒绝的难堪。
While on this subject, let me say that it is increasingly borne in upon me that you made a terrible mistake when you gave up your living. 关于这件事情﹐我想说的是﹐我越来越觉得你放弃你的作用是个很糟糕的错误。
She said she was afraid there might have been a mistake. 她说,她怕有可能是一个错误。
You know, real record will not made me to mistake myself , consider my heart has been dead before several tens of years ! 要知道,真实的记录才不会令几十年后的自己误会自己,以为几十年前的自己的心已死。
If he had taken your advice , he might have avoided the mistake . 要是他当时听了你的建议,也许就能避免这个错误了。