
美 [mɔrˈoʊvər]英 [mɔːrˈəʊvə(r)]
  • adv.此外;而且
  • 网络再者;加之;并且



1.此外;而且used to introduce some new information that adds to or supports what you have said previously


高中英语单词表 ... morning n. 早晨,上午 moreover ad. 再者,而且,加之,此外 mooncake n. 月饼 ...


高中英语单词表 ... morning n. 早晨,上午 moreover ad. 再者,而且,加之,此外 mooncake n. 月饼 ...


高中英语单词表 ... morning n. 早晨,上午 moreover ad. 再者,而且,加之,此外 mooncake n. 月饼 ...


高中英语单词表 ... morning n. 早晨,上午 moreover ad. 再者,而且,加之,此外 mooncake n. 月饼 ...


高考英语写作系列:议论文 ... to begin with 首先 moreover 并且 last but not least 其次 ...


又_百度百科 ... (3) 表示几种情况或性质同时存在[ at the same time] (11) 另外[ moreover;besides] 又[名] yòu ...


My World: Zi dian 1 ... 反正 In any case 况且 Moreover 权利 Right ...


书面表达中常用的过渡词汇_初中英语 ... (on the one hand 一方面) moreover 再则,加之,此外 besides 此外, 另外,除此之 …

Moreover, some parties have not got what they had hoped for out of the project, notably Japan, which had wanted to host the reactor. 此外,有些参与方并没有从这个项目中得到所期望得到的东西,尤其是日本,其本希望成为该反应堆的东道主的。
Moreover he must enjoy a good reputation among the outsiders, lest people speak evil about him and he fall into the snare of the devil. 并且在外人中也必须有好声望,怕他遭人诽谤,落入魔鬼的罗网。
Moreover, determination of the heat preservation time depends on the type of gypsum quality transformation, and a little admixt. . . 保温时间的选择应由石膏品型转变的类型确定少量外加剂能提高煅烧石膏的活性。
Moreover, Wallis was not given the right to be a Royal Highness or a member of the British Royal Family. 另外,华丽斯没有给予殿下的称号或英国皇室成员的身份。
Moreover, their speech is often rapid, excitable and intrusive, and their thoughts move quickly and fluidly from one topic to another. 再者,他们的言谈通常急速、激动且具有侵入性,思想则快速流畅地从一个主题跳到另一个主题。
Moreover, the bones in the front part of a baleen whale's lower jaw, or mandible, aren't fused as they are in other mammals. 另外,须鲸下颚前部的骨骼,也就是所说的下颌骨,并不像其他哺乳动物一样是愈合在一起的。
Moreover, he made high places in the hill country of Judah and led the inhabitants of Jerusalem into whoredom and made Judah go astray. 他又在犹大诸山建筑邱坛,使耶路撒冷的居民行邪淫,诱惑犹大人。
Moreover, there is a lot we do not know about the effects of cloning, especially in terms of aging. 而且,我们对于克隆的影响知之甚少,特别是年龄变化所带来的影响。
Moreover, our corporate culture has sanctioned this objective by codifying it as a fiduciary obligation of any corporate executive. 此外,我们的企业文化已批准这一目标的编纂作为受托义务,任何企业执行。
Moreover, with two or more reservoir it is possible to supply the culture chamber with different types of liquids. 而且,由于有两个或更多个贮器,能够向培养室供应不同类型的液体。
Moreover, because a mobile phone knows where you are, Google will be able to send you ads for a shop or restaurant only a few paces away. 此外,由于手机知道你在哪,谷歌还能给你发送距你咫尺之遥的商店或餐馆广告。
You are going to see that the application must be employed moreover in the proper sense as well as in the figurative sense. 你们将会看次,这个应用被实施,必须以适当的意义,及以比喻的意义。
Moreover, what I got from the audience was just pressure not encouragement. Due to my extremely bad performance, we lost the game. 我从观众那里得到的是压力而不是勇气,由于我极糟糕的表现,我们输了球。
Moreover, if the drug is in the anhydrous state, the rate of dissolution is usually faster than with the hydrous salt. 而且,如果药物在无水状态,溶解的速度通常快速比与含水盐。
Moreover, experiments indicated that this virus does not survive well in human blood, making it an unlikely source for a human infection. 另外,实验表明,这种病毒在人类血液中不能存活,也不可能引起人类感染。
Moreover, from the mere inspection of Cosette's toilet, a woman would have recognized the fact that she had no mother. 其实,只要对珂赛特的衣着随便看一眼,一个女人便能看出她是没有母亲的。
Popular Protestantism, moreover, was often antitheological, stressing that you did was more important than the details of what you believed. 流行的新教甚至经常是反神学的,它强调你所做的比所想的要更重要。
Moreover, if that is true, how much talking could be going on within that relationship regarding how sex can best be expressed and enjoyed? 此外,如果这种情况属实,这种的两性关系中,在性怎么才能最好表达出来也被享受到方面,这类话题到底能被谈论多少呢?
Moreover, the control of the point of view was not a good solved. These problems often caused by a variety of accidents. 而且炉体倾动的角度控制也没能很好的解决,时常由于机械式主令的触头松动错位而造成事故;
Moreover, the water used within a factory's walls is often only a tiny fraction of a firm's true dependence on water. 而且,一间工厂的用水量常常只是其公司真实用水量的一小部份。
Moreover, our Olive Green is high - quality, precious and unique with a very steady requirement, so we do not worried about the sale of it. 况且我们的南非绿是品质优良,珍贵独特的石种,市场需求稳定,所以我们并不担心未来的销售情况。
Moreover, the advent of the telegraph did away with much of the speculation that had previously been a staple of American newspapers. 此外,电报的出现,取消了此前曾是美国报纸主题的大量思考。
Moreover, there was also the hope that the war would be over in less than twenty months. 而且,他们还怀有一种希望,那就是战争将在二十个月之内结束。
Moreover, how much bearing the parents opinion over television violence have on teenage crime is not certain. 这一句也不是很透,感觉少了什么,而且有些影响本段主题。
Moreover, even if I go hard no matter how self-learning, for me, had not much use ! 况且,就算我再怎么去努力地自学,对我来说也没多大的用处呀!
Moreover this method turned out to be low invasive and safe, since it did not lead to tumour formation ", sums up Dr. Czupryn. " 而且这种方法显示是低侵袭性和安全,因为它不导致肿瘤形成。
Moreover, if one is to love God, or to love humanity as a whole, one cannot give one's preference to any individual person. 再者,如果一个人要爱上帝,或者爱作为整体的人类,他就不能把他的爱给某个具体的个人。
In both Cuba and Iran, moreover, the US and its does have real interests in common, so a warming of relations is at least possible. 此外,在古巴和伊朗,美国及其宿敌存在切实的共同利益,因此关系回暖至少是可能的。
Moreover, the fire at Texas City is only one of a number of embarrassing lapses of late. 而且,德克萨斯城的火灾只是近期多起令人窘迫的过失中的一起。
Moreover, since the last batch have all been settled who were ahead of me on the list , the house I got is bigger than before . 这一次,本人条件当然符合,而且因为排名在我前面的人都在上一批解决,所以房子还比上一次要大许多。