
美 [mʊər]英 [ˈmuə]
  • n.穆尔;【姓氏】摩尔



He knew about Moore's law, of course, which states that the number of transistors you can put on a microchip doubles about every two years. 他了解摩尔定律,该定律认为集成电路上的晶体管数量每两年就会翻一番。
The fact that educated expatriates like the Moore sisters think of these youngsters in Liberia is a ray of light in this struggle, he adds. 他又说,像摩尔这样受过教育的海外侨胞能够关注这片土地上的这些小家伙们,这是这场战斗中的一抹阳光。
"I realize this is a painful subject for you to revisit, " said Moore as he sat down. 莫拓森在椅子上坐下后,说:“我知道,让你再回忆这件事,会让你很痛苦。”
Traveling between Hawaii and California, Moore is said to be the first to document what became known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. 当他在夏威夷和加利福尼亚州之间航行时,摩尔被认为是第一个记录众所周知的“太平洋垃圾带”。
Moore then warned that if Obama did not turn things around fairly rapidly, "a year from now, the next movie may be about him" . Moore接着警告说,如果奥巴马不能尽快扭转局势,“一年之后,我要拍一部关于他的电影”。
Moore is still believed to be alive, although nothing has been heard from him for months. 普遍认为摩尔还活着,尽管数月来没有任何有关他的消息。
But "eliminating" it, whatever that means, is not the answer, just as Mr Moore's advice to increase union power would not have saved GM. 但是“消除”它,无论如何都不是正确答案,正如迈克尔增加工会力量的建议不能够拯救通用一样。
"And my God, let's talk about how much I love Demi Moore as well, " marvels Jen. 我的上帝,让我们来谈谈我也是多么地爱黛咪#摩尔。
He knew no poetry save that of Moore and no music except the songs of Ireland that had come down through the years. 他在诗歌方面,只知道穆尔的作品,音乐则限于历代流传下来的爱尔兰歌曲。
Moore helped him pick out a new polo shirt, dressy shorts and his first pair of boat shoes when she brought him home to meet her family. 摩尔带他回家见自己的家人时,特地为他挑了一件新的polo衫,一条考究的短裤和他平生的第一双帆船鞋。
As Paul Moore, the sacked whistleblower at HBOS, said of his own management: "They were not inclined to listen to a different view" . 就像遭哈利法克斯银行(HBOS)解雇的揭发者保罗-摩尔(PaulMoore)在谈到该行管理层时说的那样,“他们不愿倾听不同意见”。
Moore said that making it a formal symbol recognizes the role that Canadians of Scottish descent played in forming the country. 穆尔表示,把枫叶图案正式定为国家图案,是对苏格兰后裔为创建加拿大所做贡献的一种认可。
Craig Moore, 28, took his revenge on the camera, which had flashed him in the Hyde area of Manchester, in August 2005. 克雷格·摩尔现年28岁,他用于报仇雪恨的这架照相机于2005年8月在曼彻斯特海德地区拍到了他超速驾驶的一幕。
Kidd killed his own gunner, William Moore. The act held quiet what had been a mutinous crew. 基德处决了自己的枪手,威廉·莫尔,使这位桀骜不驯的手下永远地安静了。
But Moore did not; the Sterling case, on which he had been lead detective, had never strayed far from his mind. 事实上,摩尔根本无法忘记这个始终萦绕在他脑海深处的案子。也正是因为这桩案件,他才被提拔为探长。
All these approaches mean that Moore's law should be able to chunter along for a few more years, at least. 所有这些方案都意味着摩尔定律仍然能够支撑至少好几年。
And, my God, let's talk about how much I love Demi Moore as well. 还有,我滴神哪,说说我有多爱黛咪·摩尔吧!
Rumors circulated that it was the end of the Answer's career, but Moore tells AP that Iverson is healthy and preparing for a comeback. 有传闻说,外号“Answer”的艾弗森的职业生涯要结束了,但摩尔对美联社说,艾弗森很健康,正在筹备重返篮坛。
Back in New York, Ms Moore is preparing for the next book cycles, which will include children's stories in Haiti, Bolivia and Afghanistan. 在纽约的摩尔小姐此刻正在为下个系列书的出版忙碌着。这些书讲述包括海地,玻利维亚和阿富汗小朋友的故事。
"He made them all look like a fool, " one wrote at the "Colton Harris-Moore Fan Club" on Facebook. “他把那些人弄得就像蠢蛋,”“脸谱”网站上“哈里斯-摩尔粉丝俱乐部”的一个成员这样留言。
Moore also explained recent nude photos of him taken near a gay beach in Maui. 穆尔还解释最近的裸体照片他带到附近的一个海滩同志在毛伊岛。
This would have given much more depth to his treatment of the war - or does Moore confine himself to Americans only? 这种表达手法让他处理战争时更加深入,抑或米高摩亚只将自己局限于美国人而已?
Once upon a time, the oceans of our planet were beautifully clean. Not any more. Captain Charles Moore calls this 'the age of plastic. 很久以前,我们地球上的海洋都是既漂亮又洁净的。而现在,它们已经面目全非了。查尔斯·摩尔船长把这个现象称为“塑料时代”。
Although Moore exhibited some talent as a painter, Moore did not believe his ability was sufficient for creating great art. 虽然莫尔在绘画方面显现出了一些才能,但他认为自己还不足以创作出伟大的艺术品。
Every fairy tale has its minor setback, and Moore's carriage broke down on the way to the ball when her pickup truck got a flat tire. 每个童话故事有它的较小挫折,并且当她的轻型货车得到一个瘪胎时,穆尔的运费接近球失败。
"Not anymore, " Wang said, and explained what must be something like the Moore's Law of electric bicycles. “不贵。”他说,有点类似电动自行车行业中的摩尔定律的东西。
"We're not ready to walk away from the printed product, " explains Ann Moore, the boss of Time Inc. 时代集团的首席执行官安·摩尔表示:“我们尚未打算把印刷产品束之高阁。”
Mr. Moore's good constitution quickly triumphed over his indisposition. In a few days he shook it off. 穆尔先生体质好,很快就战胜他的微恙,不消几天工夫,他就把病魔赶走。
It has thereby ushered in an age of information technology unimaginable when Dr Moore coined it. 由此开创了信息技术时代,这是摩尔博士提出定律时所未预料的。
Moore is one of the founding members of a group in western Washington state dubbed the Local Investing Opportunities Network or LION. 摩尔是西华盛顿州一个被称为“地方投资机会网”的创始人之一。