
美 [mæs]英 [mæs]
  • n.质量;群众;大量;块
  • v.聚集;集结
  • adj.大批的;数量极多的;广泛的
  • 网络弥撒;大众;团

第三人称单数:masses 现在分词:massing 过去式:massed

Mass destruction,Mass unemployment,Mass consumption,Mass support,Mass immigration


1.[c]~ (of sth)团;块;堆a large amount of a substance that does not have a definite shape or form

2.[c][ususing]~ of sth大量;许多a large amount or quantity of sth

3.[sing]~ of sth(常指混乱的)一群,一堆a large number of people or things grouped together, often in a confused way

4.[pl](informal)~ (of sth)大量的东西a large number or amount of sth

5.[pl]群众;平民百姓the ordinary people in society who are not leaders or who are considered to be not very well educated

6.[sing]大多数;多数the most; the majority

7.[u]质量the quantity of material that sth contains


be a mass of

充满;布满to be full of or covered with sth


建筑学常见英语词汇 ... 重量 weight 质量 mass 力 force ...




人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... drill vt. 钻孔;在…上钻孔 mass n. 众多;大量 shadow n. 影子;阴影 ...


大众(mass)有别于群体(group) 、群集(crowd)和公众(public),大众被视为现代工业化城镇社会这一新环境的产物,尤其是就其规 …


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... Marxist a. 马克思主义的 mass n. 众多;团;群众 master n. 主人;能手;硕 …

电梯专业英语词汇(三) ... masonry well 砖砌井道 mass 质量,,团,大量的 mass monent of inertia 惯性矩 ...

M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... Marxist a. 马克思主义的 mass n. 众多;;群众 master n. 主人;能手;硕 …


单位换算 ... 长度/ Length 重量/ Mass 力/ Force ...

There was no obvious mass in the duodenal lumen, but an area of hyperemia and a look of rigidity. 因为十二指肠腔里面没有看到明显的肿块,只有一块粘膜表现的比较粗糙,有明显的充血。
Here is the thing: it had a very clear meaning *at the time* and was a clear contrast to the prevailing mass of applications on the web. 事情就是这样:在当时它有一个非常清楚的意思,而且跟当时web上盛行的大量应用有着明显的区别。
His mass said, he broke his fast on rye bread dipped in the milk of his own cows. 弥撒经念过以后,作为早餐,他吃一块黑麦面包,蘸着自家的牛的乳汁。
"The mass production of these works of art as parasites on the body of a commercial IC goes unnoticed by most observers, " writes Chipworks. “大量的藏身于商业集成电路上的艺术品被大多数的观察员所忽视,”Chipworks写道。
However, we also see that animation itself has the rebelling disposition and cannot be eradicated from its mass culture nature. 不过,我们也从动画的大众文化性质中看出它自身带有并根除不了的反叛气质。
There was sort of a standstill in Britain the day, or the moment of her death, and people decided to mourn her death in a sort of mass way. 她去世的当天或者是那一刻,英国似乎陷入了停滞,人们决定大规模地、群众性地哀悼她的逝去。
I always see that whenever a torrent of life in a turbulent, in the creation of its own path, through a mass of mountains and rocks. 我无论在什么时候总看见那一股生活的激流在动荡,在创造它自己的道路,通过乱山碎石中间。
The result of social psychology research indicates that the mass media is one of the sources from which stereotype came into people's mind. 社会心理学研究结果表明,大众传媒是形成人们刻板印象的来源之一。
She said a "troubled" relationship with food caused mass obesity in the general population and made young girls consider going on diets. 她说,我们与食物的“糟糕关系”引起总体人口的明显肥胖,而年轻的女孩正考虑节食减肥。
Around the world, market participants stepped back in mass from what, up to then, were standardised, routine, predictable transactions. 在全球范围内,市场参与者彻底撤出直至那时仍是标准化、常规化和可预测的交易。
In specific cases, tiny mass can be changed into tremendous amounts of energy, causing atomic bombs coming out on earth. 在特定的情形下,很小的物质可以转化成巨大的能量,于是地球上就出现了原子弹。
The orphan girl's murder seems to have caused a sort of mass unrest with the patients. 女孤儿被谋杀似乎在病人中引起了一种广泛的不安。
He made no reference to the fruitless search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq - a major justification for launching the war. 他没有使关于在伊拉克对大模毁灭性武器的不结果的搜寻参考成为-发射战争的主要的辩护。
It turned out to be a mass sing-along of "The One" (also from 100 Days), with Jun Yang joining in, and presented him with a birthday cake. 现场大规模合唱「转动」(也是100天专辑里的歌曲)。洪俊扬也加入这场合唱,及带出一个生日蛋糕送给俊杰。
Voters must be able to understand how to make their selections , and votes must be easy to count in mass quantities. 投票人必须能够了解如何圈选,选票也必须容易在数量庞大的状况下计算。
Him several times secretly returned to the U. S. from Canada to help others to freedom through the Mass Transit Railway. 他几次偷偷的从加拿大回到美国帮助其他努力通过地下铁路获得自由。
American had the numbers of men and could produce the weapons for a mass army, and transport it to Europe, no question about it. 美国不乏人力,亦能为庞大军队生产足够装备,并将其送到欧洲,这方面并无问题。
A thin, cushionlike mass of soft material used to fill, to give shape, or to protect against jarring, scraping, or other injury. 护垫,衬:薄的、象靠垫一样的柔软材料,用来填装、定形或防止挤压、刮擦或其它伤害。
So efficiency tends to decrease with increasing size once firms have passed the point where they can take full advantage of mass production. 所以当一个企业越过了它能获得的规模效应的最高点后,它的规模和效率则呈反比。
A key problem seems to be that many mass-market vitamins are vastly different from those found naturally in food or plants. 关键问题似乎是大众市场售卖的维生素和从食物和植物中天然提出的维生素有很大的不同。
All the children were similar in height, weight and body mass index (BMI; a ratio of height to weight used to measure obesity). 所有儿童在身高、体重和体质指标方面(BMI;身高体重之比,用来测量肥胖)都极为相似。
Third, mass monitoring has no normal channels and social discussion is often under attack. 第三,群众监督没有正常渠道,社会舆论时常受到打压。
For the front teeth, if of tooth mass enough to keep, can consider not doing false teeth after root canal therapy done, simple filling. 对于前牙而言,若保留的齿质够多,做完根管治疗后可以考虑不做假牙,简单的填补即可。
It was the beginning of mass production, the fundamental principle of capitalistic industry. 它是资本主义工业的基本原则——大规模生产的起源。
The company's effort to deflect public attention appears to have done little to calm down the anger of the mass. 该公司试图转移公众注意力的做法似乎没有平息群众的愤怒。
If projectiles are sufficiently big and fast, they vaporize both themselves and a similar mass of the surface. 如果撞击物够大且速度够快,会使本身连同地表上相近的质量蒸发。
The patient later suffered from hematemesis . The CXR revealed a middle mediastinal mass with an air-fluid level. 后来伴有吐血发生,此时X光显示中纵膈腔质块伴含有气液平面。
The desire to see, for the sake of seeing, with the mass, alone the one to be gratified, hence the delight in detail. 对于大多数人,单单是为了要看见而要远眺的愿望只是需要得到满足而已,因此,仅仅以能一睹细节为快。
He said the decision not to carry out a mass slaughter was based on health guidelines, not political considerations. 他表示不展开大规模宰杀行动的决定是基于相关卫生指引,而非政治考虑。
The surface temperature of a star depends in part on its mass and affects its brightness and color. 恒星的表面温度部分取决于它的质量,并影响它的亮度和颜色。