
美 [rɪˈstɔr]英 [rɪˈstɔː(r)]
  • v.恢复;修复;恢复(某种情况或感受);使复原
  • 网络还原;重建;归还

第三人称单数:restores 现在分词:restoring 过去式:restored

restore confidence,restore order,restore system,restore service,restore reputation



1.~ sth (to sb)恢复(某种情况或感受)to bring back a situation or feeling that existed before

2.~ sb/sth to sth使复原;使复位;使复职to bring sb/sth back to a former condition, place or position

3.~ sth修复;整修;使复原to repair a building, work of art, piece of furniture, etc. so that it looks as good as it did originally

4.~ sth重新采用(或实施);恢复to bring a law, tradition, way of working, etc. back into use

5.~ sth (to sb/sth)归还(失物、赃款等)to give sth that was lost or stolen back to sb


注册表 - 搜搜百科 ... Redetect the Devices( 重新检测硬件) Restore恢复) Reinstall( 重新安装) ...


还原:还原一共有2种模式,一个是普通全部还原restore),也就是和win中的一键还原一样。还有一种就是高级还原,可以 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... burn vt 焚烧;烧焦;点(灯) restore vt 修复;重建 △ Nazi n 纳粹党人 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... burn vt 焚烧;烧焦;点(灯) restore vt 修复;重建 △ Nazi n 纳粹党人 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... restaurant 餐馆,饭店 restore 恢复;归还 restrict 限制,约束 ...


复原(RESTORE)而不是恢复(RECOVER) INCONSISTENT 在数据库打开或安装(但不打开)时使用。


四六级阅读词汇 - 豆丁网 ... restate||重新叙述 restore||回复 restraints||抑制 ...


四级词汇乱序_百度文库 ... sweat n. 汗 restore vt. 恢复;归还;修补 weaken vt. 削弱 ...

Beijing is trying to restore normal economic conditions following a huge stimulus that helped China quickly rebound from the global crisis. 在一场帮助该国迅速走出全球危机的巨大刺激行动之后,北京正视图重新回到正常的经济运行轨道。
Restore to me the gladness of Your salvation, And sustain me with a willing spirit. 求你使我复得你救恩之乐,赐我乐意的灵扶持我。
At a time of lost confidence, we need deeds that restore the public trust that governments are up to the challenge. 在信心丧失之际,我们需要以实际行动来恢复公众信任,表明政府有能力应对挑战。
Scripts can also be written to restore files, though restoration is often done manually. 也可以编写脚本来还原文件,虽然还原通常是手动进行的。
A senior North Korean official says his country is beginning to restore a disabled nuclear facility capable of producing weapons material. 北韩一位高级官员说,北韩正在开始修复一座被拆除的能够生产武器级核材料的核设施。
The tail-log backup lets you restore the database up to the point of a failure. 尾日志备份允许您将数据库还原到故障点。
The wizard interface makes the program incredibly easy to use and a restore utility is included. 向导界面使程序难以置信的易于使用和还原实用工具包含。
Bank assistance has also been used to restore livelihoods by providing grants for replacing destroyed fishing vessels and other equipment. 另外,世行的援助还通过赠款形式重置毁坏的渔船和其它设备,以恢复人们的生计。
After the above processing of tea scale will be very easy to VIS and to restore the beautiful face, you may wish to try. 后规模以上茶叶加工会很容易可见,恢复美丽的容颜,你不妨试试。
If multiple users have identical files, they may be unable to restore a file, as their file permissions do not allow this. 如果多个使用者拥有完全相同的文件,他们可能因为「他们的文件权限的不允许」而无法回复一个文件。
If the database being restored does not exist, the user must have CREATE DATABASE permissions to be able to execute RESTORE. 如果不存在要还原的数据库,则用户必须有CREATEDATABASE权限才能执行RESTORE。
Once waves have been generated, gravity is the force that drives them in a continual attempt to restore the ocean surface to a flat plain. 一旦波浪形成,地球引力是持续不断企图使海面复原为平面的力量。
To restore a database up to the point of failure, the log chain must be intact. 若要将数据库还原到故障点,必须保证日志链是完整的。
With industrialisation eating into the countryside, he said the government would halt plans to restore arable land to nature. 他说,随着工业化扩张蚕食到农村的土地,中国政府将停止退耕还林计划。
And he was prepared to see Atlanta and Richmond sacked and burned if it would restore the Union more quickly. 他也早以做好了亚特兰大和里奇蒙德两座城市被洗劫和烧毁的准备,只要这些能够使得全国更快统一。
But how much is not nearly as important as our having both an aggressive effort to restore growth today and a 10-year plan. 但是与恢复眼下经济增长的有力措施和10年计划相比,应该征多高的税这个问题就显得微不足道了。
shutting himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self. 这位父亲苦涩地现则了隐居,关闭起自己和朋友隔绝,也拒绝参加那些能让他找回平衡,返回常态的一切活动。
The ultimate purpose of financial stabilization, of course, was to restore the normal flow of credit, which had been severely disrupted. 金融稳定的最终目的当然是恢复已被严重破坏的信贷,让信贷正常流动。
"Our most urgent task, " he said, "is to restore our economy, and put the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs back to work. " “我们最紧急的任务”,他说,“是重振经济,并使失去工作的人重返工作岗位”。
Helps you make a copy of the data on your hard disk drive. You can use this backup copy to restore your data if it becomes lost or damaged. 帮助您在硬盘驱动器上制作数据的副本。如果您的数据丢失或损坏,您可以使用此备份副本恢复它。
Pacquiao is the kind of figure who could restore boxing to its former glory, if such a thing were possible. 帕奎奥是那种可以使拳击运动恢复旧日荣光的人物,如果可能的话。
He said he would "bring together all executives and employees to restore confidence [in the carrier]" . 他说,自己将“把所有管理人员与雇员团结起来,以恢复人们(对该航空公司)的信心”。
(director: abnormal interview) with more than six in the morning, cleaner found a young man hanged herself, restore now exhausted. (非正常采访)学生处处长:早上六点多,保洁员发现有个小伙子上吊死了,当时人已经不行了。
Such a trick could be mimicked using water tanks positioned in the bowels of a building to restore humidity in hot, dry climates. 在炎热干燥的气候条件下,人类可以通过在建筑大楼内部安置水箱来保证湿度。
In an online restore, the recovery point is the point when the data being restored was taken offline or made read-only for the last time. 对于在线还原,恢复点就是要恢复的数据最后一次变为离线或只读时的点。
In the rest of the book, we will see how God began to use Him to rebuild the city wall, to restore and reform God's chosen people. 在这本书的其他章节里,我们看到神如何使用尼希米来重建城墙,复兴神所拣选的团体。
Unfortunately, the easiest of these -- using the front-panel LED menu -- doesn't fully restore the switch to its factory settings. 不幸的是,这些最简单的-使用前面板为首的菜单-并不完全恢复切换到其出厂设置。
Source control allows you to "roll back" to a previous iteration of a file to restore the status quo or to recover from an error. 源代码控制系统允许用户“回滚”到以前的文件版本,从而恢复以前的状态或从错误中恢复。
The Federal Reserve will certainly do all that it can to help restore high rates of growth and employment in a context of price stability. 联储当然会在保持价格稳定的条件下为帮助高的增长率和就业率而竭尽全力。
I partly agree with him: China should be invited into the G8 to help restore the stability of the global financial markets. 我同意他的某些说法:为了帮助恢复全球金融市场的稳定性,应该邀请中国加入八国集团。