
美 [muv]英 [muːv]
  • n.行动;移动;搬家;活动
  • 网络搬动;感动;移动文件

第三人称单数:moves 现在分词:moving 过去式:moved

make move,move motion,move furniture,move muscle,move back
smart move,right move,bold move,bad move,false move
move forward,quickly move,move swiftly,move cautiously,freely move


v. n.

改变位置change position

1.[i][t](使)改变位置,移动to change position or make sb/sth change position in a way that can be seen, heard or felt

改变主意╱时间change ideas/time

2.[i][t]变化;改变;转变to change; to change sth

取得进展make progress

3.[i]~ (on/ahead)前进;进步;进展to make progress in the way or direction mentioned

采取行动take action

4.[i]采取行动;做(事)to take action; to do sth

搬家;换工作change house/job

5.[i][t]搬家;搬迁to change the place where you live, have your work, etc.

6.[t]~ sb (from…) (to…)使变换;调动to make sb change from one job, class, etc. to another

棋类游戏in board games

7.[i][t]走棋;移动棋子to change the position of a piece

使感动cause strong feelings

8.[t]使感动(尤指因为同情或悲伤);打动to cause sb to have strong feelings, especially of sympathy or sadness

促使make sb do sth

9.[t]促使,迫使(某人做某事);使去做to cause sb to do sth

正式提出suggest formally

10.[t](正式地)提出,提议to suggest sth formally so that it can be discussed and decided


get moving

马上行动;迅速开始(或离去等)to begin, leave, etc. quickly

get sth moving

使进步;推动to cause sth to make progress

move heaven and earth

竭尽所能;竭尽全力to do everything you possibly can in order to achieve sth

move with the times

顺应时代;顺应潮流to change the way you think and behave according to changes in society


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Remove 开除,搬家 Move 移动 Vision 视觉,景象 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... still 还,仍旧 move 搬家 miss 想念,思念 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1090 May n 五月 1091 move v 移动,搬动,搬家 1092 understand v 懂得, …


保持微笑 - Sylvia - 网易博客 ... “创·造 Invent”。 “行·动 Move”, “爱 Love”, ...


感字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 感戴〖 besincerelygratefulfor〗 感动move;touchemotionally;impress〗 感恩〖 bethankful〗 ...


命令提示符_百度百科 ... Ctrl+M: 表示回车确认键; move 移动文件,改目录名 more 分屏显示 ...


运字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 运动〖 arrangethingsthroughpull〗 运动move;turnaround〗 运动场〖 sportsfield〗 ...

I've never seen anyone move so fast. He ran like the wind. Run like the wind meansto run as swift as the wind moves; to run very fast. 我从来没有看见过跑得这么快的人。他跑起来就像一阵风一样。
The bomb might have blown up if the children had tried to move it. 如果孩子们动了炸弹,也许炸弹早就爆炸了。
Japan Foreign Ministry official familiar with the matter called China's move 'regrettable' and said it's unclear when talks will resume. 日本外务省一位知情官员说中国的决定很“遗憾”,并说不清楚谈判何时会重新开始。
It said the move is the result of S&P splitting its data, pricing and analytics business from its ratings business. 金融时报说,本次辞职是标普将把其数据部门,定价部门,及分析部门从其评级业务中分离出去的结果。
Is the ship ready to move under its own power? 液货船在自行之动力下可随时移动?
Even doctors, who may seem to have the most to lose from patient-centred digital medicine, increasingly support the move online. 病人为中心的数字药物似乎会让医生失去很多,但越来越多的医生却支持这一网络行为。
That move has since come under attack as the sort of "market fundamentalist" project that caused the bubble. 自废除之后,此举一直被抨击为导致泡沫出现的那种“市场原教旨主义”项目。
When he posted a list of ten short reasons why he had decided to move away from the political right, it attracted plenty of flames. 而当他列出自己放弃做一个右翼分子的十条理由时,引发了大量的论战。
The little snail tried to move to the door of the shell to have a look, but soon he was hurt by the sands. 小蜗牛试着尝试爬到洞口张望一下,立刻就被吹来的沙子割伤了身体。
In the next few articles, I'll move beyond the Java language to look at a new language and a few lightweight frameworks. 在接下来的几篇文章中,我将离开Java语言来探索一种新的语言和几个轻量级框架。
Republicans can only hope the move pushes Iraq off the front page as they turn their attention to next year's crucial elections . 共和党希望此举只能把它们作为头版对开伊拉克将目光投向明年的关键性选举。
Children are usually easy to move, and the nurse may be able to simply raise a child to the sitting position. 儿童通常容易移动,护士也许能够轻易地将儿童扶至坐位。
Lisa updates Pad Man that she is ready to move Scylla. Sara sees Lisa leave the office. 莉莎通知“将军”已经准备好,可以转移“锡拉”了。莎拉看见莉莎离开了办公室。
JR's cock is perfectly straight with a fat mushroom head sitting on top of a shaft that keeps getting thicker as you move towards the base. JR的公鸡是完全符合脂肪蘑菇上的轴,状态越来越厚,你向基地负责人直接坐在上面移动。
Birkin watched the black-clothed form of the other man move out of the door, the bright head was gone, he turned over to sleep. 伯金目送身穿黑衣服的这一男人走出门外。光的脑袋消失了,他便翻身入睡。
The conduction electrons associated with the iodine can move along the chains as if they were long thin wires. 碘中所含的传导电子能够沿着链运动,就好象这些链是长的细导线一样。
Synopsis : The defending conference champs seem to be in good shape with a healthy Kobe and Bynum. But will they make a move with Odom? 综述:假如科比和拜纳姆保持健康,那么卫冕西区冠军看起来状态很好。但是,他们会交易奥多姆吗?
They had hoped to be able to move into their new house at the end of the month, but things did not work out as they had expected. 他们本打算在月底搬入新家,但是事情并不像他们预期的那样发展。
They said the move violates international agreements and called on satellite operators to pressure Iran to stop. 它们说,伊朗此举违反了国际公约,并呼吁卫星运营商对伊朗施压要求其停止干扰活动。
Johnson took time of his holiday and was in Merseyside today morning and is believed to have secured a move to the Anfield club. 约翰逊今天上午借假期之虞现身默西塞德,相信离他加盟这家安菲尔德俱乐部的日子不远了。
Let's move on, and flip over to the next chapter, and that's what this conference is all about -- the next chapter. 让我们继续,跳到下一章,而这才是此次会议的内容——下一章。
As you roll the mouse around on your desktop, you see a visual symbol, the cursor, move around on the computer screen in the same way. 在桌面上滚动鼠标时,你看见一个视觉符号,即光标以同样的方式在显示屏上移动。
Investors and analysts appeared to approve of the move, considering the newspaper is a small piece of the company's overall business. 投资者和分析人士看来赞成停刊,他们认为该报只占新闻集团整体业务的一小部分。
No matter where you are in the organization, ultimately your job is to help the top honcho move the company forward. 无论你处于一个团体的什么位置,你工作的最终目的是协助你的老板使公司向前发展。
To understand all difficult to understand the behavior, tolerance, tolerance of all easy to move. 理解一切难以理解的行为,宽容所有不易宽容的举动。
This would be a mistake at this time -- China's banking sector is not prepared for such a move today. 此举目前暂不可行,因为中国的银行业尚未为这类行动做好准备。
Among the debates was the degree to which U. S. Treasury yields might move higher over time. 其中一个争论议题是美国国债收益率今后会有多大幅度的提高。
Officials at the Bank of Japan have been vague about the timing of the move, saying it may come sometime next year. 日本央行官员对行动的时机语焉不详,称或许是明年某个时候。
By learning and understanding SQL, you'll be able to make better decisions and move poorly performing code out of the database. 通过学习和理解SQL,你将能够做出更好的决定并将表现糟糕的代码移出数据库。
I moved forward to such a dream, such a move are the details of their own, For the tears stream overflow the threshold of the heart. 我感动着这样的梦想,感到有这样一个打动自己的细节,欲流的泪水溢满了心情的门槛。