
美 [ˈɪnˌbaʊnd]英 [ˈɪnbaʊnd]
  • adj.到达的;归航的

过去分词:inbounded 现在分词:inbounding 第三人称单数:inbounds



1.到达的;归航的travelling towards a place rather than leaving it

Until the inbound service continues to run the next stop, it is always waiting for a response from the target component. 在入站服务继续下一项操作之前,它始终会等待目标组件的应答。
The airport has also run out of aircraft fuel, so inbound planes have to carry enough fuel to be able to leave without refueling. 杜桑•卢维图尔国际机场的航空煤油已经用光,因此入港飞机必须自带足够的油品,可以在无需就地加油的情况下离港。
We then modify the format of the message from that of the inbound service to that of the outbound service. 然后,我们将入站服务的消息的格式改为出站服务的消息的格式。
User can direct local number inbound calls to live reply (remote agent), his own number, or to voice message. 本地电话号码,用户可以直接来电住答复(远程代理),他自己的号码,或语音信息。
The query results are returned in a message; the maximum number of results to be returned can be specified in an inbound parameter. 查询结果在消息中返回;可以在一个传入参数中指定要返回的结果数量。
The same is true of China's inbound tourism market, as it has stepped into a depressing period and relevant enterprises fall in difficulty. 国际金融危机也对中国入境旅游市场造成严重影响,入境旅游市场进入了明显的萧条期,相关企业运营趋于困难。
Other solutions that use a different combination of inbound and outbound protocols can be set up in a similar fashion. 可以通过类似方式设置其他其他解决方案来使用入站协议和出站协议的不同组合。
'Within seven to 10 years, if we play our cards right, China will be one of the biggest markets inbound to the U. S. , ' he said. 他说,如果我们的策略得当,在7至10年内,中国就将成为美国最大的旅游客源市场之一。
One of the mediations provided by the gateway can be to log the inbound message in its secured state, thus facilitating non-repudiation. 网关提供的中介之一可以用于记录处于安全状态的入站消息,从而实现不可否认性。
The report said China expected to see 124 million inbound trips this year, down five percent from a year earlier. 报告称,今年中国的入境游数量将达到1.24亿次,同比减少了5%。
This primitive is going to route the inbound message to one of two possible transformations. 此原语会将入站消息路由到两个可能的转换之一。
Radar systems monitored the pilot as he turned right to intercept the localizer and began tracking inbound. 雷达系统检测到,当该飞行员右转截获了航道时,开始按指引归航。
Calls to the optimized local adapter invocation or send request APIs do not result in an inbound JCA request to drive into the target EJB. 针对优化的本地适配器调用或发送请求API的调用不会导致入站JCA请求以便进入目标EJB。
A set of mapping rules define how the original inbound message is to be broken apart into constituent pieces. 映射规则集定义原始入站消息如何划分为多个部分。
Ensuring taxi conflict free and taking account of single flight taxi time, total taxi time of inbound and outbound flights was reduced. 在保证滑行道零冲突、兼顾单个航班滑行时间的前提下,缩小机场进出港航班总滑行时间。
The total number of bytes of staging file data received by this replica set member from its inbound partners. 由这个复制集成员从其输入伙伴处接收的主持文件数据的总字节。
A dapper German businessman arrives on an inbound flight and is met by his chauffeur. 西装革履的德国经理刚返程回来,一下飞机就有专职司机迎接。
Acceptance of inbound messages from the source queue manager is handled by an SCA Export with a WebSphere MQ binding type. 从源队列管理器接收入站消息是由一个SCAExport以及一个WebSphereMQ绑定类型处理的。
The inbound roamer record comprises at least the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) of the inbound roamer. 该入境漫游用户记录至少包括所述入境漫游用户的国际移动用户识别码(IMSI)。
Inbound means of transport, after the declaration while prior to departure, shall move along the route recognized by the Customs. 进境运输工具在进境申报以后出境以前,应当按照海关认可的路线行进。
As you might know, all inbound channels run with full authority of the queue manager and thus have access to all queues. 您可能知道,所有入站通道都具有队列管理器的完整权限,因此可以访问所有队列。
Loading and unloading inbound and outbound means of transport may be subject to supervision and control of the Customs. 海关可以对进出境运输工具装卸货物实施监装监卸。
A standard configuration is for a carrier is to use half of each block to send a signal, and half to receive (outbound and inbound traffic). 运营商的一种标准配置是使用一半的块来发送信号,另一半接收(即下行和上传通道)。
The inbound service in the bus may be invoked just like any other Web service from a variety of platforms. 可以像调用来自各种平台的任何其他Web服务一样调用总线中的入站服务。
JSON Content Request: Remove active content from all String values in an inbound JSON object sent to any URIs. JSON内容请求:从发送到URI的入站JSON对象的所有String值中删除活动内容。
The inbound service may be called just like any other Web service from a variety of platforms. 可以像调用来自各种平台的任何其他Web服务一样调用总线服务。
All inbound replication connections for the partition %1 are disabled. Inbound replication of this partition cannot be performed. 磁盘分区%1所有的复制输入连接都已停用。这个磁盘分区的输入复制无法运行。
Stage 2. PDM was applied to the inbound movement of materials, components, and subassemblies, generally known as " materials management" . 第二阶段:PDM应用于物流、部件和半成品的往返流转活动,通常称之为“物料管理”。
The broker matches an inbound message to any subscribers using this topic and delivers a copy of the message to each matching subscriber. 代理为所有使用此主题的订阅方匹配一条入站消息,并将该消息的副本发送给每个匹配的订阅方。
If you subscribe to Quantum View Inbound , you will need to ask your vendors to include your Location ID in their shipment information . 如果您订阅进口总量检视,您必须要求您的供应商,将您的地点ID放于他们的托运货件资料中。