my job

  • 网络我的工作;我的职业;工作作品

my jobmy job

my job


英语作文_英语作文大全_英语作文网 ... 03-21我理想的工作 My Ideal Work 03-20我的工作 My Job 03-19我的家乡 My Hometow…


牛津英语四年级——4B四会单词和词组_英语网 ... their jobs 他(她)们的职业 my job 我的职业 that old woman 那个老妇人 ...


Winson Lam ... Album:Bridal Dress( 婚纱) Album:My Job( 工作作品) Album:Social Event( 社团活动) ...


  北京地区新锐招聘网站“我的工作网”(MY JOB)CEO钟斌告诉记者,2006年底该网站的日访问量突破100万次,北京人才市场的 …


200多名员工将 被接管 此前有IT猎头向本报记者 爆料称,中华英才网已被爱尔兰尚龙 集团旗下的"我工作网"(my job)纳入麾下。 …


Tesco乐购前... ... I support the store’s Community Plan. 网店经理支持门店的社区计划。 My Job 工作简述 I work for 汇报对象 ...


Sean Huang - Google+ ... My Trail 我的旅途: My Job 我的小作品: My Company 我的小公司1: ...

She did everything she could to make it easier for me to do my job, and kept the Oval Office operations in great shape. 她尽她所能使我的工作更容易开展,而且让总统办公室运作得很有条理。
Roger, there's one thing I've got to tell you: I've quit my job. 罗杰,有件事要告诉你,我辞职了。
One of the perks of my job is that I rarely run into boring fund managers trying to peddle a "new" take on equity investing. 我的工作带给我的一项福利是,我很少遇到试图推销股票投资“新”看法的无趣基金经理。
On the brief walk to Burger King that humid mid-afternoon, I thought of how much I loved my job. 在去汉堡王的一小段路上,那是一个潮湿的中午,我想起了我多么热爱这份工作。
my job is all right as far as it goes , but i don ' t like fixed working hours. 我的工作本身是挺不错的,不过我不喜欢固定的上下班时间。
I started working at a university in London but as time went by, I found I did not really like my job. 我最初在伦敦一所大学教书,颗后来我觉得自己并不喜欢当老师。
If my job gets offshored, the company should keep paying my benefits for a year. 如果我出国工作,公司应当继续支付我一年的福利;
He was trying to tell me how to do my job, but I soon told him where to get off. 他要告诉我怎么做,我叫他哪儿凉快哪儿呆着去
No, I left the label. You were right, as it turns out I hated the hell out of my job. 我离开了那个唱片公司。你是对的,事实证明我痛恨那份工作。
What I need in my job is a bit of variety, something to get my teeth into? a challenge. 什么样的工作有点多样性是我需要,能让我专注于此?一次挑战。
Even though, one of these days, I know I'll be gone and you have to replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. 即使如我所知,有一天我离你而去,也会有一块新橡皮来取代我继续我的工作。我为我的工作感到高兴,自豪。
He invited me to help open up the classrooms, and after that, it sort of became my job. 那天,我一个人坐在教室里装模作样地做作业,约瑟夫看到了,就邀请我帮他去打开其他教室的门。
I might have many plans in mind but being an artist, I just have to leave most things aside and focus on my job! 我脑中有很多计划(作为壹个艺人的),我却不得不把大多数事情放在壹边,而专注在我的工作上!
One of the most stressful parts of my job as an analyst at Merrill Lynch, and now at Rose Park Advisors, is to meet with investors. 我在美林证券里任分析师及最近在RosePark担任顾问时,工作中最令人紧张的部分当属于与投资者会面了。
If I was losing my job anyhow, at least I had the pleasure of telling my boss what I really thought of him. 既然我怎么着都丢饭碗了,那么我至少还要把自己对老板的真实看法痛痛快快地当面直说了。
I now accept the fact that it's part of my job to call clients out on this. 现在,我已经充分认识到让客户重视网站内容是我的职责之一。
If I began to identify as a gay and claimed my integrity , surely I deserved to lose my family and possibly my job and all of my friends. 如果我开始认定我是一名同性恋着,并且诚实地告诉大家,我就会理所当然地失去我的家庭,我的工作和我的所有朋友。
have been away from here for a little while on the account of my job. 因为工作的原因我离开这里有一段时间了。
I'm sick of my job, I always have to work late at night, and the company keeps me working in the office. 我很讨厌我的工作,我得经常晚上工作到很晚,公司又老是让我在办公室工作。
He is also warm-hearted guy and ready to share useful information with others. His questions do help me to perfect my job. 不过他是一个很热心的人,有任何信息都会跟我们及时分享,他的问题对完善我的工作也有很大帮助。
Once I started seeing my job as a gift, I began to look for ways that it could help me achieve my ultimate goal of leaving it. 现在的我把工作当成命运的安排,以离开为终极目标,不断找寻方法。
I recently lost my job again, and due to the huge pay cut, unlike like the last time I was out of work I cant even pay my rent. 最近我又失去了工作,也是因为薪资减少,但这次不像上次,上次我失业的时候连房租都付不齐。
My job is to pull things together from different parts of the company and clear the ways and get the resources for the key projects. 我的工作是把公司里的各种资源聚拢到一起,清除路障,然后把资源投放到最关键的项目上。
Obviously, my body's sore and my legs are pretty tired, but I'm trying to do my job. 显然,我身体已经快负荷不了,我的双腿也是真的疲累了,但是我在尽全力做好我的本分。
By the time the end of the year arrived, losses piled up on my pad and my job security was at the mercy of a select few I barely knew. 到年底时,自己组合上的亏损堆积起来,饭碗能否保住,完全要看那几个我几乎一无所知的人做出的决定。
Thank you for your busy schedule to review my job applications, as an enthusiastic college students to open a door of hope. 感谢您的百忙之中审阅我的求职申请,为一位满腔热情的大学生开启一扇希望之门。
You know, I was on the verge of quitting my job when my boss comes in and offers me a raise. 你知道,老板今天给我加薪时我正打算要辞职呢。
My coach thinks I should watch and learn, but I don't want to break my neck and suck at my job for the next decade. 我的教练认为我应该认真观察并从中学习。可是我不想去摔断我的脖子,并使自己沉浸在下一个十年的工作中。
It has been a very difficult couple of months for me regarding my job at the college. 说起我在学院里的工作,这几个月来很是难熬。
My job as the next commander-in-chief is going to be [to] make a decision: what is the right war to fight and how do we fight it? 而作为下一任军队统帅,我的任务是作出一个决定,那就是:什么样的战争是该打的,以及我们要怎样去打?