more than

  • na.…以上;比…更
  • 网络多于;超过;不止

more thanmore than

more than


人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 235 way weI n. 方法,道路,方向 240 more than 多于... 242 in common 共同的,共有 …


甚_百度百科 ... 3.诚,真[ certainly] 1.超过,胜过[ more than] 4.责备[ blame] ...


生活大爆炸中英双语解析——第3季第1集 - 小马过河 ... without: 没有 more than: 不止 make up for: 弥补 ...


【免费下载】考研英语词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... fashion n. 时尚 more than adv. 不仅仅 typically adv. 通常,一般 ...


八年级英语下册重点语法和短语 ... be interested in doing sth. 对某事感兴趣 more than 比……多 far away 在远处 ...


外研社人教版初二下册英语书课文_百度知道 ... take a message 捎个口信 more than 多过;……以上;比……更 morning call …


初高中英语单词词组汇总_百度文库 ... less than 不到;少于 38. more than 多过;…以上 39. morning paper 晨报 40. ...


外研社人教版初二下册英语书课文_百度知道 ... take a message 捎个口信 more than 多过;……以上;比……更 morning call …

" Dr. Murray is more than ready to surrender and answer to any charges , " attorney Ed Chernoff said . 律师埃德切尔诺夫说,“莫里医生不仅准备好了随时认罪,还会对任何指控做出答复。”
Tis no more than exercisin' the acrimony of a gentleman when ye ask the dissent of ladies blocking' the way for steppin' between them. 请求挡在路上的女士们同意你从她们中间穿过不是一个绅士该刻毒的时候。
In fact, has always wanted to write an article about 7 classes but I do not know how to describe our feelings more than a year. 其实一直都想写一篇关于7班的文章只是我不知道要怎么去形容我们一年多的感情。
Making the announcement Friday in the White House Rose Garden, President Obama said the World Bank is much more than just a bank. 奥巴马总统星期五在白宫玫瑰花园宣布了这一决定,他说,世界银行绝不仅仅是一个银行。
I do not care if it is nothing more than putting your sneakers on and walking around the block to start. 只要是穿上运动鞋。到街区到处行走开始,我才不管你是什么方式。
MORE than anything since the invention of the postal service, Facebook has revolutionized how we relate to one another. Facebook彻底改变了我们联系彼此的方式,在这一点上它超过了自邮政服务以来的任何发明。
Because of the stateless nature of IIS and ASP. NET, a method decorated with this attribute might be called more than once per test run. 由于IIS和ASP.NET的无状态特性,用此属性修饰的方法在每个测试运行中可以多次调用。
So, there's never a reason for you to be wallowing around in a problem for more than about a second? 所以,永远不会有什么理由让你陷入问题中超过一秒钟的,不是吗?
In short, hiring drivers in Xiamen need you more than a snack, and Xiamen, where the company hiring the driver is not the same. 总之,在厦门招聘司机需要你多用点心,这里和厦门公司招聘司机是不一样的。
I enjoy cooking and baking. And nothing pleases me more than to be able to prepare a full course meal for that special someone. 我很喜欢烹饪菜肴、制作甜点。最令我愉快的事情莫过于就是能够有机会为自己最特别的人准备一份完整的套餐了。
The men didn't seem to like me any more than I liked them. 那些人似乎并不喜欢我,就像我不喜欢他们一样。
Depending on the interplay of these four factors, the body can turn into a skeleton as rapidly as two weeks or take more than two years. 在以上四个因素的相互作用下,尸体最快两个星期就能变成骨头最慢可能要两年左右。
Asean itself may be little more than a talk-shop on to which trade and cultural agreements have been bolted. 从某种意义上来说,东盟本身无非是个靠贸易和文化为纽带结合到一起的清谈组织。
As a freshman she was more than ready to go home for the first time since August. 作为一个大学新生,艾莉早已为这第一次归家准备好一切。
Instance resource redundant: Two or more resource instances loaded with no more than 50 percent of the total load. 实例资源冗余:负载不超过总负载50%的两个或两个以上的资源实例。
However, you know so well from the bottom of your heart, that you care about him more than any other normal friend. 但是你们心底清楚,对这个人,你比朋友还多了一份关心。
This speech raises the stakes, and the pressure is going to mount to deliver something more than just a dialogue. 这次演讲促使了这样的期待,而由此而来的压力会继续增长,而后这将不仅仅只是一次对话。
Mission recognized Zaalbar was more than a lumbering brute and the two quickly became the best of friends. 米欣看出扎尔巴不只是一个笨拙的蛮子,两人很快成了挚友。
How much better, though, we might do if they saw leadership as more than a tutorial. 然而,如果两人能够认识到国家领袖并不只是在扮演导师角色,我们的处境就要好得多了。
In the first few weeks after birth, the infant is not able to see properly objects that are more than a few centimeters away. 在出生后的前几个星期里,婴儿无法看清楚几公分以外的物体。
Women who have the # almost daily for more than a few weeks are advised to see a diny college or other doctor. 因此建议那些差不多每天都出现这些症状并超过几星期的妇女去找妇科医生或其他医生就诊。
I in looked in the process, saw permits more than 3 initial times, really did not know is any feeling, for me a depth question. 我在看的过程中,看到许三多起初的时候,真的不知道是什么感觉,给我一个深深的疑问。
'Harry Gorman' lived as a man for more than 20 years and was an employee of the New York Center Railway. 哈里。哥曼作为男人生活了20多年,是纽约火车中心站的工作人员。
The psychological training at Brett's school was rigorous. Out of more than 20 people in his class, Brett was one of only five graduates. 这家学校的教育很严格,在全班20多个学生中,Brett是得以获得毕业的5个学生之一。
The specter of every country trying to devalue more than competitors to spur exports stirs frightening images of the Great Depression. 为了刺激出口,每个国家都试图让本币的贬值幅度超过竞争对手,这种恐惧使人们回想起大萧条时期的恐怖画面。
Food, at least for the better-off, has long been far more than a means of keeping body and soul together. 至少在收入还可以的人看来,食物早已不只是维系生命的手段了。
Does art reflect life? In movies, yes. Because more than any other art form, films have been a mirror held up to society's porous face. 艺术反映生活吗?对电影而言是。多于任何另外的艺术形式,电影是竖在社会之多样面貌前的一面镜子。
What was surprising about all this was that it has only happened more than two years after Mr Morales took office. 所有这一切仅仅发生在莫拉莱斯执政两年多后,这是令人深感惊讶的。
But even then, to the naked eye Mars appeared as nothing more than an extremely bright yellowish-orange star, not at all like the full moon. 可即便如此,在肉眼下当夜的火星也不过就是茫茫苍穹之间一颗颇为明亮的橘红色小点,和满月丁点可比性没有啦。
The child looked terrified and it was a relief to see him let free with nothing more than a warning not to return. 男孩吓坏了,当看到站长只是警告他不要再来后就放走他,我松了一口气。