into the light

  • 网络步入光明;渐入光明;进入光明

into the lightinto the light

into the light


《阿玛拉王国:惩罚》各种任务详细攻略心得... ... Main Quest( 主线任务) Into the Light( 步入光明) Side Quest( 支线任务) ...


FIM《Nature’s Concertos》 - yy的日志 - 网易博客 ... 6.AMAZING GRACE 恩宠 7.INTO THE LIGHT 渐入光明 8.THE DAYBRE…


床头灯儿童英文故事2 ... Upside down. 倒过来了。 Into the light. 进入光明。 The Thunderbolt is slowing down. 霹雳车慢下了。 ...


UKoo舞曲... ... 11 Stripped 2.4 脱了吧2.4 12 Into The Light 前进光明 01 The Sound Of Nature Part 2 天籁二部曲 ...


...的售票处前加装一盏巨大的戴维安全灯,主通道上标示“走向光明”(INTO THE LIGHT),正正是当年芒克威尔茅斯煤矿升降 …


鬼束FS_新浪博客 ... 04 - The Wanderer of Time 时之放浪者 05 - Into the Light 通向光明 07 - Voyage 旅程 ...


Karunesh -《超越时空》 -... ... 03. Atlantis - 亚特兰蒂斯 04. Into The Light - 融入光明 05. Over The Hills - 在山上 ...


酷杰的音乐志:... ... 11-Nao Chora Menina( 别哭了,少女) 05-Into the Light( 融入光芒) 06-Esperanca Do Amor( 爱的希望) ...

We need to put some coins into the light box, but no one is in a hurry; everyone is waiting for someone else to do it. 我们需要往灯箱里投放些硬币,但没有人急着投,每个人都等着别的人投币。
Tell someone. Bring it out into the light of day. Shame is debilitating. Confront it head on by telling someone what you did. 告诉给别人。吐露出来。羞愧令人…弱化。告诉给别人你曾做过了什么来直面面对它。
Don't get me wrong, theirs was not a leap into the dark, but a step into the light. 请你别误解我,他们的举动不是扑向黑暗,而是向光明跨前一步。
For me, singing sad songs often has a way of healing a situation. It gets the hurt out in the open into the light, out of the darkness. 对我来说,唱悲伤的歌是一种治愈。因为它让伤口穿越黑暗,暴露在阳光下。
Trust your inner feelings, as you knew that this period of time would move you into the Light. “信任”你们的内在感受,因为你们已经知道这个周期必将带着你们进入“光”。
What few of you understood was that Heaven was lovingly watching over you, and planning your release into the Light. 你们中几乎没有人明白的是天堂正慈爱地守护着你们,并规划着你们的释放进入光中。
In this and other ways, the last years of the Soviet Union saw its military- industrial complex gradually pushed out into the light of day. 从这个方面看来,苏联解体前的最后几年,其军工企业确实是逐渐曝光了。
Sometimes it takes a little extra effort to push a great idea through the cloud of politics and jealousy into the light for everyone to see. 有时候,您只需付出一点额外的努力,去拨开那些嫉妒和政治偏见的乌云,将您伟大的思想呈现在人人都能看见的阳光之下。
This time has come to move out of the dark dream of destruction and into the light dream of peace, honor and love. 这一时刻已经到来,将具有破坏性的黑暗之梦移除,并进入和平、尊重与爱的光明梦想之中。
To me tennis is about searching for your inner demons and hitting them one by one out of the shadows and into the light. 对我来说,网球让我找到内心的魔鬼并把他们一一击出阴影、暴露在阳光下。
As if desperate to leave no scent and to ghost off into the light before another human notices that they're actually free. 就像在其他人类注意到它们实际上已经自由之前急切地不想留下任何气味和消失在阳光下。
It is now shrinking, but its remnants must be dragged into the light, with over-the-counter derivatives pushed onto central clearinghouses. 现在它萎缩了,但是其残余势力通过将柜台衍生产品进入中央票据交换所这一过程必将被公之于众。
Started to fine out the hair , smudging the dark shades into the light with a 1 pixel brush . 开始刻画头发,用1象素的笔刷将阴影涂抹到亮部。
Of that you are assured, and the past will rapidly fade away as you step into the Light. 对于这些你们是被保证的,在你们步入到【光的实相】中,过去的一切将很快消失。
He lifted his head into the light, at a moment of extreme ecstasy. 在光柱中他抬起了头,处于极度的迷醉中。
Into the light of the dark black night. 飞入那暗夜的光明中
Your finite minds would understandably have difficulty in total comprehension, but as you grow into the Light it will expand. 你们的有限觉知很难理解全然的觉知,但是只要你们进入“光”它将会扩散。
But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. 但行真理的必来就光,要显明他所行的是靠神而行。
He is flying into the rainbow - into the light of hope, into the future, the glorious future that belongs to you, to me, and to all of us. 他飞向天上的彩虹,飞向希望的黎明,飞向未来。这灿烂的未来是属于你的,属于我的,属于我们大家的。
And soon after that a very strange person stepped out from among the trees into the light of the lamp-post . 没多久,从树林中走出一个样子奇怪的人,一直来到灯柱下面。
Bring it all up into the light of your awareness, and accept them, love them. 带这所有进入你感知的灯,接受它们,爱它们。
Kudos to you and the show's producers & correspondents for bringing these criminals out into the light. 我要赞扬你,也要赞扬栏目的制片人和记者们,感谢你们曝光这些罪犯。
The Fed, which did not begin announcing its policy moves until 1994, has slowly been coming into the light. 美联储1994年才开始向公众宣布其政策举措.美联储一直在缓慢提高透明度。
she no longer seeks to drag him into the realms of immanence but to emerge, herself, into the light of transcendence. 她不想再把他拖入内在性王国,而是她自己显露出超越性。
Then you will be ready to step into the Light, to embrace a freedom that was denied you. 那么你们将可以准备步入这【圣光】中,去拥抱那些曾经被禁止你们的全然自由。
Such services may languish until a more effective governance strategy can bring them into the light of day. 在出台更有效的治理策略之前,这些服务可能会一直处于被搁置状态、永不见天日。
Moves are afoot to oust them from power, bring their injurious actions into the light of public scrutiny, and themselves to justice. 运动正致力于将他们从权力之椅上拉下来,将他们的为害行动置于大众的监督之下,并给运动拥护者们自己带来正义。
Now I have returned to take this planet back into the light, and I'm calling you for cooperation and assistance. 现在我已经回到考虑到这个星球的光,和我打电话你的合作和援助。
Didn't expect the devil also a little skill, with a spell, tossed with false corpse, himself into the light smoke and fled. 没想到那个妖怪也有点本领,用了一个法术,扔下一具假的尸体,自己化作轻烟逃走了。
When you understand the truth, the real history of your world, then you can go forward into the light. 当你们了解到这个真相,你们世界的真实历史,那么你们就可以走入这圣光中。