in your hands

  • 网络在你手中;爱在你手心;在你的手中

in your handsin your hands

in your hands


The Iron... ... 5. trump card: 王牌,杀手锏 6. in your hands: 在你手中,按某人说的办 Titanic《 泰坦尼克号》精讲之三 ...


爱在你手心 (IN YOUR HANDS)NT$3,500 爱的抉择 ( UNLOVE ) NT$3,500 恋爱恐慌症 NT$4,000 我和我的小鬼们 NT$3,500 …


求Xandria的Sav... ... let me feel you breathing 让我感到你的呼吸 In your hands 在你的手中 Is the heart of mine 是我的心脏 ...


YouTube ... 约书亚-祂在乎 Someone Cares 约书亚-在祢手中 In Your Hands 约书亚-触摸到祢- Reaching For You ...


求《birthday... ... Don't be slow my love's 也不要慢,我的爱# in your hands 由你掌握# I'm a boy 我是男孩# ...


约书亚大卫帐幕 on Veengle ... 录 听见约书亚 backstage 约书亚-在祢手中 In Your Hands 约书亚-主的爱 Here is love ...

I'm leaving it up to you. I'd like to leave this matter in your hands. 我想把这件事交给你去办。
The question of commissar is worth of think about, why is all good Dao in your hands? I have three answers. 政委的问题值得深思,为什么好刀总在他们手里?答案我想有三。
I spend so much money for your college, but I never see you study. You know, your future is in your hands. Don't be a pain in my neck! 我花了这么多钱供你上大学,可从没见你学过习。你要知道,你的未来可是掌握在你自己的手里。别再给我添麻烦了!
So, you see that you can hold some history in your hands. History from King David to Queen Elizabeth is all on the front of playing cards. 所以,你看,你的手里能够握住一些历史,从大卫王到伊丽莎白女王全都在扑克的正面。
Now imagine what you could place in your hands: an apple, maybe your wallet. Now open your eyes. What about a life? 请闭上眼睛打开双手想象下,你们的手中可以放些什么?一只苹果?或者钱包?请睁开眼睛.你曾否想过一个生命?
You made room for me but it's too soon to see if I'm happy in your hands. I'm unusually hard to hold on to. 你为我腾出空间,但你很快就要看我是否在你的手里很高兴。我很少难于坚持。
Take the bow in your hands, ' he said to the king of Israel. When he had taken it, Elisha put his hands on the king's hands. 又对以色列王说,你用手拿弓。王就用手拿弓。以利沙按手在王的手上。
Wife talking to her husband, who reads newspaper all day: I wish I were a newspaper so I'll be in your hands all day. 妻子跟她每天总是看报的丈夫说,我希望我是报纸,这样我就可以每天都在你手里。
You already have victory over the dark Ones in your hands, and they have no answer to the power of the Light. 你们已经在黑暗势力的控制中解放并胜利,他们无法了解“光的力量”。
Unbuckle your seat belt before opening the door, because you may need to stand up and move to get rid of it once it's in your hands. 开舱门之前,先解开安全带,因为如果舱门需要由你来开,你可能得站起来走动。
Objection, I'm tired of this triangle. Got dizzy dancing tango! I'm falling apart in your hands again. No way, I've got to get away! 反对,我厌倦了这种三角关系。跳探戈让我晕眩!我再次在你的手中崩溃。不能这样,我必须逃走!
We thank you for your support and from now on world peace is in your hands and not in the hand of your leaders. 我们感谢你的支持,从现在开始,世界的和平就掌握在你的手中了,而不是掌握在你的领导者的手中。
Actually, the iPad feels much more like a cross between a computer and a television, one that you hold in your hands. 实际上,iPad给人的感觉更像是一款介于电脑和电视之间、可手持的跨界产品。
Go outside and observe a bird in a tree, or pick up a handful of grass and spend a few moments looking at the earth in your hands. 到外面去观察一只树上的小鸟,或者抓起一把草,花点儿时间看看手中的泥土。
Wife: I wish I were a newspaper so I'll be in your hands all day. 老婆:我希望我是报纸,就可以整天被你抱着。
You are Azeroth true guardians and future this world is in your hands for the dawning of the age of mortals has begun. 你们是艾泽拉斯真正的守护者,这个世界的未来掌握在你们手里,因为凡人的时代已经开启。
I'll put it in your hands if you could open up to me. 我会把它放在你的手,如果你愿意为我敞开。
Your are holding in your hands the result of the now-welcome pressure to make emotional intelligence accessible in a book. 我们开始欢迎那些压力,它们最终促成了你手里所拿的这本通向情商的书。
I've challenged you and the team throughout the season, but this time I leave it in your hands. 我喝挑战了你和到处队季节,但是这次我休假它在你的手。
I'll let you discover that your potential is virtually unlimited, and that your greatest resources are close to you, in your hands. 我会让你发现,实际上你的潜力是无限的,并且你最丰富的资源离你很近,就在你的手里。
The matter is in your hands. 这件事由你负责。
Nursing is not for everyone. It's challenging to have someone's life, health, and well-being in your hands at all times. 不是人人都适任护士,因为无时无刻肩负一个人的生命、健康及福祉是具有挑战性的。
My all efforts, understandings, powers, everything is now in your hands, and that's what you should be prepared for. (长时间的停顿)…我的一切努力,理解,权力,现在的一切都掌握在你们的手中,你需要去准备的。
Wife: I wish I was a newspaper, so I'd be in your hands all day. 妻子:我希望我是一张报纸,成天都在你的手上。
"If you can say to someone, 'Put your hands on your head, ' with an M-16 in your hands, you should be able to kiss a dude. " Amen. “假如你能做到手里拿着一枝M-16手枪并且对某人说,‘举起手来’,那你也能做到和一个男人接吻。”天哪!
Though the effect comes with a clear plastic box as pictured, the effect can be accomplished in your hands or the hands of a spectator. 虽然生效的一个图,效果可以完成你的手或观众手中透明塑料盒
But here is what I came to Masterman to tell you: nobody gets to write your destiny but you. Your future is in your hands. 但是这里是我来Masterman中学要告诉你的:除了你没有人能书写你的命运。
Dear reader, what you hold in your hands is the result of arduous labor on behalf of myself and apprentice staff. 亲爱的读者,你手中拿着的可是我和我的助手艰苦工作的心血结晶。
wish I were a newspaper so I'll be in your hands all day. 我希望我是一张报子,这样我就可以整天在你手心里了。
Nobody gets to write your destiny but you. Your future is in your hands. Your life is what you make of it. 没有人,只有你才能书写你自己的命运。未来在你自己手中,生活由自己缔造。