in addition to

  • na.加之
  • 网络除…之外;除了;除…外

in addition toin addition to

in addition to


英语固定搭配-动词短语-汇总资料?? ... in reward for 作为……的报酬 in addition to 加之,除……之外 in answer to 回答,响应 ...


除了(in addition to)像词典一样的行为(behavior)之外,表格对象还支持如下操作:add(key,val) 这个方法允许使用相同的键,这 …


英语固定搭配-动词短语-汇总资料?? ... in reward for 作为……的报酬 in addition to 加之,除……之外 in answer to 回答,响应 ...


英语—医学 ... in addition[ 另外] · in addition to[ 除…外] · in advance[ 事先] · ...


外研版九年级英语下册短语、重点句子和语法 ... in addition 另外,加之 in addition to 除了---之外, 又--- at least 至少 ...


The Bellman 应接服务员_旺旺英语教学网 ... variety n. 种类;多样化 in addition to 另有,还有 facility n. 设备 ...


学位英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... in addition 另外,还 in addition to 此外,除此之外 in all 总共,一共 ...

In addition to a small number of the company's brand will give users the impression, most brands do not take root in the hearts of users. 除了少数几个公司品牌能给用户留下一点印象外,大多数品牌还无法在用户的心中扎根。
Such remedy shall be cumulative and nonexclusive, and shall be in addition to any other remedy to which the parties may be entitled. 该等救济应为累加的并且是不排他的,并且是双方有权获得的任何其它救济之外的补救。
My name is here with her mother, can do something in addition to rice for her a glass of water, but also do? 我名义上是在这里陪伴母亲,可除了能为她做点饭倒杯水外,还做了什么?
In addition to other decorative filigree, carved into a few exceptionally bright diamonds look like an angel. 除了金银细丝的装饰以外,几颗雕琢成天使模样的钻石格外璀璨夺目。
You might be able to see a mammoth, in addition to one from the movie Ice Age. 在电影《冰川世纪》中你可能会看见长毛象。
In addition to giving him peace of mind that his mother is fine, the system helps assuage that midlife sense of guilt. 这个系统除了让他对自己的母亲的状况感到安心以外,它还减少了他的愧疚感。
But in addition to the formidable policy challenges ahead of him, Donilon faces obstacles in shaping the policy process. 不过,除了眼下严峻的政策挑战之外,他还面临着塑造政策程序方面的藩篱。
If overnight stay were to be discovered, the person involved will have to pay fines to the Office in addition to the lodging fees. 如有留宿情况发生,一经发现,留宿人除须到办公室补交住宿费外还要给予罚款。
In addition to the general addition to working, I almost do not go out, with now more fashionable word is "home-woman. " 除此以外一般除了工作我几乎是不太出门,用现在比较时髦的话就是“宅女”。
In addition to the questions that you've prepared to ask your doctor, don't hesitate to ask questions during your appointment. 除了你提前准备好问医生的问题,在就诊期间,想问其他问题只管问。
To be generic, the procedure must take at least one type parameter, in addition to any normal parameters it might take. 若要成为泛型,除了可能采用的一般参数以外,程序至少必须采用一个型别参数。
In addition to being able to see a preview on the side, Lotus Notes 8 introduced narrow views in the mail views. 除了能在边栏看到预览外,LotusNotes8还在邮件视图中引入了窄视图(narrowview)。
In addition to these, fish has always been used to suggest the accumulation of prosperity and wealth with meals on New Year's Eve. 除了这些之外,鱼类一向用来显示财富的积累与繁荣饭除夕夜。
In addition to what he said at the meeting, there was something else about the matter. 除了他在会上所说的之外,关于这个问题还有些弦外之音。
In addition to supplying the wind turbines, GE is selling about a third of the land required for the project to the city of Los Angeles. 除了提供风力涡轮机,通用电气还将向洛杉矶市出售项目所需的三分之一的土地。
Practice can be very useful, and is highly recommended because in addition to building confidence, it also tends to improve quality. 练习可以很有用,然后我强烈推荐,因为在增加自信的同时,也会增加你的能力。
McNabb said the case was unusual in many ways - in addition to the fact that it ended on only the second day of trial. 麦克纳布说,案子在开庭审理的第二天就结束了,这在某种程度上,可以说是不寻常的。
Ready to fight a fish, in addition to the basic equipment ready, to catch Hoang Hung good iron skills is with a great volume of fish. 已经准备好去搏鱼了,除了要准备基本配备外,要钓红魽晃铁板的技巧也是跟鱼货量有很大的关系。
Witnesses said the shooting focus on the back of the building, in addition to shot noise, at least two explosions heard a loud bang. 目击者说,枪击集中在大楼的后面,除了枪击声,至少还听到了两次爆炸的巨响。
In addition to preparing for the interview, you'll also learn whether or not the company and its culture are a right fit for you. 出了能为面试做准备,你还能看看是否企业及其文化对你来说是合适的。
In addition to his natural speed, quickness and strength, he could think his way around the court or gridiron. 除了他自然速度,敏捷度和力量,他可以认为他的方式靠近法院或格。
Moreover, in very wide distances the upper arm may make a lateral motion (from the shoulder down) in addition to its axial rotation. 此外,除去绕轴旋转外,如果上臂处于一个很宽大的空间,它就有可能产生横向运动(从肩向下)。
In addition to its spiral dust lanes, striking tendrils of dust seem to be rising from the galactic disk in this gorgeous view. 除了它的螺旋尘埃带外,在这张绚丽的图像中还能看到显著的尘埃卷须状物从星系圆盘中突起。
In addition to parameterizing classes by type parameters, it is often useful to parameterize a method by type parameters as well. 除了用类型参数对类进行参数化之外,用类型参数对方法进行参数化往往也同样很有用。
Some do not understand is: In addition to political and national examination at the other three are out of the theme of self-Mody? 有些不明白的是:除了政治全国统考,其他三门都是自主出题的么?
In addition to that, it used to be that when a man got married, it was literally another mouth to feed as the wife rarely sought employment. 除此之外,过去认为当男人结婚后,妻子基本就不找工作了,所以就多了另一张嘴要养。
In addition to In addition to making difficult concepts easy to understand. 除了能使艰涩的概念变得容易理解。
If your partner has a pet that she adores, at Christmas, in addition to buying a gift for your partner, buy a small present for her pet. 如果你对方养了一只她钟爱宠物,那么在圣诞节,除了买礼物外,也为她的宠物买份小礼物。
In addition to the new factory in Thailand, he said, the company is looking to open a plant in China, India or Brazil. 益子修说,除了泰国的新工厂,公司还考虑在中国、印度或巴西新建一家工厂。
I am pleased that the president of the United States decided to drop food in addition to bombs, but I have got to tell you this. 我高兴地看到,美国总统决定放弃食物,除了炸弹,但我不得不告诉你这一点。