
美 [ˈneɪmli]英 ['neɪmli]
  • adv.即;也就是
  • 网络换句话说;亦即;即由



1.即;也就是used to introduce more exact and detailed information about sth that you have just mentioned

英语词汇的奥秘 ... yearly 每年地 namely 也就是, friendly 朋友般地 ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... yearly 每年地 namely 也就是,即 friendly 朋友般地 ...


MBA词汇电子版 - MBA智库文档 ... mosquito 蚊子 namely 即;换句话说 most 最大(多)的;大多数的 ...


常见商务英语邮件中的缩略语_悠悠_新浪博客 ... (for example) 例如 (namely) 亦即 (number) 号码 ...


You2 | Chinese Dictionary ... 言论自由 freedom of speech 即由 namely 黄油 butter ...


... ... comment n. 注释,评论,意见 namely ad. 即,也就是 1910 ▲ premise n. 前提,房屋连地基v.提论,预述,假定 【形】 ...


英语单词后缀_百度知道 ... quickly( 快的), namely( 即,就是说) endwise( 末端向下地), ...

she saw where she had put herself in a peculiar light , namely , that of agreeing to marry when she was already supposedly married. 她意识到自己的处境有点不尴不尬-一方面她让人把自己看做已婚女子,另一方面她又答应嫁人。
Since the company established, namely by the steady step unceasing growing product variety, now, complete specifications. 公司自创建以来,即以稳健的步伐不断的成长壮大,现在产品种类繁多、规格齐全。
Should be, otherwise man clan in the sky couldn't surely lightly put me to leave cloud state at namely time. 应当不是,否则那时候天雄族定不会轻易放我离开云州。
This coefficient was used to solve the heat transfer between the melt and cooling water, namely the heat transfer capacity of the mold. 该系数用于解决金属和冷却水之间的传热,即反映结晶器的传热能力。
The misgiving of Shu aroma didn't ease how much, she is scared namely she brought difficulty wild goose south to fly. 淑芬的担忧并没有减轻多少,她害怕自己连累了雁南飞。
Mediation flow components provide a new kind of implementation for a service component, namely that of a mediation flow. 中介流组件提供了一种服务组件的新实现,即中介流的实现。
"I'm no going to try to be fashionable and change principles to do so, " Bush said in a TV interview namely was aired above Sunday period. 布什总统在上周日晚播放的一个电视采访中说:“我受不受欢迎无所谓,我不会为了‘受欢迎’而改变原则。”
Among the ancients there was one who acted on this principle, namely king Wu. 古之人有行之者,武王是也。
Ms. Gu peeps out a difficult color, she very cautiously looked the beam Nan namely the eye seem to be excrescent dispassion. 谷女士露出为难之色,她小心翼翼的看了眼显得异常冷静的梁楠。
Small aquarium is too complex, the fish seems to be in play hide- and - seek with him, hide in cave not to come out namely. 小鱼缸则太复杂,鱼似乎在跟他捉迷藏,躲在山洞里就是不出来。
is usually justified in terms of money, namely by the need of dividing the large investments required to build many large-scale facilities. 国际合作的必要性通常可用资金来加以正当解释,即建设许多大型科学设施所需的投资太大,需要分摊。
It stores the public to take the goose, namely four, each with a piece of paper, to, brush, points around to make it a confession. 钱若赓命人取来店里的鹅,共四只,给它们一张纸,笔和砚,分在四个地方,让它们写供状。
Namely, from what I called specular, and which is the mirage through which it is said that the soul is the form of the body. 换句话说,逃避我所谓的「镜子影像」,那是个幻影。据说,透过这个幻影,灵魂会成为身体的形式。
I have to understand myself in-depth, namely, making friends with my evil side. And through communication, lead her to bright side. 我必须深度了解自己,跟自己的阴暗面交朋友,跟她沟通,让她向光明靠拢,哈哈。
Namely to see through as it were, the persistent web of concepts and categories and linguistic labels to what is simply there. 也就是也透过它原来的样子去观察它,概念和,类别以及语言学上的标签,坚持不懈地表达,那是什么。
And ironically, the same issue has come up in a very different setting, namely the divulging of information in patent applications. 颇有讽刺意味的是,同样的问题(知识共享)正在产生一种新的景象,即专利申请的无休止膨胀。
Used to analyze length of cotton fibre or chemical fibre. It consists of two parts, namely fibre draw off unit and analyzer. 用于分析棉纤维或化学短纤维的长度,由纤维引伸器及分析器两部分组成。
This may not sound like a palatable idea, but it does not change the plain fact. Namely, the meaning of life is that life has no meaning. 人们也许不愿接受,但这并不影响一个命题的成立,即:生命的意义就在于它没有意义。
Namely: the same as or close to accidental, temporary, is often different. 也即:相同或接近,是偶然的、暂时的,不同才是经常的。
At the beginning of New China, Communist Party tried to liberate Taiwan by force, namely, to seek reunification of the country through war. 建国初期,中共试图以武力解放台湾,即通过战争方式谋求中国的统一。
Namely, it is a construction to mark the range by means of quantitative devices instead of a simple combination of a range and a quantity. “范围量”包括总量和部分量两种,不同的方位词在标量内容和组构方式上各具特色。
Care, namely a not know much scrutiny, and every three, repeatedly pushed into thinking, of his knowledge. 关心,即一次不认识的多查阅,推一举三,反复思考,转化成自己的知识。
For one , KBO and pluto are made of the same stuff, namely rock and ice. And for most of it's orbit, pluto is in the keper belt. 一方面他们都有同样的东西组成我们叫它岩石冰,另一方面冥王星的大多数的轨道也是K带。
And let me go onto a problem that has vexed us over the last two years and particularly in the last several months, namely North Korea. 让我来谈谈在过去两年,特别是过去几个月来困扰我们的一个问题,那就是北韩。
He could have but one, namely, that of supremacy without contestation and without controversy. 祂只能有一个,意即祂是至高无上、天下无匹的。
Namely, a polar radical classes is nothing but the essentially closed classes. 利用本质子群与本质扩张的概念,证明了极根类恰是本质闭类。
is not afraid of tell you, I from BB young when had seen UFO, namely the UFO that common people place says, don't you know UFO body? 不怕告诉你,我从BB仔的时候就已经见过飞碟,即世人所说的UFO,不明飞行物体你懂不懂?
It is nevertheless essential, because we do not leave the children to spontaneous language, namely to see what they understand. 可是,这个问题很重要,因为我们让小孩接受自动自发的语言,并不是为了看出,他们瞭解什麽。
If he wants to preserve the place of Friday's footprint, he needs at least a cross, namely a bar and another bar across it. 假如他想要维持星期五的足迹的位置,他至少需要一个十字,换句话说,一条横槓,还有另一条直槓交叉。
For resales, resellers are sensitive to the cost, namely the price of reseller market, whose change will cause that of the demand. 中间商购买商品是为了再转售,对购货成本即中间商市场的价格变化较为敏感,其需求量随价格涨落的变化而变化。