
美 [net]英 [net]
  • adj.无虚价的;基本的;最后的;最后的(定论)
  • n.纯利;净值;实价;纯量
  • v.编网;编结网状物;〔诗〕成网状;撒(网)
  • 网络网络;净重(Netweight);球网

复数:nets 过去分词:netted 现在分词:netting

Net worth,Net profit,Net result,fishing Net,Net earnings


1.[u]网;网状物a type of material that is made of string, thread or wire twisted or tied together, with small spaces in between

2.[c]有专门用途的网a piece of net used for a particular purpose, such as catching fish or covering sth

3.[sing]球门网the frame covered in net that forms the goal

人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... Fred 弗雷德 net turn off 关掉 ...


多功能电力仪表_百度百科 ... 清电能 CLR.E 网络 NET 电压范围 U.SCL ...


T8灯展示 ... 产品型号/ Model 净 重/ Net 输入电压 / Input Vol ...


网球英语专业名词大全 ... make the draw 抽签 net 球网 net-post 网柱 ... - itcfj - 博客园 ... DataAdapter.Fill 填充表,并填充一个阅读全文 ADO.NET ,使用 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... nest 窝,巢 v.筑巢 net 网,网状物 never 从不,永不;决不 ...


域名和网址是一样的吗?_爱问知识人 ... info 信息服务 net 网络服务机构 org 专业团体 ...

In my mind I had presented the net as a gift to her. I did not tell her that it was a gift. 我是把蚊帐当成礼物送给她的,但我没说。
From there, they can be connected to any of the data-aware components just as if they were getting their data from ADO. NET. 它们可以从那里连接到任何数据相关的组件,就好像从ADO.NET获取数据一般。
Goldman now says losses in other areas left the company with less than $500 million in net revenue from residential- mortgage products. 高盛近日表示,其他业务带来的损失让公司在住宅抵押产品上获得的收益只剩下不足5亿美元。
I'm surfing the net, hope to see what I'm getting, it's only a matter of time. 我上网冲浪,希望看到我收到的什么,这只是一个时间问题。
" There will probably come some sort of pirate Battle. net server software, " but it's just not going to be as good. 他们可能搭建起和我们的样子类似的战网,“但是将绝不会有我们这么棒。”
It has large openings at the bottom of the net. Because when haddock face a net, they swim up to escape and get caught. 网底部设计成大开口,因为黑线鳕撞到渔网第一反应是向上游动以逃生;
Now claims seem to be a central part of the identity model in . NET. 现在声明看上去成了.NET身份验证模型中的核心部分。
Ms Padel seems to have caught the quintessence of the man's character, as if in a butterfly net. Padel似乎抓住了达尔文的性格特征,仿佛在一张蝴蝶网中。
In 1, two or four pitch motion, with a long handle light rackets with feather ball across the middle of the court hanging net. 两人或四人的球场运动,用长柄轻球拍把带羽毛的球打过横跨球场中线挂的球网。
Mark: One thing Aleks and I agreed very early on was that Spring. NET should not be a blind port of Spring's code base. Mark:我与Aleks首先达成共识的一点就是Spring.NET不能盲目地对Spring的代码进行移植。
Most of the sea folk passed their tokens up to the barges or tied them to the great funnel net being strung even now below the hulls. 大多数的海洋居民都把他们的信物交至驳船中,或把它们拴在船体下大漏斗形渔网上。
When Samsung came out with one of the first UMPCs (later to be known as Net Books) back in 2006, it tried a dual boot environment. 当三星2006年推出它的第一部UMPC(就是后来的上网本)时,它尝试了双重启动环境。
As many of you know, our original intention was to maintain . NET Reflector as a free tool. 你们大多数人都知道,我们的初衷是将.NETReflector作为一款免费工具进行维护。
Located inside an actual office, this bed was designed to look like a giant net (or spiderweb) overlooking the bottom floor. 这个超级大网床是真实的存在于某办公室中的,远看就像是地板上的一个超级大的蜘蛛网。
Pass the internet access, you can sit then at home, buying the product and enjoying on the net of is all to come the service. 通过上网,您便可以坐在家里,在网上采购物品且享受的都是上门服务。
Electronic mail is without a doubt the most widely used Internet service, every system on the net supports some sort of mail service. 电子邮件无疑是Internet服务中使用最广泛的一项服务,网上的每个系统都支持某种邮件服务。
In Berlin, a train slowly leaving Berlin, the compartment in the net are women and children, almost do not see a strong man. 在柏林一列火车缓慢地驶出柏林,车厢里净是妇女和孩子,几乎看不到一个健壮的男子。
net will provide at least a little bit of shade from the hot burning sun as well concealing your activities from marauding aircraft. 迷彩伪装网能够为你在北非的炎炎烈日下提供至少一点点的阴凉,当然也能用来隐蔽你自己,躲避敌人来袭的飞机。
that's good. But I don't think I can make real friends on the net, it seems to me that they are too far way and they are not real. 嗯,也对。不过我不太相信网上可以交到真正的朋友,感觉那东西离我太遥远了,总觉得那是假的。
But still you end up to be so close to the service line and you can hit the shuttle almost the same high as the top of the net. 但还是要靠近发球线,要能在和网同样的高度打到球。
Im not sure how much these things normally cost but I AM SHOPPING ROUND. I am looking around the net for good offers on getting this done. 林不知道这些东西通常多少成本,但我是购物回合。我环顾就得到这个做得不好,提供网。
Most households earn nowhere near their net worth in the course of a year, so it makes sense for this ratio to be big. 多数家庭的年收入远远不及资产净值,所以这个比例很高是说得通的。
So, tips will no doubt net much less during the summer and the company will be less interesting. 整个夏天挣得小费必将很少很少,而且还得和乏味的人在一起干活。
You can control how much an assembly can access resources protected by. NET Code Access Security when it runs managed code. 当程序集运行托管代码时,可以控制程序集访问受.NET代码访问安全性保护的资源的程度。
The net result may be continued earth movements and all that this creates. 净结果可能将是持续的地壳运动及其所带来的一切。
If there had been a net force, then indeed it would also go down, if this force were larger than this. 如果没有净力,那就不会下降了,如果那个力大于这个。
In the long run, the net result of China's actions will be a smaller share of this lucrative market. 从长远来看,中国实施稀土出口限制的最终结果,只会是在这个利润丰厚的市场所占份额下降。
The net result was that the atmosphere around globalisation was poisoned on Capitol Hill without much actual trade being liberalised. 最终结果就是,全球化的氛围在国会山被破坏,没有多少真正的贸易实现了自由化。
He looked through the green darkness at the net of bright reflections on the bottom of the sea. 他透过墨绿色的海水,凝望着海底那明亮的投影。
Then he took it in. There were no fish in the net, but there was a jar made of gold. 然后他开始收网,网里没有鱼,但有一只黄金做的罐子。