
美 [faɪt]英 [faɪt]
  • v.战斗;打架;作战;打斗
  • n.斗争;打架;打斗;搏斗
  • 网络打仗;争吵

过去式:fought 第三人称单数:fights 现在分词:fighting

fight war,fight battle,start fight,win fight,fight enemy
good fight,fair fight,fierce fight,tough fight,desperate fight
hard fight,fight bravely,fight courageously,fight valiantly


v. n.

战争;战斗in war/battle

1.[i][t]打仗;战斗;作战to take part in a war or battle against an enemy


2.[i][t]~ (sb)搏斗;打斗;打架to struggle physically with sb

竞赛in contest

3.[t][i]参加(竞赛);竞争to take part in a contest against sb


4.[t][i]~ (sth)极力反对;与…作斗争to try hard to stop, deal with or oppose sth bad

争取try to get/do sth

5.[i][t]努力争取;为…而斗争to try very hard to get sth or to achieve sth


6.[i]~ (with sb) (about/over sth)争辩to have an argument with sb about sth

拳击in boxing

7.[i][t]~ (sb)参加拳击比赛to take part in a boxing match


8.[t][i](为…)和某人打官司to try to get what you want in court


fight your/sbscorner

维护地位、立场等to defend your/sb's position against other people

fight fire with fire

以眼还眼,以牙还牙to use similar methods in a fight or an argument to those your opponent is using

fight for (your) life

(尤指严重伤病时)与死亡作斗争to make a great effort to stay alive, especially when you are badly injured or seriously ill

a fighting chance

要努力奋斗才有的一线成功机会a small chance of being successful if a great effort is made

fighting fit

十分健壮;彪悍extremely fit or healthy

fighting spirit

斗志;战斗精神a feeling that you are ready to fight very hard for sth or to try sth difficult

fighting talk

战斗性的言论comments or remarks that show that you are ready to fight very hard for sth

fight a losing battle

打一场无望取胜的仗;虽必败无疑犹作奋斗to try to do sth that you will probably never succeed in doing

fight shy of sth/of doing sth

不愿接受(或做)某事;回避;躲避to be unwilling to accept sth or do sth, and to try to avoid it

fight to the death/finish

打到有一方倒下;一决雌雄to fight until one of the two people or groups is dead, or until one person or group defeats the other

fight tooth and nail

坚决斗争;全力以赴地斗争to fight in a very determined way for what you want

fight your own battles

独力战胜;独自奋斗成功to be able to win an argument or get what you want without anyone's help


七年级英语单词表 ... classroom 教室 fight 打架;争吵 Ms 女士 ...


不规则动词_百度百科 ... buy 买 fight 战斗 think 思考 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... fifty num. 五十 fight n. 打仗(架),争论 fighter v. n. 打仗(架),与……打仗(架) 战士;斗士 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... get on one’s feet 站立起来 fight vi 搏斗;斗争;争吵 fright n 惊骇;吃惊 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... get on one’s feet 站立起来 fight vi 搏斗;斗争;争吵 fright n 惊骇;吃惊 ...


打字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 打抖〖 shiver;tremble〗 打斗fight〗 打逗〖 makefunof〗 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... classroom 教室 fight 打架;争吵 Ms 女士 ...

The Sisters kept at him. Sometimes he was able to fight them off. . . sometimes not. 三姐妹坚持纠缠着他,有时他能尽力摆脱,有时则不能。
Instead, he took a huge cut in salary and rolled up his former international shirtsleeves for the fight. 但是,他大副降薪卷起他的前国家队袖子来跟球队并肩作战。
He likes to fight it out whenever others disagree with him. 当别人与他意见不一致时,他总喜欢争辩个明白。
The lieutenant stood ahead of the troops, the point of his sword upon the ground, his left hand resting upon his fight. 那个中尉站在士兵的面前,左手放在右手上,双手叠在一起,拄在刀尖插在地上的军刀上。
Assange's lawyers have said he will fight extradition to Sweden, for fear he could be turned over to the United States. 阿桑奇的律师表示,他会力争不被引渡到瑞典,因为他担心自己会被交给美国。
If you love a boy, it's better to fight for his happiness than to abandon him for the sake of his happiness. 爱一个男孩子,与其为了他的幸福而放弃他,不如留住他,为他的幸福而努力。
If I won my fight with sir Sagramor, other knights would have the right to call me out. 这回跟撒格拉摩爵士战斗,我要是得了胜,别的骑士就有来点名叫阵的权利。
This, he even had to fight for a partner, do not dare to take risks with him, and calls to withdraw from. 这一来,连他当初争取到的合伙人,也不敢再跟着他冒险了,纷纷要求退出。
Harry Reid, the party's leader in the Senate, faces a difficult election fight in Nevada: he said the mosque should go somewhere else. 参议院民主党领袖哈里•里德(HarryReid)在内华达州面临艰难选战:他称清真寺应该建在其它地方。
Jack was an ambitious young man; one of his dreams was to fight his way into the fashionable world. 杰克是个有抱负的年轻人,他的一个梦想是通过奋斗进入上流社会。
So, during the past few weeks, the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve have been desperately trying to fight that freeze. 所以财政部和美联储才在过去的几周里不遗余力地想改变这种状况。
However Richardson has said he will fight for his place in the United team, but has not ruled out a move elsewhere. 尽管理查德森表示他将为了他的曼联位置而努力,但并不排除他将转会去其他球队。
Nobody did. But the next day people kidded him by saying it was the first time any fighter was urged to take a dive before the fight began. 没有人这样做。第二天有人和父亲开玩笑说,破天荒第一次,每个打架者在开战之前就被命令停止。
My job as the next commander-in-chief is going to be [to] make a decision: what is the right war to fight and how do we fight it? 而作为下一任军队统帅,我的任务是作出一个决定,那就是:什么样的战争是该打的,以及我们要怎样去打?
He urged Vader not to press on in a fight he could not win, but the Sith Lord's arrogance got the better of him. 他恳求维德别再冲上来了,因为这场战斗他赢不了,但西斯尊主的狂妄自大占据着维德。
Again, most of these cannot be considered battle-hardened and whether they would fight to the last is unclear. 同样的,一般不认为这支武装力量的主力能打硬仗,他们是否能把战斗坚持到底也不清楚。
I wish I had stopped trying to fight all your battles and just asked you what you wanted me to do. 我愿我停下来和你一道克服每一个困难,而只是问你,需要我做些什么。
He said the fight against tax evasion behavior of the Greek response to a serious debt crisis is an important measure taken and actions. 他表示,打击偷税漏税行为是希腊为应对严重债务危机而采取的一项重要措施和行动。
He has to realize that no one is trying to fight with him, and that his reaction is out of proportion to the situation. 他必须认识谁也不想和他打架,他的反应和情景不成比例。
It is the only place to entrust her spirit, and the only weapon for her to fight with the reality. 这是她精神上唯一寄托的地方,也是她与现实抗争的唯一武器。
She said these will help fight childhood obesity "one child, one family and one community at a time. " 她说,这些将有助于对抗儿童肥胖的“一个孩子,一个家庭,一个一个社区。”
But if you all can fight collectively, how much we can work it out! 但是,如果大家能够集体去战斗,我们可以做多少伟大的事情!
host: I want you to say what you say the match, was it a hard fight than you anticipated? 主持人:我想让你说说比赛的事,是不是比你想象的更加艰难?
After she had given birth to a baby, her maternal instinct caused her to fight with the couple for its custody. 事成之后,代母的母性大发,与该对夫妇争夺女儿的抚养权。
That does not mean you would not win the job in the end, only that you would have to be prepared to fight hard for it. 那并不意味着你最终得不到这份工作,而是告诉你必须准备好为此进行艰苦的斗争。
I was wondering how the hell we'd ever get out of the place without a fight. Fillmore, by this time, was as silent as a clam. 当时我想不打一架恐怕是逃不出那地方了,这时菲尔莫沉默着,一句话也不说。
He said they were not in condition to fight, and he would not send them. 他说,他们还没有做战斗的准备,而且他也不想将军队投入战斗。
To do so Chiang had to fight his way, on the ground over the North China Plain, the most strategic area on the continent. 要做到这一点,蒋介石就不得不在中国大陆上最有战略意义的华北大平原的地面上作战以打开通道。
Quantitative easing was a tool of monetary policy that the Bank of Japan used to fight deflation in the early 2000s. 这是日本在2000年代早期使用过的货币政策,用于抗击通货紧缩。
He might suddenly find himself in a fight--initiating one--and the smallest incident may serve as a trigger. 他会突然发现他自己变得一触即发,极小的事情会成为导火索而引爆。