
美 [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ]英 [ɪn'ɡeɪdʒ]
  • v.啮合;雇用;聘用;吸引住(注意力、兴趣)
  • 网络从事;订婚;使从事于

第三人称单数:engages 现在分词:engaging 过去式:engaged

engage enemy,engage attention



1.[t]~ sth吸引住(注意力、兴趣)to succeed in attracting and keeping sb's attention and interest

2.[t]~ sb (as sth).~ sth.~ sb to do sth雇用;聘用to employ sb to do a particular job

3.[i]~ (with sth/sb)与…建立密切关系;尽力理解to become involved with and try to understand sth/sb

4.[t][i]~ (sb)与(某人)交战;与(某人)开战to begin fighting with sb

5.[i][t](使)衔接,啮合when a part of a machineengages , or when youengage it, it fits together with another part of the machine and the machine begins to work


从字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 从善如流〖 readilyacceptgoodadvice〗 从事engage;goinfor〗 从属〖 subordinate〗 ...


放假了哦~开个每天5个单词的帖子 ... propose 求婚 engage 订婚 get married 结婚 ...


聘字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 聘选〖 engageandselect〗 聘用engage〗 聘约〖 contract;letterofappointment〗 ...


医学用语_百度文库 ... operate vi.&vt. 运转;开动 engage vt. 使从事于,使忙于 put... through to... 接通(电话)… ...


作战手册 ... 8、NW 向西北方前进 3、Engage 交战 1、Open fire 开火 ...


资移民计划并不要求投资人事必恭亲地管理投资企业,而是要求投资人“参加”(ENGAGE)一个新的企业实体,这意味着投资 …


人教版高中英语必修5单词表_百度知道 ... go by 过去;走过 engage vt. 使订婚;约定;雇用;使从事 be engaged to sb 与某人订婚 ...

He said they represented He and I and as there is no separation, my thoughts would be His and we would engage in this co creative endeavour. 他说那代表着他和我是一体的,正因为是没有分离,我的意念即是他的,我们将一起共同合作。
Facebook is leaving it up to users to engage in social networking via the medium that best suits their needs at a particular moment. Facebook让用户做主,选择在特定时间,通过最适合自己需求的媒体来参与社交活动。
It is prohibited to organize, force, induce, shelter or introduce a woman to engage in prostitution or to act indecently against women. 禁止组织、强迫、引诱、容留、介绍妇女卖淫或者对妇女进行猥亵活动。
having initially acquired the ability to undertake scientific research or to engage in a special technical work. 具有从事科学研究工作或担负专门技术工作的初步能力。
For that reason, parents take the language subject seriously. Some engage tutors to help their children at home. 为了这个原因,家长们莫不重视这门课,有的还请补习老师来指导孩子。
Also, mice that have been genetically engineered to lack the gene engage in a number of behaviors suggestive of autism, she said. 还有,经遗传工程处理过的缺少RORA基因的老鼠证明了若干种使人联想到自闭症行为,她说。
Mr Obama's speech at the New Economic School in Moscow was an attempt to engage Russian society without trying to lecture it. 奥巴马在莫斯科新经济学院的演讲试图在不指责的情况下吸引俄罗斯民众。
The senior defense official said the U. S. was prepared to engage the Chinese about their respective missile-defense efforts. 这位高级防务官员称,美国打算对中国不同的导弹防御努力加以理解。
He would have been a religious reformer, if he had not been too scornful of the vulgar to engage in propaganda. 如果他不是过分地藐视流俗而能从事于宣传的话,那么他或许会是一位宗教改革家。
Yet, the decision to engage in such a relationship creates the sense of separation and a highly complex defense against reunion. 然而,当你有心建立这类关系,就会产生分裂感,以及极其复杂的防卫系统来抵制重新复合的可能。
The standard nature of these processes permits us to engage independent silicon foundries to fabricate our integrated circuits. 这些工艺的标准性使得我们可以利用单独的硅制造厂生产集成电路。
Mr Lee said the aim was to persuade Pyongyang to "admit its wrongdoing and pledge never again to engage in such reprehensible action" . 李明博表示,其目的是劝说朝鲜政府“承认其错误行径,并承诺不再进行此类应受谴责的行为”。
The United States has pushed the Israelis hard to do two things in the past two years: Do not negotiate with Syria and do not engage Hamas. 美国在过去两年用力敦促以色列做两件事:不要和叙利亚谈判,不要接触哈马斯。
Franklin, though plagued with fumbling age, Needs nothing to excite him, But is too ready to engage, When younger arms invite him. Franklin尽管有一把年纪,应该没什么可以刺激他了,但是只要是年轻姑娘邀请,他可是乐在其中!
"Exercise gets these cell circulating around the body; they engage the enemy and deal with them, " he said. “运动使这些细胞在全身循环流动;他们和敌人作战,并干掉他们,”他说。
It adds an extra dimension to your sense of aesthetics, removing the guesswork that you necessarily engage in during the design phase. 这有助于为你的美学感觉增加额外的“现实”尺度,消除掉在你专注投入于设计过程中制造的一些假想。
"It is possible to put on the TV and really engage with a child verbally, " says Christakis. “有可能可以在电视上放针对儿童的节目,真正提高儿童的口头表达,”克里斯塔基斯说。
The authors of one study conclude, "We still do not know which factors encourage individuals to engage in deliberate practice. " 一个研究的作者这样总结:“我们始终无法知道是什么因素使人们投入到深思熟虑的(有意识,蓄意的)练习中去。”
But whether the long winter nap bears appear to engage in qualifies as true hibernation has always been another matter. 但无论是漫长的冬季午睡黑熊进行资格成为真正的冬眠一直另一回事。
Their joy at being once again united with their families did not overcome a stern desire to engage the enemy at the earliest moment. 他们与家人重新团聚的欢乐心情并未胜过他们要尽早与敌人周旋的坚定愿望。
The only realistic way of competing with copycats is to make sure we are at the top of our game and continue to engage our audience. 唯一可行的与山寨竞争的方法就是确保我们游戏的优质,抓住用户。
In a few days the children would engage in their games as merrily as ever without the sense of any gap left by her departure. 几天以后,孩子们就会像往常一样玩起他们的游戏来,不会感到因为她的离开而缺少了什么。
I had mucked about for so long I simply did not know how to engage with this material that interested me so much. 我吊儿郎当了那么久,根本不知道如何利用这些激发我巨大学习兴趣的资料。
Engage your core. Keep your shoulders down, and contract your gluteal muscles to push your hips up in the air. 核心区域的肌肉参加用力。肩部向下,臀肌收缩,将臀部抬起悬于空中。
Goodman said. Now, he added, many come out of a desire "to engage productively in international economic matters. " 现在,许多人由于希望将来能够“富有成果地从事国际经济事务”而来。
All this ensures that his book is lively enough to engage even those with only a passing interest in the intricacies of global trade talks. 这一切都保证即便是对全球贸易会谈中那些难以理解的事物只有一时兴趣的人也会觉得此书生动可读。
One should always remain active in Krishna's service; otherwise the strong maya will catch him and engage him in her service. 人应该总是积极活跃地服务奎师那;不然的话,强大的玛亚就会俘获他,让他为玛亚自己服务。
Father, I enter into the sanctuary of our special place and I invite your Holy Presence within me to engage with me. 父亲,我进入圣域我们特别的地方,我在我邀请你的神圣的存在,与我从事。
Analysts said the move was likely to increase speculation that countries were set to engage in a bout of competitive devaluation. 分析师表示,此举可能助长各国将开始一轮竞争性货币贬值的预期。
They are not a charity, but a means of encouraging a local community to engage with science, technology and medicine as an independent unit. 它们不是慈善机构,而是作为一个独立单位鼓励当地社区参与科学、技术和医学的一种手段。