new day

  • n.现代的
  • 网络新的一天;崭新的一天;新一天

new daynew day

new day


珍妮佛洛佩兹的brave歌词 要中文_百度知道 ... It's a new day 这是新的一天 New day 新的一天 And it's evident 而且很明显的是 ...


有谁可以介绍一下“天使之翼合唱团”?_百度知道 ... Something Sings 歌声缭绕 New Day 崭新的一天 We Are The Lost 逝去的 …


今次13国欧洲财长达成的协议看似很正面,对希腊送出大礼,因此希腊总理说这是国家的“新一天”(New Day),但其实这都只是 …


[新世纪音乐] Steve Barnes -《新生》(New Day)[MP3] 369 2012/12/15 21:41:18 115.59 MB [新世纪音乐] AfroCelts -《萌芽》(S…


杭州的店名和招牌 ... “New Day 日日新”, “Pizza Hut 必胜家”, ...


博客来音乐馆>合辑 / 最美的礼物... ... Jesus at the Centre 耶稣为至宝 New Day 新天新地 Saviour’s Song 为基督而唱 ...

Paloma Blanca When the sun shines on the mountains, And the night is on the run, It's a new day, It's a new way, And I fly up to the sun. 白兰鸽当太阳照耀在高山上,黑夜已经消亡,这是新的一天,新的生活!我将飞向太阳。
The sun rises in the East, and the blue color of dawn opens to our eyes and we experience the new day. Spring is like this. 不久后日出东方,蔚蓝天空映入眼帘,从清晨起迎接新的一天,就像春天一样。
Yes, each new day in suburbia brings with it a new set of lies. The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we fall asleep. 是的,在郊区,新的一天的到来总是伴随着一系列的谎言。而其中最糟的是那些我们用来自己骗自己的。
Think, sir, what I might have been had I not loved a man who each new day nailed himself to the cross of freedom. 先生,试想,若不是爱了个日日把自己钉在名为自由的十字架上的男人,我又会是什么样?
But that a new day was coming up in an ancient land, of that there could be little doubt. 但是一个古老的中国正在进入一个崭新的时代,这一点是没有什么可以怀疑的了。
HEY SEXY. . . What a wonderful beginning to a new day with your thoughts feel my heart! 好啊亲爱的,你好,用你的思维来触摸我的心灵深处,这对于新一天是多么好的一个开始啊!
How can we wake up fresh and ready to great the new day with a positive attitude? 怎样才能新生般的起来并以积极姿态为新的一天做好准备呢?
Walking in the road side, it seems to pedestrian traffic, and a new day begins, as in the past. 走在马路边,看来往的车辆行人,新的一天,一如既往地开始。
Waking to the dawn chorus was an especial joy as night faded and the sky grew light heralding a brand new day. 当夜色褪去,醒来就听到清晨鸟语是一件特别快乐的事。天空放亮,预示着崭新的一天开始了。
You are my first thought of each new day, and the last image I glimpse, as my eyes are closed upon a feathered pillow. 你是我每一天第一个想到的,也是我最后瞥见的,当我的双眼上羽毛枕上闭上的时。
May each new day bring a feeling of excitement, joy, and a wonderful sense of expectation. Expert the best, you will get it. 愿每一个新的日子都带给你激情、欢乐和期待的美好感觉。追求完美,你终将如愿以偿。
At last the new day arrives, the sun rises and she turns into bubbles and goes up into the sky. 最后,新的一天到来了,太阳升起来了,艾丽儿变成泡沫升入了天空。
If this blue could be contained in a paint bucket, its name would be New Day Blue and it would fly off the shelves. 如果可以这些蓝色容纳在一个油漆桶内,它的名字将是新的蓝色一天(NewDayBlue),它会从架子上飞出去。
Every time you get out of bed and start a new day you are giving yourself a new opportunity for experience and learning. 每一次清晨醒来,开始新的一天,你都在给自己新的学习和经历的机会。
As the light sequences of dreams come to balance so will the dreams that humanity creates and all shall Segway into a new day ahead. 当梦想的光序列平衡时,人类创造的梦想也会平衡,而一切就会进入到前方全新的一天。
Let us begin a new day with a smile, it will be a good start at least! 用笑容开始每一天吧,至少这会是个好的开始!
It was the sign of a new day in my life. One more day in my life and one more day closer to my death, thought the tennis player. 这个网球员心里想著,啊,生命又丰富了一天,也多接近死亡一天。
Then everyone is affected by her face which is fill of youth spirit and a bit childlike and the devote to the new day's work happily. 此时,大家都会被她充满朝气的笑脸以及有些孩子气的话语而感染,开心的开始一天的工作。
They are maturing gradually, bidding farewell to yesterdays' timidity, and beginning to greet the new day. 他们逐渐成熟,告别昨天的羞怯,开始迎接新的一天。
Every new day begins with possibilities. It's up to us to fill it with the things that move us toward progress and peace. - Ronald Reagan. 新的一天有无限可能,但让我们所做的朝进步和安定的方向发展。
Supporters of the Kansas-Nebraska bill celebrated their victory. They fired cannons as the city of Washington was waking to a new day. 堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法案的支持者们庆祝他们的胜利,他们燃炮以示华盛顿城迎接新的一天的到来。
You begin a new day across the earth this year for the cycles are shifting once more. 你们将跨越地球开始新的日子,这一年将迎来新一轮的转变。
Do you wake up in the morning ready to greet a new day? 每天早上醒来的时候你准备好迎接新的一天了吗?。
I know the play draws to a close, the night was gradually calmed down, a new day about to begin, the heart of worried about my heart again. 我知道演奏即将结束,夜已渐渐趋于平静,新的一天即将开始,心的牵挂又一次涌上心头。
Although we were exhausted at the end of each day, we would become fully recharged after meditation, all set to begin a new day! 我们每天虽然都很累,但打坐之后,又能够以最佳状况开始一个新的一天!
So to help you walk through a fresh new day, the Active Word has put together this second volume of the 365 Devotional. 因此,为了帮助你走过每个崭新的一天,《活语》已经完成了《365日灵修日引》的第二卷编辑工作。
When the sun rises on a beautiful new day, the animals on the African grasslands begin to run. 当太阳升起的时候,非洲的大草原上的动物开始奔跑。
Not unlike Barack Obama, he was elected with a mandate for change, promising a "new day and a new way" . 和巴拉克.奥巴马相似,他当选之后也肩负改变的职责,他曾经承诺“新时代,新方式”。
Take the necessary time in your own life to dream your dreams and renew your energy, so you'll be ready to face each new day. 在你的生命中花一些必要的时间来憧憬你的梦想,为自己充电,这样你随时能准备好去面对每一个新的明天。
May each new day bring a feeling of excitement, joy, and wonderful sense of expectation. Expect the best, and you'll get it. 愿每一个新的一天都能带给你兴奋、欢乐和美好的期待。