new era

  • n.新纪元
  • 网络新时代;走进新时代;新时代党

new eranew era

new era


这期的新时代New Era)杂志重点放在对神尽职及个人进步上。2010年4月旌旗(Ensign)特刊:约会 2010年4月旌旗(Ensi…


新怎么组词_百度知道 ... 14. 新婚[ newly-married] 15. 新纪元[ new era] 16. 新记录[ new record] ...


新时代_百度百科 ... 08. Qin warriors 秦俑 09. New era 走进新时代 13. Dance of the Yao people 瑶族舞曲 ...


新时代党New Era)、公民联盟(Civic Union)和另类政治联盟(Society for Other Politics)于2010年3月6日合并成立。 …


周杰伦 (Jay Chou) -《跨时代》(New Era)[APE] 周杰伦 -《跨时代》台湾版[APE] 你可以畅所欲言,但不得包含不良信息。


新世纪(New Era)还有: 天 小时 分钟 秒 推荐使用: 1:卡牌游戏 2:大型游戏 3:游戏大厅 4:玩家社区 5:H5专用游戏引擎(VeLa) 6…


新纪元报New Era)报道,NFCPT宣传改变了人们对鱼的看法,使得鱼类消费量从2011年以来增加了100%。此前纳米比 …

All of this adds up to extinction of the human species ahead, unless a new direction is taken and a new era is born. 所有这一切,都增加了人类物种在前方的灭绝,除非有一个新方向启动而诞生新的时代。
The lead negotiator for South Korea said the agreement opens a new era of trade between the U. 韩国首席谈判代表说这项协议开辟了美韩之间贸易的新篇章。
this was the moment when prosperity was forged, when pain was overcome, and a new era of progress began. 这就是造就繁荣的时刻、战胜痛苦的时刻、开启进步新时代的时刻。
In so doing, you and your future generations yet unborn shall live to see a new era emerge for your species and for all of Earth. 这样做,你和你还未诞生的未来后代会活着目睹一个你们物种和地球上所有一切的新时代的浮现。
They marvelled at the protests in Tunisia, wondering if they dared to dream that this was the beginning of a new era. 它们惊叹突尼斯的抗议活动,揣测自身有无勇气梦想,这股抗议怒潮,就是一个新纪元的开端。
The new era of state ownership seemed to be passing almost as quickly as it had arrived. 政府持股新时代似乎是“来得快去得也快”。
The flower of new era is aspersed is no longer before the old style of an one handle, they began to put on beautiful jacket. 新时代的花洒不再是以往一头一柄的老样式,它们开始穿上了漂亮的外衣。
Pakistan's president says his country, is ushering in a new era of democracy following years of his autocratic rule. 巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫说,巴基斯坦在经历了他多年的专制统治后,正走向一个新的民主时代。
The banks had promoted the idea that this was a new era where market crashes were a thing of the past. 银行推销一种想法说这是一个新时代股市崩盘已成为过去式
The State Department spokesman said Burma claimed there was a new era that was up to its old tricks. 美国国务院一名发言人表示,缅甸声称迎来了一个新的时代,但是事实上是故伎重演。
Prior to Christmas day , prior to the beginning of this new era and humanity , God was not the God we know today . 在圣诞节以前,在这个新纪元和慈爱的观念以前,神不是我们今天认识的模样。
Originally it had been given the name: the Age of Aquarius to signify the new era of spiritual enfoldment as foretold in astrology. 原来它被命名为宝瓶座时代,正如星占学预言的,它意味着精神扩展的新时代。
He said it was a historic event and that he is certain it will inaugurate a new era and a new relationship between the two countries. 卡尔德隆总统说,这是一次历史性会晤,他坚信这次会晤将开启一个新的时代,以及两国间新的关系。
In the new era this was normal, and I climbed into the dark freight box of the truck without a fight. 在这新的时代,这很平常,我也没有和他起争执,就爬进那暗暗的卡车货物车厢。
The invention of steam engine by Watt marked the end of great tradition of labor with hands and the beginning of a new era of machinery. 瓦特蒸汽机的发明标志着手工劳动这一伟大传统的结束和机器时代的到来。
It would be the dawn of a new era of regenerative medicine, one of the holy grails of modern biology . 如果梦想能得以实现,重建医学的时代将迎来一个崭新的黎明,将成为现代生物学的圣杯。
In all three cases the new era turned out, at least in the short run, to be a false dawn, and an asset-price crash ensued . 在这三种情形下,“新时代”,最少在短期内,结果都变成了一个误判了的曙光,紧接着的都是资产价格的崩溃。
Yet Apple has indeed ushered in a new era in which personal technology is finally living up to its name. 然而苹果确实开辟了一个新纪元,他让个性化技术终于配得上它的名字。
We do not yet fully comprehend the new era, but it is fair to say that it is probably not going to be Bretton Woods III. 我们尚未充分理解这个新时代,但公平地讲,这个新时代不太可能是布雷顿森林体系III。
Gold came to seem old-fashioned in the investing world; it had little place in the new era of innovation and cyber-finance. 在投资界,黄金似乎已经过气,它在创新和网络金融的新时代几乎毫无立足之地。
As you see so much breaking up that was considered a permanent part of your life, it is simply creating the space for the new era to begin. 当你们看见如此多的破裂——它被认为是你们生活的永远的一部分的时候,它仅仅是在为新纪元的开始创造空间。
Now, by itself, this simple recognition won't usher in a new era of cooperation. What comes of this moment is up to us. 然而,就其本身而言,这一简单的认知并不会开启一个新的协作的时代。
But it's also clear that new generations of Singaporeans are ready to move onto a new era, and the PAP will have to reflect that or wither. 但是,同样清楚的是,新一代新加坡人已经准备走进新时代,人民行动党要么顺应,要么衰败。
But in that hour of trial he gave thanks -- because he believed America would weather the storm and emerge into a new era of liberty. 但是他感激磨难,因为他相信美国一定能渡过难关,并走进新自由时代。
But might Mr Gonzales's departure also mark the beginning of a new era of good feeling and reconciliation? 但是,冈萨雷斯的辞职也许标志了一个新时代的开始:互有好感,党派和解?
US President Barack Obama has used his inaugural address to pledge a "new era of responsibility" in a time of crisis at home and abroad. 美国总统奥巴马用其就职演说中承诺的“新时代的责任”在处于危机的时候在国内和国外。
Earning your degree in health care administration online could help show employers that you're up for the challenges of a new era. 获取在线卫生行政管理学位可以帮助你向员工显示你已经准备好面对这个新领域的挑战了。
It marked the end of the great tradition of ships with sails and the beginning of a new era. 它标志着帆船伟大传统的结束与一个新纪元的开始。
Champions League football would follow Arsenal to Emirates Stadium, leaving fans to hope the new era would be a continuation of the last. 欧洲冠军杯的赛事将跟随着阿森纳搬进酋长球场,球迷们都在希望崭新的时代可以延续近年来的辉煌。
"They were all proved wrong, as the hotel . . . heralded a new era for Shanghai. " “事实证明,他们都错了,因为这座饭店……预示着上海的新纪元。”