next to

  • prep.紧邻;在…近旁;仅次于;紧接
  • 网络在…旁边;紧挨着;与……相邻

next tonext to

next to

1.紧邻;在…近旁in or into a position right beside sb/sth

2.仅次于;紧接following in order or importance after sb/sth


4.与…相比in comparison with sb/sth


新标准英语小学3-5年级单词表_百度知道 ... turn right 向右转 next to 临近的,在……旁边 supermarket 超市 ...


英语中方位问题的表述 ... between 两者之间 next to 紧挨着 on opposite 对面 ...


小学英语单词大全(含中文翻译)_百度文库 ... 在…上;在…时候 on 与…相邻 next to 在…下面 under ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 83.want to do sth. 想要做某事 to 旁边,隔壁 the party 在聚会上 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... neither...nor 既不……也不…… next to 紧接着,相邻,次于 no doubt 无疑地 ...

Sitting down carefully next to Kaleb, Johannah pressed a finger into his abdomen, which was well defined and gorgeous, like the rest of him. 旁边坐下来仔细卡莱布,约翰纳塞到他的腹部,这是明确和华丽喜欢他的其余部分,用手指。
But that would have made next to no difference to the outcome, unless it had been able to generate a large surplus in net assets. 但那几乎对结局没有什么影响——除非它能够产生巨额的净资产盈余。
"Every woman in the front row was a child sitting next to a fat old man, " one insider laughed afterwords. “每一个女人在前排还是个孩子坐在旁边的一个胖老头,”一位内部人士笑了后记。
When she went diving in a cage next to sharks, she said, she was more struck by the animal's movements than the danger. 她说,她站在潜水用铁笼里,下潜到鲨鱼群边上时,她被这群动物的动作姿态深深打动了,而并不觉得危险。
A road with beautifully laid asphalt is seen behind the barrier. It leads to a nice house on the valley and a helicopter ground next to it. 在路障的后面可以看到一条铺设着漂亮沥青的公路。它通向一幢坐落于山谷里的豪宅,旁边有一个直升机场。
I got to sit next to his mother. She evil eyed me the whole time. 我只能跟他妈妈一起坐,他妈妈一直凶巴巴地盯着我。
But as he spoke, his voice was drowned out by the muezzin's call to prayer - we were next to a mosque, and he scurried off. 还没等说完,他的声音就浸没在宣礼员召唤祈祷的声音里--我们站的地方靠近一座清真寺,于是他匆匆离开了。
When it was time to leave, she went to her desk, next to Diana's, and took all her books, pens and pencils with her. 到了放学的时候,她收拾完她的桌子,到了戴安娜的旁边,然后拿出了她的书,钢笔和铅笔。
Click Next to see a list of available projects in your workspace and a list of projects that have been deployed to the server. 单击Next,以查看工作区中可用项目列表和已部署到该服务器的项目列表。
" He showed up the next day to look over his field. He noticed a new sign next to his saying, " Now there are 2. 第二天,他到瓜地去看他的西瓜,发现在他的牌子旁有一个新牌子。
lt was lying next to you. l opened it to see if there was an Id. 当时就在你旁边。我打开了想看看里面有没有身份证。
He invited me inside and sat down on the couch, patting the blanket next to him to get me to sit next to him. 他请我进门,在沙发上坐下,又拍了拍身边的垫子,让我坐在他旁边。
Wait until 11 o'clock, when the closed weigh the print, they knock out the door next to the door. How's the matter? 等到十一点,掂量着打印关门的时候,就冲出门去敲隔壁的门。
But the woman maintained her squatting posture in front of him and let his dirty hand fish in the pocket next to her body. 可那个女人就那样蹲在乞丐的面前,任由那脏手去掏她贴身的腰包。
When he hurried there and sat down, he was happy to see a roast pig in front of his seat: "Not bad, I am next to the pig. " 当他匆匆忙忙赶到那坐下后,他高兴地发现在他的座位前有一只烧猪。“还好,我和只猪挨着”。
Cameron and Justin were next to me, and he said, 'I'm crying too. ' So we held hands for a while. 当时卡梅隆和贾斯汀就坐在我旁边,贾斯汀接过我的茬说‘我也哭了’,于是我们紧握着对方的手互相安慰。
" Within a short while out of the money if Geng, next to the Church saw the goose said: " The goose has a confession. 不一会钱若赓出来,到堂下看过鹅后说:“鹅已经供状了。”
I do not understand, I see only a very needy person and a woman next to that person. 我不明白,我只看到一个非常需要的人及一名女子,旁边的那个人。
I saw that she was about to sit down next to me, so I added, "I don't like to talk before a race. " 看到她要在我身旁坐下,我又说了一句,“我不喜欢比赛前和人说话。”
Sitting next to him one day, he said, "There's only one thing that I really loved at school. And you know what it was? Shakespeare. " 有一天他坐在我旁边对我说:“在学校我只对一件事情非常热衷。”“你知道是什么吗?莎士比亚。”
I lived next to it from a young age. I would look over and wonder if there was a monster like the Scotland Lochness Monster in it. 我打小就住在汉江边上,那时我会向江心望去,思量里面是不是会有尼斯湖水怪。
Silently he walked next to her and put his arm around her and watched with her until the cart went through the doors to the surgical suite. 他静静走到她身旁,以手臂环抱她,伴她目送推车进入手术室的大门。
She sat in the cab next to her father and looked out of the window at the tall houses and the dark sky. 她坐在出租车里父亲的身边,眼睛望着窗外高大的房屋和昏暗的天空。
On the train. Yea, she was sitting next to this very weird couple that started fighting, so she had to move. 在火车上,她坐在一对开始吵架的古怪夫妇旁边,最后她只好换了位子;
The stewardess came to check on me again. This time the she sat next to me and asked if I was all right. 那个空姐又一次过来。这次她在我旁边坐下问我是不是还好。
After you open a collection, to upload documents, click the icon that looks like a bent piece of paper with a plus sign next to it. 打开一个集合后,要上载文档,可单击看起来有点像一张弯曲的纸、旁边有一个加号的图标。
I even sat next to a woman on a plane a couple of months ago who offered me a free introductory session. 甚至在几个月前一次乘坐飞机时旁边的一位妇女主动为我提供免费介绍课程。
The extremely fit, attractive waiter standing next to her immediately turned, held out his hand and goes, "Yeah. Meet me. " 非常巧合的,她另一侧的男服务员立刻转过身来,伸出手和我说:“看,我就是。”
Dhyana is not always immediately picked up a large brush, in a Word table next to the words "and next to a payment. " 董其昌不可怠慢,马上拿起大毛笔,在一字旁边写下“览楼”和旁款。
The little lump of flesh just forward of your ear canal, right next to your temple, is called a tragus. 在你太阳穴旁边、耳道前方隆起的一小块肉称为耳屏或耳珠(tragus)。