number 9

number 9number 9

number 9

The Commerce Department said the number of new homes under construction fell to a 17-year low in September. 美国商务部说,正在建造的新住宅数量9月份下跌到17年来的最低水平。
As shown in Figure 9, relying on the cover up and down the aliquation mouth support delivered to continuous miami number. 如图9所示,依靠封面传送吸气嘴支架上下动作,进行连续刻号。
In infected mice, there was an increased number of neutrophils expressing the matrix metalloproteinase-9 in the ischemic brain. 在感染小鼠的局部缺血脑组织中,表达基质金属蛋白酶9的中性粒细胞数量增加。
The university added a 24-hour hot line that now takes 9, 000 calls a year (the phone number is on the back of every student ID card). 该大学增加了一条24小时电话热线每年接听9,000个电话(该电话号码就印在每个学生的学生证背面)。
Then cross the road and take the number nine bus, which will take you to the corner of Stanton Avenue and Kent Street. 接著过马路去搭9号公车,公车会载妳到史坦顿大道和肯特街转角。
If each of you would call out a single digit between zero and nine, that will be the four-digit number that I'll square. 你们每个人大声说出一个数字从0到9,那样我就有个4位数可以计算。
The Harley Medical Group (HMG) said the number of enquiries from women in that age group is up 9 per cent year-on-year. 哈利医疗集团说,这一年龄组的妇女咨询率高达百分之九。
They told me that, since September, the number of London-based males in the financial sector registering had risen by nearly 300 per cent. 他们告诉我,自9月份以来,在伦敦从事金融业的男性会员注册人数增加了近300%。
So there had better be a nine at the beginning of my death number. 我希望我死去的时候是在一个9数字开头的时候。
Install any number of times: You can install two or more copies of DB2 9 on the same operating system image. 安装任意次数:可以在同一个操作系统镜像上安装两个或更多的DB2Viper。
Some nine human number have been shown through family studies to be linked to the peptidase gene. 通过人的家族研究发现约有9个基因与肽酶基因是连锁的。
A jar contains sweets with orange, strawberry and grapes flavours. Diagram 9 shows the total number of sweets in the jar. 一个罐子装有橙味、草莓味和葡萄味的糖果。图9显示罐子里糖果的总数。
UFO Number 9 - At the mall's pet shop, photograph the saucer inside the upper fish tank at the corner near the entrance door. 第9个UFO,就在宠物店里,入口的鱼缸上面,见下图。
Just imagine that this number happens to be exactly 9. 8 I can always do that. 假设这里的加速度正好是9。,这我可以做到。
Plan of action approved except for a small number of actions (10 out of 107 actions) which remained open. 批准了行动计划,只有少量行动(107项行动中的9项)尚未获得批准。
Apple said it sold nearly 9 million iPhones for the three months that ended March 27, more than double the number from a year earlier. 苹果公司宣称,截止3月27日,公司在过去三个月销售接近900w部iPhone手机,相比去年同期翻番。
Article 9 The Arbitration Commission consists of one Chairman, several Vice-Chairmen and a number of Commission members. 第九条仲裁委员会由主任一人、副主任若干人和委员若干人组成。
Please press "9" first and then the area code in Beijing and the phone number you want when hearing the long dial tone. 请先拨“9”,听到拨号音后就按北京地区代码和您要的号码。
Before upgrading, Err. Number will always return 9 (Subscript out of range) and execute the first part of the If statement. 升级之前,Err.Number始终返回9(“下标超出范围”)并执行If语句的第一部分。
IN THE weeks following the collapse of Lehman Brothers last September the number of euro banknotes in circulation suddenly increased. 去年9月自雷曼兄弟破产后的数周内流通中的欧元钞票数量骤增。
The aim is to guess the code in a finite number of attempts (9 in the standard mode) through the aid given to each new attempt. 其目的是想在一个尝试(9个标准模式有限数目的代码)通过给每个新的尝试的援助。
The minimum number of words in a data element name is two (prime word + class word), and the maximum number of words is nine. 数据元素名称中最小的单词数量是2个(基本单词+类单词),最大单词数量是9个。
Still, violence levels in Afghanistan remain high, with the number of weekly attacks hitting an all-time peak last September. 但阿富汗的暴力程度仍然很高,每周袭击数量在去年9月份达到了历史最高水平。
Dial 9 for an outside line , and then the number you are calling . If you want to contact anyone in the office, just dial their extension. 当然可以。打外线时先拨9,然后再拨电话号码。如果是和公司里的人通话只要拨他们的分机号码就行了。
I referred to nine as a prime number. Can you imagine? 我说9是质数你能想象吗?
That may be another reason why Chinese interest rates are divisible by nine: it is seen as an auspicious number. 这也许正是中国设定利率需被9除尽的另一原因:9被视为一个吉祥的数字。
It put a number of those properties on the market last September. 去年9月份,摩根士丹利将其中许多房地产放到市场上销售。
Mr Chang said the number of wireless users would grow to 900m by 2012, with 20 per cent of them expected to use 3G. 常小兵表示,到2012年,无线用户数将增长至9亿,其中20%的用户预计将使用3G。
Come September, Beijing University will undoubtedly accept a large number of gaokao champions as new students. 到9月份,北京大学肯定会把大量高考状元录取为新生。
Japan was fourth among the 20 leading genders of foreign students. But the number of Japanese fell sharply 9%. 在20个美国留学生主要输送国家中日本列第四位,但其人数却比以往锐减了9%。