
美 [stɔl]英 [stɔːl]
  • n.摊位;牲畜棚;马厩;牛棚
  • v.停顿;抛锚;故意拖延(以赢得时间);拖住(以赢得时间做某事)
  • 网络失速;货摊;停止

复数:stalls 现在分词:stalling 过去式:stalled

stall plane,engine stall


n. v.

1.[c]货摊,摊位,售货亭(尤指集市上的)a table or small shop with an open front that people sell things from, especially at a market

4.[pl](剧场的)正厅前排座位the seats that are nearest to the stage in a theatre


失字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 神龙失水〖 exsiccosis〗 失速stall〗 失算〖 miscalculate;misjudge;beinjudicious〗 ...


牛津初中英语8B单词_百度文库 ... over prep. 在…期间 13. stall n. 货摊;摊位 14. cinema n. 电影院 15. ...


摊_百度百科 ... 〖setupstallsalongthestreet〗 摊头 〖stall摊位 〖stand〗 摊子 ...

大学英语六级词汇表_大学六级 ... stalk v. 暗中追踪 stall n. 货摊,书摊; stammer v. 口吃,结巴 ...


USB如何传输数据 如何识别设备的_52RD研发博客 ... 不确认( NAK) 停止STALL) 令牌( Token) ...


最全的词根大全 - 豆丁网 ... (extra+violet 紫色的) 35. (fore+stall 阻止) (fore+bode 兆头→预兆) ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... highway n. 公路 stall vt. 拖延 father-in-law n. 岳父;公公 ...


考博英语词汇 ... stale a. 陈旧的,陈腐的 v.变陈旧 stall n. 摊子;货摊;厩;汽车停车处 v.关 starch n. 淀粉 ...

Let'; s just stall him for a while and may the Gods have mercy on him. 我们就让他不能动弹一段时间,也许主会怜悯他。
It had been hard to advance further than the last stall; it became impossible to proceed further than the last house. 越过最后那家店展已经不轻易,要越过最后那所屋子再往前往,那是不可能的了。
Place a pair of pants and shoes inside the only toilet stall in a rest room to make it appear someone is using it all day. 在洗手间唯一的马桶前放一条裤子和一双鞋,看上去始终有人在用。
In an interview for a post it is often the person who knows how to set out his stall that comes off best. 在求职的面试中,常常是懂得如何巧妙展示自己的资格和才艺的人结果最好。
But I only found the stall by passing by one day and joining the queue to see what people were lining up for. 我有天路过这个小摊,加入了队伍想看看人们到底排队在买什么,这才发现了这个地方。
Progress on such a scheme is always likely to stall because euro-zone countries are reluctant to cede any control of their public finances. 通常,此类计划的进展很可能会中止,因为欧元区国家不太愿意放弃对其公共财政的调控。
As I came into his stall, he was busy picking out soft hay with which to line the straw in his self-made bed. 当我进到他的猪栏时,他正忙着挑选软干草,摆放在他自制的稻草床。
When he came out of the stall, he saw Raw Head had crept forward a bit further. 当他从摊位出来,他看见未加工的头进一步今后爬行了。
This paper use the software FLUENT to simulate numerically effects of the big camber and stall delay on the wind turbine performances. 本文通过FLUENT软件分别对原型叶片、大弯度叶片和失速延迟叶片进行三维数值模拟计算。
He had taken up a book from the stall, and there he stood, reading away, as hard as if he were in his elbow-chair, in his own study. 他从摊子上取了一本书,站在原地看了起来,就好像是坐在自己书斋的安乐椅里边一般。
Seagulls, as you know, never falter, never stall. 要知道,海鸥飞行时决不摇晃,决不失去平衡。
So instead of trying to pull out of the stall, the US economy will simply have to absorb whatever blow is coming. 因此,美国经济没有试图摆脱这种停滞,而是将被迫接受可能来临的一切打击。
But sometimes on warm days Pa left the door of her stall open so she could come into the barnyard. 不过,天气暖和时,爸爸也会把棚门敞开,好让它到棚场里活动活动。
Wayne Bridge has set his stall out to be a regular starter in the new season, but is unsure of his long-term future. 维恩。布里奇已经为新赛季能够首发打的上比赛提出勒转会申请,的未来却不太明朗。
One day, one of his horses ran out of his stall, and passed through the frontier into where the Huns lived. 一天,他的一匹马逃出马厩,越过边界,跑到了胡人居住的地方。
At the market, having found a shoe-stall, he felt in his pockets, only to find that the straw was not there. 他来到市上,找到了卖鞋子的摊子,摸了摸口袋,不见了记尺码的稻草。
I would like to ask you is how to understand Hamlet's father has been trying to stall the matter of revenge? 请问,你是如何理解哈姆雷特一直拖延为父复仇这件事的?
It is not easy to walk away from such bargains. Especially when the stall holder will not let go of your coat. 如此廉价品真是让人流连忘返——特别是在店主紧紧扯住你衣袖不放的时候。
As soon as I closed the stall door behind me a woman burst into the bathroom screaming on her cell phone and went into the stall next to me. 我刚刚关上自己所在的隔间的门,一位女士就打着手机冲进了卫生间,她大吼大叫,进了我旁边的隔间。
I pictured the poor woman shivering in the shower stall, silently counting, waiting for her three minutes to be up. 我勾勒出一副画面,一个可怜的女人站在淋浴室里瑟瑟发抖,静静的数着,等待她的三分钟到点。
Those advances began to stall at the turn of the millennium, for reasons that are the subject of much speculation among economists. 这些增长在千禧年前后开始停滞,其原因已经引起经济学家的诸多猜测。
Despite low business, she said the stall is not to make money but to save waste. 她说,虽然是小本生意,她们也不是靠这个菜摊来挣钱,就是不想浪费。
For seniors with difficulty getting in and out of a tub, it was a nice touch that the shower stall was separate from the tub. 对于那些进出浴缸比较困难的老年人来说,这里的淋浴设计的跟浴缸是相隔离的,这一点还是非常棒的。
In the end, however, she was found hiding in her stall with her head buried among the hay in the manger. 最终却发现她在她的马厩里,头钻在槽里的干草中。
"I sit right here and watch people crash all day long, " said Mohammed Nabi, who fries fresh fish in an open-air stall along the road. “我坐在这里看着人们整天的撞车,”MohammedNabi说道,他是一位沿路贩卖烤鱼的露天摊贩。
The jeep rattles up through the dark and stops with a bump next to a stall selling instant noodles, tea and bourbon biscuits. 吉普车在黑暗中颠簸着行驶,突然在一个卖泡面、茶水和夹心饼干的小摊边停了下来。
Insteadof waiting for the stall to resolve, a threaded processor would switch execution to another thread that was ready to run. 而不是等待解决的摊位,一个线程处理器将切换到另一台执行线程准备运行。
And you Do not take it seriously at this time, he not only found a very high that you reasons to stall. 而你这时千万不要当真,他只是找了个不是很高明的理由来搪塞你。
To let the thin- ribbed mule browse in stall grasses, its long ears waggling like the tails of two happy dogs? 它的长耳朵会像两只快乐小狗的尾巴那样摇个不停吗?。
Was quite impressed that little boys can stall out on my own business, it needs a courage and endurance. 还是挺佩服那个小男生的,能自己出去摆摊做生意,也需要一种勇气和耐力。