never again

  • 网络不再;再也不会;永不回头

never againnever again

never again


简明巴葡语法 - 葡萄牙语 大家论坛 ... (never) 从不 (never again不再 (Your mother speaks Portuguese.) 您母亲讲葡 …


帮忙翻译这个歌词:Kel... ... But I never will 但我绝不会 Never again 再也不会 If she really knows the truth 如果她知道真相 ...


Kelly Clarkson《My December》_流行_娱乐_腾讯网 ... 13. Irvine / 艾尔文 1. Never Again / 永不回头 2. One Minute / 一分钟 ...


帝国全面战争主题曲 - 洛江水吧 -... ... Drop a bomb,end this fight 投下炸弹,结束战争 Never again 永不重演 门户 Portal ...


求翻译!_百度知道 ... Drop a bomb,end this fight 投弹,结束这场斗争 Never again 永远不再 (chorus)( 合唱) ...


永不再犯”(Never again)——每当哪里又发生暴行之后,国际社会都会重申这几个字。每次举行大屠杀纪念活动时,人们都要提 …


  中国不能再重蹈覆辙(Never Again)。85年前,中国在国民政府蒋委员长领导下完成了全国统一,开始了全面的国家建设,史称 …

"You know he'd have those kids out of here like a shot, " our mother said. "Never again. " “你们知道他会把孩子们像子弹一样咻地丢出去,”妈妈说,“下不为例。”
I shall never again mess up the kitchen. Please let me down! 我再也不在厨房里捣乱了,放我下来吧!
If the next life, let me be home to you eat lasagna, I had an early meeting you, will never again miss you! 如果有来生,让我做家乡的宽面条给你吃吧,我要早早遇到你,再也不会错过你!
This is how much I miss you, so I will never again let go of your hand. 我是如此想你,所以,我不会再次放开你的手。
So if you ask me whether or not, if I had it to do again, I would leave the phone and laptop at home, I would probably say "never again. " 所以,假如你现在问我,如果能够重新来过,我还会把电话和笔记本电脑留在家里吗?
I shall offer myself to be eaten by the great snake, and I shall beg the snake never again to hurt our village. 我应该愿意去,伟大的蛇,我将请求蛇,再也不伤害我们的村子。
Mr Lee said the aim was to persuade Pyongyang to "admit its wrongdoing and pledge never again to engage in such reprehensible action" . 李明博表示,其目的是劝说朝鲜政府“承认其错误行径,并承诺不再进行此类应受谴责的行为”。
They argue North Korea's unexpectedly strong announcement that it would never again attend six-party talks forms part of that strategy. 这些分析人士辩称,朝方有关永远不再参加六方会谈的异常强烈的声明,构成这种策略的一部分。
And the fruit of your soul's desire has gone from you, and all things delicate and shining have come to an end and will never again be seen. 巴比伦哪,你所贪爱的果子离开了你;你一切的珍馐美味,和华美的物件也从你中间毁灭,决不能再见了。
I especially miss the way she welcomes me back each time I walk up the porch steps and promise to never again go a year without seeing her. 尤其想念当我每次踏上门前的台阶并保证再也不会一年都不来看她时她欢迎我的方式。
And he would never be too far from the public eye. But it would never again be his music that kept him there. 同时,他也从未离开公众视线太远,但是让他留在那里的原因已经不复是他的音乐了。
Everybody on the side of amassing and baby sheep to lie three very angry, never again to believe what he said. 大伙儿对放羊娃一面再再而三地说谎十分生气,从此再也不相信他的话了。
I, for one, will never again take for granted the noble potato, golden fruit of the earth, to which we owe so much. 至少我对这种有恩于人类的、高贵的马铃薯、大地的黄金一般的果实,再也不等闲视之了。
And now never again will we board her at Cowes and go down into her dining saloon for a fine breakfast of bacon and eggs. 现在,我们再也不能到考斯去搭这条船了,走进它的餐厅去叫一份熏咸肉加鸡蛋的精致早餐。
If you had one goal, and that was to feel good, you would never again need to hear another word from anyone. 如果你有一个目标,并且它让你感觉良好,你就永远不必再需要听从任何人的任何一个字。
"Never again let the schemes a reckless few put the world's financial system and our peoples' wellbeing at risk, " he said. “我们永远不能允许监管体系的疏忽再次将世界金融体系和人民的福祉置于危险境地。”他说。
The creature swished its powerful body and disappeared. The boy suspected that he would never again see such a great fish. 那条鱼摆了摆它强健的身子,消失在水里。男孩怀疑他再也不可能看的到那么大的鱼了。
If I don't care, I will never again to call you, although I know you are angry, but I believe you will understand, really. 如果我不在乎,我就不会一次一次给你打电话,虽然我知道你已经生气了,但是我相信你以后会明白的、真的。
Until my older son turned to me in tears and begged never again to have to visit a lady in a strange costume. 直到我的大儿子含泪请求我,不要再去看那些穿着奇怪服装的女士了。
Yet never again in the corner of the Fullers' Field grew flowers of any kind, but the field remained barren even as before. 然而漂布地里却再也没有盛开任何的花朵,它仍像过去般一片荒芜。
Never again, go on get out of my life. 永不这样了,走开离开我的生活
Never again will the dark even hope to hold such power over any free-willed, intelligent, sovereign people. 黑暗势力将不再期望着控制那些拥有自由意志,聪明才智和独立主权的人们。
As they stepped out of the courtroom, he told Song that he would never again marry a penniless woman. 走出法庭后他告诉宋律师,再也不娶身无分文的女人了。
This alarmed the prince, and he said, "My beautiful bride shall never again touch a spinning wheel. " 王子听罢三人的回答,大惊失色,于是就说:「我美丽的新娘今后绝不再碰纺车一下。」
Boastful and careless, the hare lost the race . Now he would never again be able to count on his speed . 兔子因为自负和粗心大意输掉了比赛。现在他再也不能夸耀自己的速度了。
After the waters receded, God set a rainbow in the sky as a guarantee of his promise never again to curse the earth. 洪水退去后,上帝以一道彩虹作为不再毁灭大地的保证。
The founding members resolved that the peace of the world must never again be destroyed by the will and wickedness of any man. 联合国创始国下定决心,绝不让世界和平被任何人的意志和邪恶所断送。
Yao may never again be the 37-minute workhorse he was two years ago, and the Rockets are prepared to live with this new reality. 姚明也许永远也不可能做到两年前那样,进行37分钟艰苦比赛,而火箭队准备好面对这个新的现实。
"I thank God, I shall never again visit a slave-country, " he wrote at the end of the Voyage of the Beagle. 他在贝格尔号航行日记的最后写道:我相信上帝,我不应再去游览实行奴隶制的国家。
Small crocodile-like animals nibble the edges of the boat. I vow never again to complain about being on a bus. 小小的鳄鱼在咬着船边,我发誓以后乘巴士再也不抱怨了。