national day

  • na.国庆日

national daynational day

national day

The once a year National Day has arrived at , this minor long leave this year has run into a stage manner intentionally. 一年一度的国庆节到了,今年的这个小长假偏偏又赶上了台风。
On the National Day, the whole city was decorated with a variety of fresh flowers and looked like an ocean of flowers. 在国庆节整个城市到处用鲜花装饰,看上去似乎成了花的海洋。
By 5. 30am, when I arrived at the media centre for the National Day parade, the skies had cleared sufficiently to be able to see a star. 早上5点30分,当我抵达国庆阅兵的媒体中央时,天空已经清楚得足以看见星星。
To understand that this advertisement in National Day period begins to put in each big airport, obtain the warm echo. 据了解,此广告在国庆期间开始投放于全国各大机场,获得了热烈的反响。
National Day, the son and his mother went to Beijing uncle play, and the way to the hospital to see his eyes. 国庆,儿子和他妈妈去北京舅舅家去玩了,顺便去医院看看自己的眼睛。
Last Saturday, we published an article by an undergraduate on her thoughts on National Day. 上周六,我们发表了一位大学生对国庆的感想;
On the occasion of China's National Day, I wish our great motherland will never prosper, to the best of luck, healthy life with you! 值此国庆佳节,祝愿我们伟大的祖国永远繁荣昌盛,也愿好运、健康伴你一生!
Our Independence Day is just like your National Day, but we are not that lucky enough to have such a long holiday. 美国独立日就跟你们的国庆节一样.不过我们可没有运气享有这么长的假期。
The White House proclaimed it "a national day of renewal and reconciliation" . 白宫将这天宣布为“更新和和解的国庆日”。
The Chilean government denied him a state funeral and a national day of mourning, but did accord him military honors at his funeral. 智利政府没有为他举行国葬,也没有设全国哀悼日,但在葬礼上却授予其军事荣誉。
Today is the National Day mom decided to take me to see a butterfly exhibition I jumped to three feet high. . . 今天是国庆节妈妈决定带我去看蝴蝶展我高兴得一蹦三尺高……
"All of these made this year's National Day particularly meaningful to us, " he said. 他还说:“所有这些都让今年的国庆节格外有意义。”
moon is the year , i wish you all a happy mid - autumn festival , national day fun happy ! for a long time did not come , friends also ok. 又是一年中秋月,祝大家中秋快乐,国庆玩得开心哦!好久没来了,朋友们还好吧。
Chinese financial markets and businesses are to be closed all this week for the National Day holiday. 由于恰逢中国国庆假期,中国金融市场和相关业务本周都将关闭。
I can honestly say that we have no such thing in Norway, the only thing I can compare it with is our national day. 坦白说,在挪威没有类似的民俗节日,唯一可以和端午节的气氛相比较的节日就是我们的国庆日了。
Li and his wife, two civil servants in Guangzhou, didn't battle the crowds of holiday makers during the weeklong National Day holiday. 小李和他的妻子都是广州公务员,他们度过这个七天长假的方式和别人有些不同。
After some time ago wu liang ye, mao tai after ready to produce higher than National Day premise, price increases of 20% to 30%. 继前段时间五粮液提价后,茅台也准备在国庆节前提高出厂价,提价幅度为20%-30%。
Autumn years, the harvest season, I wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy National Day, cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN! 金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑容伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!
The National Day is a designated date on which celebrations mark the nationhood of a nation or non-sovereign country. 但是有一些国家没有特定的国庆日,例如英国。
Prime Minister Hun Sen ordered an investigation and said Thursday would be a national day of mourning. 柬埔寨首相洪森(HunSen)已下令进行调查,并宣布将25日定为全国哀悼日。
National Day is up to you to promote some of our unique, small jewelry in China! 国庆节到了,为您推介一些我们中国的特色小饰品!
The grand National Day parade came to an end in Beijing with tens of thousands of colorful balloons released to the sky noon Thursday. 周三中午,随着成千上万个彩色气球飘向天空,在北京举行的国庆大型游行活动完满结束。
On National Day red flags are hung out of every window. 国庆节那天,每个窗口都挂出红旗。
The total number of flowers exhibited for National Day will be up to 20 million pots. 国庆节期间展示的花的总数将达2000万盆。
Till National day 2006, he asked her to his hometown which I meet them in station. 2006年的国庆节,他叫那个女孩子跟他回老家,被我在车站看到。
However, the country's National Day of the name and date of the determination is not the same. 但是,各国国庆节的名称以及日期的确定却不尽相同。
Today is National Day. It was a fine day for going out. 今天是国庆节,是外出的好日子。
The Sea Beach Music Party is also one of this year's major National Day holidays tourist activities of Guangdong Province. 其中,沙滩音乐派对己被列入今年广东国庆旅游节目的重要活动之一。
Today is National Day. It is neither too hot nor too cold. The sky is cobalt blue, and a fresh breeze blows from the south. 今天是国庆节,天气不太热,也不冷.天空是深蓝色,吹着凉爽的南风。
It's nice to enroll as a member in the National Day. Hope to see more schoolmates & friends here. 在这美好的国庆节加入为会员,希望在这里看到更多同学和朋友。