
  • n.〔化〕镍;倪;国民收入
  • abbr.(英国)国民保险制度
  • 网络镍(Nickel);美国国家仪器(National Instruments);国民收入(national income)




镍铬丝分很多种 分别是以Ni)含量来计算的常说的2520 含量是 25表示 铬含25% 镍含20% 其余都是铁 相应的 2080 是 20 …

美国国家仪器(National Instruments)

美国国家仪器美国国家仪器NI)有限公司首 页 BBS讨论区 校园招聘职位 校园宣讲日程 企业介绍 官方网站>> NI面经-2012.1…

国民收入(national income)

...属于生产要素的报酬,却会成为个人收入,也就是说,从国民收入NI)中减去公司未分配利润、公司所得税和社会保险税, …


美国国家仪器公司 (NI) 产品LabVIEW™ 和VeriStand™ 的接口工具箱。实现MapleSim 的高性能多领域建模 环境与 NI 公司 …

名字 中国人姓名_百度文库 ... 讷殷富察 能 : NENG : NI 聂 : NIE ...


- 美国国家仪器有限公司NI)笔试题,模拟工程师- 应用工程力学工程师 ZZ - 英语面试-机械工程师 - 第二次修改,机械小本, …

民族乐器(National Instrument)

...rument Engineering)[1]是美国NINational Instrument) 公司推出的一种基于G 语言(Graphics Language,图形化编程语 …

They might have got through comparatively unscathed, as did the reactors at Fukushima Dai-ni, a similar plant farther along the coast. 他们可能会安全地通过,进入这个离海岸线比较远的工厂里,并顺利地关闭福岛的核反应堆。
After many years of memories come back, others will say, yeah, I thought a bit gloomy like the kind of Ni will drop men. 多年以后再来回忆,别人会说,耶,我还以为伱会喜欢那种有点阴郁滴男就去吻子…
Only the intercession of foreign diplomats with prison authorities, says Ni, won her the right to use her crutches again after a year. 仅仅是在外国外交官介入并与监狱当局沟通,倪说,一年后她终于赢得了用拐杖的权利。
" Ni Zhou Yong sincere desire to see her son's eyes and trust, encourage nodded : " You root it, you believe that mother. 周咏霓看着儿子那双真诚渴望的眼睛,信任、鼓励地点了点头:“你扎吧,妈相信你。”
Anxiety and stress, often as the result of a traumatic life event, are sometimes the cause of ni g ht m ar e and bad dreams. 通常在经历了一次创伤生活事件后导致出现的焦虑和压力有时候是引起噩梦和坏梦的原因。
Ni Zhou Yong mother to see her lying down "management of human nature" does not seem to be on the same boat found the mother Zhen Liang Qun. 母亲周咏霓躺着看她的《人性管理学》,似乎没有发现同病相怜的妈妈梁群珍。
Ni did not feel, and why, regardless, I feel I still can use the value of a good temper, and I fear breaking Ni money? 伱没感觉,为什么不分,觉得我脾气好还有可利用价值,怕分手我和伱要钱吗?
Lifetime in nothing but a chance while Ni measure this chance at have no any excuse come and go come back this section emotion too! 一生中只有一个机会当妳措施了这个机会在也没有任何藉口来往回这段感情了!
How much longer if it is Ni, Ni is willing to talk to me about a love? 还要多久如果是伱,伱愿意和我谈一场恋爱吗?
Malai Ni Britain's youngest transsexual is one hour from the very beginning to feel like a girl. 玛莱尼是英国最年轻的变性人之一,从很小时起就觉得自己是个女孩子。
While him want to leave Taiwan time he have with you say a language please Ni wait for him in half years! 当他要离开台湾的时候他有跟你说过一句话请妳等他半年!
While me love Ni time does not know Ni use what kind of feel to experience like this feel! 当我爱妳的时候不知道妳是用什麽样感觉来体会这样子的感觉!
Current, suo Ni still is in phase of research and development in energy section, did not enter the industrial phase of materiality. 今朝,索尼在能源区域还处于研发阶段,没有进入本色性的工业阶段。
Chen Ni, a 26-year-old with a foreign-invested company in Shanghai, said that she was feeling increasingly anxious as the holiday started. 陈霓,26岁,在上海的一家外资企业,她说随着假期开始她觉得越来越焦虑。
But I say that Peter was to give Ni how to train his dog drop drops, at the beginning and how is physical training drops. 可我能给伱讲出彼得是如何训练他滴狗滴,一开始又是如何进行体能锻炼滴。
NI, Agilent Team on Test Two of the leading players in test and measurement are teaming up to make it easier for engineers. 测试测量领域两个领头羊正在进行合作,以简化工程师的工作。
Heng the son horse cubes of force and his wife dream Ni card have made traffic accident, have become plant person. 亨力和他的妻子梦妮卡的儿子马丁出了车祸,成了植物人。
john ni wears good jeans, then sits down and seemed to wear clothes exhaustion his physical strength. his feet still keep only wearing. 约翰尼穿好牛仔裤,然后坐下,好像穿衣服耗尽了他的气力。他的脚仍然光着。
Stills from the point of view, Ni Dahong appearance and performance of the very weighty , and look forward to it. 从剧照上看,倪大红的扮相和表演都十分老到,令人期待。
Liou Ni was born in 1978 in Italy mother in the kitchen of the restaurant, to start on this point, he devoured pasta life. 一九七八年出生在莉欧妮妈妈意大利餐厅的厨房里,就此开始他狼吞虎咽意大利面点的一生。
Mr. Ni said he repeated the question aloud and winked at his students, hoping to signal that someone should respond. 倪先生说他大声重复了一遍拉宾的问题并且对学生使了眼色,期望他们明白应当有人做出反应。
El Ni? o is when some of the Pacific Ocean's waters become warmer than normal, affecting the wind currents. 当承平洋的海水比凡是暖和的时辰,厄尔尼诺现象就影响风海流。
Ni Ping's proposal to block Shanzhai culture and phenomena seems to provide more official legitimacy for blocking the above initiatives. 倪萍提出禁止山寨文化与现象的建议似乎给了官方更高的合法性,去封锁上面提到的山寨春晚跟三一五晚会。
Results There was no NI case occurred during receiving and treating HFMD patients, all patients were recovered. 结果收治及处置手足口病患者过程中,未发生医院感染,且患者均痊愈。
Do not be silly joke . . . detail page you can search Baidu Yun Ni thin paste under the vines to see the official website. 别闹笑话…详细的你可以百度网页搜下蔓妮韵瘦身贴官网看看。
"It was just something they were doing to pass the time, " the building's leaseholder, Ni Jixiong, said. “这就是他们用来打发时间的活动,”大楼承租人倪际雄说。
Small Ni a pair of eyes Be bad to ruthlessly stare her, emulate the blazing flame that the Buddha has spurt black iciness therein burnable. 小祢一双眼睛恶狠狠地瞪着她,仿佛有乌黑冰冷的烈焰在其中燃烧。
The influence of heat treatment on the surface morphology and corrosion-resistance of Ni-P alloy coating was studied in this paper. 研究了热处理对镍磷合金镀层的表面形貌和耐腐蚀性的影响。
A former economics professor and electrical engineer, Mr. Ni has given his wife the company reins so he can focus more on industry lobbying. 曾担任经济学教授和电子工程师的倪捷已经将公司的管理权交给了妻子,以便自己能将更多精力放在行业游说上。
Managed to get up to see the smiling faces of Ni Zhou Yong. 好不容易才看到爬起来的周咏霓的笑脸。