
美 [θɪŋk]英 [θɪŋk]
  • v.认为;想;思考;以为
  • n.想法;念头;〈方,口〉思考
  • adj.思想(方面)的;供思考的
  • 网络思索;谢谢洽谈六

过去式:thought 第三人称单数:thinks 现在分词:thinking

probably think,think hard,definitely think,clearly think,seriously think
thing think


v. n.

有看法╱信念have opinion/belief

1.[t][i]认为;以为to have a particular idea or opinion about sth/sb; to believe sth

动脑筋use mind

2.[i][t]想;思考;思索;思想to use your mind to consider sth, to form connected ideas, to try to solve problems, etc.

3.[t]想;琢磨to have ideas, words or images in your mind


4.[t][nopass][i]猜想;想象;试想to form an idea of sth; to imagine sth


5.[t]料想;预料;预期to expect sth

以某种方式in a particular way

6.[i][t][nopass](informal)只想;一心想;对…着迷to think in a particular way or on a particular subject

表示生气╱吃惊showing anger/surprise

7.[t]~ (that)…(用于问句,表示生气或吃惊)used in questions to show that you are angry or surprised

不太肯定;较为婉转being less definite/more polite

8.[t][i]~ (that)…(用于使话语不太肯定或较为婉转)used to make sth you say sound less definite or more polite


9.[t][i]~ (that…)打算;想要;计划to intend sth; to have a plan about sth


10.[t]记得;想起to remember sth; to have sth come into your mind


come to think of it

(用于突然想起某事或认识到其重要性)想起来了,的确used when you suddenly remember sth or realize that it might be important

I dont think so

我想并非如此;我不这样认为;根本不可能used to say very strongly that you do not agree with sth, or that sth is not possible

if/when you think about it

(用以引起对不明显或未曾提到过的事情的注意)你想想看used to draw attention to a fact that is not obvious or has not previously been mentioned

I thought as much

我早料到了;果然不出我所料that is what I expected or suspected

think again

重新考虑后另作打算(常指最终改变主意)to consider a situation again and perhaps change your idea or intention

think aloud/out loud

自言自语;边想边说;进行有声思考to say what your thoughts are as you have them

think better of it/of doing sth

深思熟虑后决定不做;一想又改变主意to decide not to do sth after thinking further about it

think (the) better of sb

对某人有较高的评价to have a higher opinion of sb

think nothing of it

别在意;没什么;别客气used as a polite response when sb has said sorry to you or thanked you

think nothing of sth/of doing sth

不把…当一回事;对…等闲视之;觉得…无所谓to consider an activity to be normal and not particularly unusual or difficult

think on your feet

思维敏捷;反应迅速to be able to think and react to things very quickly and effectively without any preparation

think out of the box

跳出框框想问题;另辟蹊径to think about sth, or how to do sth, in a way that is new, different or shows imagination

think straight

思路清晰to think in a clear or logical way

think twice about sth/about doing sth

三思而行;慎重考虑后再决定to think carefully before deciding to do sth

think the world, highly, a lot, not much, poorly, little, etc. of sb/sth

对…评价高(或不高)to have a very good, poor, etc. opinion of sb/sth

to think (that…)

(表示惊讶)想想看,想想…吧used to show that you are surprised or shocked by sth

英语问题_百度知道 ... 6、about( 大概) 9、thinks) 10、sorry( 抱歉) ...


...肥皂泡一样离地飘浮起来。”温斯顿依此推理:“如果他认为(thinks)他已离地飘浮起来,如果我同时认为(think)我看到他离地飘 …


苗启源的部落格 ... Show( 展示) Thinks( 想法) Experience( 经验) ...




《Friends》词汇表A ... together adv. 共同, 一起, 合起来, 集拢地 thinks v. 想, 思索, 认为 ...


展会洽谈时的口语_阿里学院 ... 6. Think for your order 谢谢 7.Thinks 谢谢洽谈六: 1. Are you ready to sign? 可以签约了吗? ...

'We be friends with her again, ' she said to them. 'She thinks no more of his choosing her than we do. ' “我们跟她还是朋友,”她对她们说。“她觉得他娶她的机会并不比娶我们的多。”
He looks on the Earth and thinks it a mystery, it speaks a tongue whose language has long since been forgotten save by the few. 他注视着地球,认为它是一个神秘,它以一种早已被遗忘,很少留存的语言讲话。
Again and again I have entreated Mrs. Prayor to say what she thinks of him, but she still. 我再三请求普瑞尔太太谈谈她对他的看法,但是她还是避开了正面回答我的问题。
Gruenfeld suggests asking someone who cares about your development as well as the quality of your performance to tell you what she thinks. 格林菲尔德建议问一下那些关心你的发展以及行动能力的人,他们是怎么想的。
They are not intended to dominate your way of thinking or to persuade you to conform to the way the writer thinks or feels. 它们无意支配你的思维方式,或劝告你遵循作者的思想或感受。
Me: he might abandon u to chase other women. . . but if he thinks u will still sleep with him, he will still chase u. 他可能抛弃你又去找别的女人…要是他觉得你仍会和他睡觉,他就会继续追求你。
however, I can tell you that most of what the U. S. thinks about the country is a bit off the mark. 但我可以告诉你,大部份美国国家着想有点偏离马克。
god , that student is such a know - it - all . he always wants to be a teacher ' s pet . he thinks he knows the answers for everything. 天啊,那个学生太爱吹了。他总是想当老师的宠儿,自以为什么都知道。
Anyone who thinks that would be a good result for the next two years is in a state of denial. 任何认为这对于今后两年来说是个好结果的人都有着一种否定现实的心态。
That's one example, though, about how Origen thinks it's perfectly fine to get at least two readings out of this same text. 这个例子说明,奥利金认为同一篇经文,有至少两种解读是完全没问题的。
The council thinks Slough has 3, 500 HMOs, with at least 17, 500 mostly immigrant tenants, and is trying to identify them all. 政务委员会认为Slough有3500所多人合租房,至少17500名住户,大多为移民,并试图把所有这些人都找出来。
She thinks for a minute and adds with a smile: "But maybe not the kind America is comfortable with. " 她在沉思了一会后又笑了一下,补充道:“不过,或许不是那种让美国人感到舒服的榜样。”
She thinks her neighbours look down on her a bit because she's neverbeen abroad. 她认为她的邻居们因她从来没有出过国而有点瞧不起她。
A teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, "Everyone who thinks you're stupid, stand up! " 一个老师在对学生们讲心理学,“谁认为自己蠢就站起来?”她一开始就说。
Constabulary hall thinks " the case that this specification is not the website that make friend is very severe also, not allow to ignore " . 警察厅认为“这说明非交友网站的情况也非常严重,不容忽视”。
Sometimes she reads a few lines, put down the book, walks a few steps and thinks for a while and then walks away with the book. 有时她看几行,把书放下,走几步,想一想,然后带着书走开。
She desires that they shall be given to her children and grandchildren. It is all she ever thinks of. 她希望自己的子孙们能继承这些,她一心想的都是这个。
My bank, First Direct, seems to have cracked it, so I do not see why Citi thinks it is such a big deal. 我的银行——英国的FirstDirect似乎已经解决了这个问题,因此我并不明白为什么花旗还认为这是一个大问题。
The prince speaks kindly to Rapunzel. Soon, she is not scared anymore. The prince then asks her to marry him. Rapunzel thinks for a moment. 王子亲切地跟蕾伴柔聊天,很快地,她再也不害怕了。接着王子就向蕾伴柔求婚,她想了一下。
But at the moment it's not gonna be what she thinks is best for her because there she did, then things will be different. 但那时她并不认为这会是,这对她来说是最好的因为她这样做了,事情就会有很大不同。
"Inductive network " the company thinks, their each situation that studies the object is stridden , found a new human lab in the help. “感应网络”公司认为,他们的研究对象迈出的每一步,都在帮助创建一个新的人性实验室。
he thinks that you are too ready to leave us, and too ready to leave the gods who, as you acknowledge, are our good rulers. 他认为你太甘心离开我们,离开你所承认的优秀的统治者---神了。
I all did not know said any good, now the psychology thinks you. 我都不知道说什么好,现在心理就是想你。
My husband is very attentive when he's at home, but when he's away on business he never even thinks to phone me - out of sight out to mind. 我丈夫在家时对我很关心,但一出差从不想着给我打电话——真是眼不见,心不想。
When June comes, he thinks she has gone on her trip to see her parents. Then he begins to wait for her to come back. 他认为她仍活着,每逢六月,他认为她上路去看她父母了,并开始等她家。
note : p . o . box is not acceptable . the bank reserves its right by designating its branch for card collection as it thinks fit. 注意:邮政信箱恕不接纳。于特别情况下,银行有权要求客户于指定分行领取其信用卡。
She thinks of her mother a sad person with little success in her life. 她认为母亲是一辈子几科没有成就的悲惨人物。
However I thinks that she can hear out of, however she also did not ask what more! 不过我想她能听出来的,不过她也没多问什么!
The boss regards Junior Wang as the most able member of the team and thinks highly of him. 认为小王是所有员工中最有才力的,十分赏识他。
Middle did not know how the son does have no intention in this picture which pats the cat to be gentle is thinks? 不知道儿子无意当中拍的这张照片中小猫娜娜是如何想的?