
美 [ˈtaʊəl]英 ['taʊəl]
  • n.毛巾;手巾;纸巾;抹布;毛巾;〈美〉擦脸[手]纸
  • v.(〔英国〕 -ll-) 用毛巾擦;〈俚〉殴打;用毛巾擦干
  • 网络求购毛巾;浴巾;毛巾浴巾

复数:towels 现在分词:towelling 现在分词:toweling 过去式:towelled 过去式:toweled

wet towel
throw towel,wrap towel


n. v.

1.毛巾;手巾;抹布;纸巾a piece of cloth or paper used for drying things, especially your body


throw in the towel

认输;承认失败;放弃努力to admit that you have been defeated and stop trying


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... washcloth: 洗脸手巾,面巾。 towels: 浴巾,毛巾。 1. It's almost ten o'clock. I've got to go. 差不多10点钟了,我得走了。 ...

John went to grab towels out of the bathroom to mop up the blood. When he returned she was at the man again with her knife. John跑到浴室拽出毛巾来擦血迹。他回来的时候,看见她又在拿刀对着那个人。
The jackal removed the towels from his head, which had been steaming again, shook himself, yawned, shivered, and complied. 豺狗从头上取下毛巾,那毛巾又已是热气腾腾,摇了摇头,打了个哈欠,又打了个寒噤,再去倒酒。
The men toss the towels on a shelf and Michael quickly turns to a door marked, "NO INMATES BEYOND THIS POINT. " Michael把毛巾扔在架子上以后,快速地转身走向一扇门,门上标示着“犯人不可越过此门”。
He called himself the "underwear bandit" ; he put pants on his head, like a mask, and went in people's rooms and hit them with towels! 他称自己为“内衣土匪(underwearbandit)”;他把底裤套在头上,像一个面具,然后冲进别人的房间,用毛巾袭击他们!
We also used the Jacuzzi- we were able to hire it out for one hour, it was very nice, quite relaxing & they provide all the towels etc. 我们还使用按摩浴缸,我们可以租用一小时,非常放松。他们提供所有的毛巾等物品。
To be sure . And yet ( with a little bow to her . ) I know there are some Dickson county farmhouses which do not have such roller towels . 一点儿不错。(对她微微一躬身)据我所知,迪克逊县有些农场的住户不使用这样的环状毛巾。
Third, a number of easy to lose sight of the personal life of items such as toothbrushes, razors and razor, towels used to be their own. 一些容易被忽略的个人生活用品如牙刷、剃须刀和刮脸刀、浴巾必须自己独用。
At home, he would set paper towels on the counter to dry after washing his hands: "They're not dirty, just wet. " 在家里,他洗完手后会把纸巾放在台面上晾晒干:“纸巾又没脏,只是湿了。”
All this sweat has to go somewhere though and Bikram yoga classes are easy to spot because of people carrying around extra towels. 但是这些汗水一定得流到某个地方,高温瑜伽班很容易辨认,因为大家会带着特别厚的毛巾。
I just need some fresh towels, toiletries and for you to remove the trash for me today. There is no need to clean the whole room. 我今天只需要一些新的毛巾,洗漱物品,还有你帮我把垃圾清理掉就可以了。不需要打扫整个房间。
Strain broth through a fine sieve lined with two paper towels and return it to the pot. 过滤汤汁用一个好的漏勺,用厨房滤纸,过滤后的放入小锅内。
I wet some towels and put them along the bottom of the door. 我弄湿了毛巾将它们塞在门底。
Put wet towels along the bottom of the door to keep the smoke out. 用湿毛巾堵塞门底下的缝隙,不要让烟进入房间。
Towels and deep color of chemical fiber class is indirect staining methods, this towel relatively not easy to fade. 而深颜色的化纤类毛巾采用的是间接染色方式,这样的毛巾相对而言不易褪色。
If the wind is strong enough, water may be blown into your home even if the windows are closed. Have handy towels, rags and mops. 如果风力过强,即便关了窗户雨水仍有可能进入屋内,因此需要准备毛巾和墩布。
I beat Charlie home. When he walked in I was just taking the fried chicken out of the pan and laying it on a pile of paper towels. 我比查理早到家。他进门时,我正将炸鸡放进盘子里并把它放在一叠餐巾纸上。
As part of its intensifying efforts, the company has started giving its employees "metabo check" towels that double as tape measures. 他们努力的一种就是公司开始给职工“metabo检查”毛巾以代替卷尺。
He told me that was just what rock hounds called them; they were polishing cloths about the size of dish towels. 他告诉我那是石头迷的术语,是跟擦碗布差不多大小的布,用来磨亮石头。
Especially velvet, fabrics and cloth towels made of these fabrics home textiles more competitive advantage. 特别是天鹅绒、毛巾布面料和这些面料制成的家用纺织品更具竞争优势。
Make sure that towels are available to wipe off the equipment, and watch to see if members and staff actually use them. 确保提供有擦拭设备的毛巾,并观察会员和员工们是否真的使用这些毛巾。
Don't know why it works, but giving kids sheets and towels to cover anything seems to be magical. 不知道这为什么行得通,但是给孩子们床单和毛巾把任何看上去很神奇的东西盖起来。
Cover pans with dish towels, and place in a warm area for another hour. Loaves should double in size. 用碟盘毛巾盖住,然后把它们移到一个暖和的地方呆上一小时。
A child who sees his parents steal tools from the factory or towels from a hotel will think that it is all right to steal. 孩子若看到家长从工厂里偷工具或在旅馆里偷毛巾便会以为偷窃不是错事。
Children who see their parents steal tools from the factory or towels from a hotel will think that it is all right to steal. 孩子看到父母从厂里偷回工具,从旅店偷回毛巾,他们就会认为偷东西是对的。
James invites him in. The snowman has never been inside a house. He says hello to the cat. He plays with paper towels . 詹姆斯邀请它进来。雪人从来没有去过房间里面。它对猫咪打了个招呼。猫咪玩着纸巾。
Then the Filipina arrived, swathed in a black fishnet robe, an attendant padding behind her with a pile of towels. 后来那个菲律宾妇女来了,穿着鱼网似的黑色礼服,一位侍者在她身后递给她一撂毛巾。
Those without umbrellas had covered their heads with plastic bags, towels and books in a vain attempt to stay dry. 有些人没有雨伞,于是用塑料袋、毛巾或书本遮头,试图防雨,结果还是淋湿了。
In some cases, the amount of energy being used to power a hand dryer is less eco-friendly than using a few sheets of paper towels. 在某些情况下,大量的精力被用于电力手干燥机是少比用几张环保纸毛巾。
Sorry, sir. This is housekeeping. We just clean your room and change the sheets and towels. Let me transfer you to the right department. 对不起,我们负责房间管理。打扫房间、更换床单和毛巾。让我给您转接您要的部门。
pool on the roof is superb. Towels are put out for you. Would we stay again - absolutely without a doubt. 屋顶的游泳池真的太好了。那里有为你摆放好的毛巾。如果可以的话,我们一定毫不犹豫的再呆一次。