number 1

number 1number 1

number 1

First, we pick a starting point and set the transit over the point. We call this point corner number 1. 首先我们来选个出发点,把中星仪放在这个点上,称这个点为角1。
But for the handful of men who witnessed the horrors that went on inside School number 1, it's been almost too much to bear. 但是,对于那些目睹了第一学校内发生的可怕一幕的为数不多的男性来说,这几乎是无法承受的。
Participants were talking to a number of unknown others, varying from just one up to four in each of the experimental trials. 在试验测试中,参与者们和一些不认识的人谈话,人数从只有1人;到最多4人。
If one were to ask me what my favorite holidays are, number 1 would be a toss-up between Christmas and Thanksgiving. 如果有人问我最喜欢哪个节日,我会在圣诞节和感恩节间难以抉择。
Shanghai newspaper reported that she had a number of "olive leaves" to hold out to American leaders: 1. 上海一家报纸报道说,她倒是有几片“橄榄叶”可以奉献给美国领导人;
So path number 1 went from i, f let's call this path up here. went to f, and this is how much energy change there was. 从i出发,经过路径1到达,能量的变化是这么多。
For me, Mourinho is number one. . . At first when I said it, it may have seemed obvious, but a year down the road I maintain this. 对我来说,穆里尼奥就是No.1…赛季初我这么说时看起来是显而易见的,但一年后我仍然保持这样的看法。
Next select the number of coins you wish to bet on your hand by clicking the left mouse button over the "BET ONE" button up to five times. 然后点击“下注1筹码”选择您希望在1手牌中每一手使用的筹码数目,最高可以加到5个筹码。
The number one seems to be stabbed pretty badly and she's lying down on the floor, they don't know whether she is conscious or not. 1号乘务员似乎被刺伤得很严重并且躺在地板上,他们不清楚她是否还有意识。
That number, the so-called replacement rate, is usually taken to be the level at which the population eventually stops growing. 1被称作是替换率,这通常被作为人口最终会停止增长的生育率水平。
One official said the number of missing components was more than 1, 000. 一位官员表示,失踪零部件的数目超过了1000件。
The Indian government is trying to give all 1. 2 billion Indians something like an American Social Security number, but more secure. 印度政府正设法赋予全体12亿印度人一个身份号码,这玩意类似美国社会保障号,但更为可靠。
Hillary Clinton, just back from Iraq, said on January 17th that she supported legislation to put a cap on the number of troops there. 刚从伊拉克回来的希拉里•克林顿,在1月17日说道,她赞同通过立法给军队数目设定上限。
I once read the results of a survey in a leading woman's magazine that said the number 1 most attractive quality in a man was confidence. 我曾经在一本领先的女性杂志上看到过一个调查问卷结果,上面说男性在吸引女性的品质里排第一位的是自信。
There are the exact same machines that have always made Slinkys, and number one, as it is called, is still notoriously slow. 正是这些机器一直在制造着斯林克玩具,被称作1号的机器仍时那么出奇地慢。
A similar number, there would not cite a January 1, you want to know better than I do, should say something wrong, you can laughed. 类似之多,就不一一例举了,想来您比我更清楚,如若说错,你可一笑置之。
This is similar to point number one, but it takes it a step further - beyond the natural mind to the supernatural heart. 这就类似于指向数字1,它会引向了下一个步骤―――超越自然的心智通向超自然的心。
Setting this value to less than 1 specifies the minimum number of cases as a percentage of the total cases. 将该值设置为小于1将指定最小事例数作为事例总计的百分比。
Back in May, chipmaker Freescale told me that a number of tablets would be delayed until January 2011. 5月份,芯片制造商Freescale告诉我说,许多平板电脑将推迟至2011年1月发布。
'I don't know if New Moon can beat [Transformers] as it is a huge number, but reaching over $100 million is still a big deal, ' he said. 德加拉伯迪安说,我不知道《新月》能否击败《变形金刚》,因为后者的成绩实在骄人,不过能达到1亿美元已经很不错了。
Then we say that for any other natural number, that fibonacci number is the sum of the previous two fibonacci numbers. 然后就是对其他自然数,其fibonacci数就是它前面两个数字的和,即F(N)=F(N-1)+F(N-2)。
A number of our fellow economists do share with us a sense of general malaise afflicting contemporary microeconomic theory. 很多经济学家朋友都和我们一样,对当今微观经济学理论持有一种普遍的隐忧[1]。
VPL thrived for a while, selling 1. 3m basic data gloves to Mattel, a toymaker, and a smaller number of high-end gloves to NASA and IBM. VPL兴盛了好一阵子,它买给玩具制造厂商MATTERL1300万个数据库手套,买给NASA和IBM一小部分高端手套。
In January, Sidney Crosby, one of the sport's best players, was concussed in consecutive games after suffering a number of hits to the head. 今年1月,身为最佳冰球运动员之一的西德尼•克罗斯比(SidneyCrosby)连续参加比赛,头部多次受到撞击,造成了脑震荡。
Pick a number from 1 to 10 , and then see how much you can get. 选择一到十之间的一个数字,然后看看你能得到多少。
And scissors compared to the Daojian is an advantage can be processed into a number of paper-cut designs. 以及剪刀比拟,刀剪的1个劣势便是一次能够加农成少个剪纸图案。
The form is very simple, looking for just the name, e-mail address, and phone number of the user, as you can see in Figure 1. 此表单很简单,只是查找用户的姓名、电子邮件地址和电话号码,如图1所示。
We were supposed to be in lessons in the wu'xi number 1 high school all day according to the itinerary. 根据行程,我们要求在无锡第一高级中学听一整天的课。
topas is a nice little performance monitoring tool which can be used for a number of purposes (see Figure 1 below). topas是一种非常优秀的小型性能监视工具,它可以用于许多目的(见图1)。
The original Moore's Law is usually summarised thus: the number of transistors on a chip doubles every 18 months. 原始摩尔定律经常被表述为:单块硅芯片上所集成的晶体管数目每十八个月增加1倍。