
美 [əˈfɪʃ(ə)l]英 [ə'fɪʃ(ə)l]
  • n.官员;要员;高级职员
  • adj.公务的;公职的;公事的;正式的
  • 网络官方的;公务员;官员的


official language,official document,chinese official,official announcement,official visit
accuse official,official come


1.[obn]公务的;公职的;公事的connected with the job of sb who is in a position of authority

2.[ubn]正式的;官方的;官方授权的agreed to, said, done, etc. by sb who is in a position of authority

3.[obn]公开的;公布的;据官方的that is told to the public but may not be true

4.[obn]正式的;公务的;官方场合的formal and attended by people in authority


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【免费下载】考研英语词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... preside over v. 主持 official adj. 正式的,官方的 statistics n. 统计数字 ...


高尔夫 - 搜搜百科 ... Obstruction 妨碍物 Official 正式的,公认的 Official competiton 正式比赛 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... dynasty n 朝代; 王朝 official n 官员;公务员 Chauvet 肖维 ...


求以O开头的所有英文单词?_精彩评论4吧 ... officer n. 官员;干事;军官 official a. 官员的;官方的 often ad. 经常,常常 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... of course 当然 official n. 高级职员,官员 authorities n. 当局,权力,权威 ...

I didn't say the result was good, commented F. D. R. to a State Department official after Yalta. I said it was the best I could do. “我没有说这个结果是好的,”罗斯福在雅尔塔之后向外交部的意味官员解释说,“我是说这是我所能做到的最好的结果了。”
"Holbrooke was a floodlight, " said the US official explaining the different approaches of the two diplomats. "Grossman is a laser" . “霍尔布鲁克好比泛光灯,而格罗斯曼有如激光,”上述美国官员如此解释两位外交官的不同。
The shadow economy is all the money and jobs generated outside the official economy, whether legally or illegally. 黑市经济,则是正式经济以外产生的所有财富和工作岗位,不论合法或非法。
A State Department official said the United States hopes that growing international cooperation will improve maritime-security efforts. 国务院的一位官员说,美国希望通过加强国际合作增进海上安全。
With the 2010 World Cup in South Africa just a few months from now, an official World Cup game from EA Sports was a virtual certainty. 随着2010年世界杯在南非,从现在只需数月,世界杯足球赛的正式从EA体育游戏是一个虚拟的确定性。
Public statements from each side made no mention of the currency issue, but a U. S. official said the yuan was discussed. 两国在各自的公开声明中均未提及汇率问题,但一名美国官员说二人在会谈中谈及了此事。
The criteria or conditions must be clearly spelled out in law, regulation, or other official document, so As to be capable of verification. 标准或条件必须在法律、法规或其他官方文件中明确说明,以便能够进行核实。
"A short-term effect ensures that during the time of need, the enemy's space-based capability is reduced, " said a US military official. “短期内的效果可以保证在必须的时候,敌人基于太空的能力会被减低”,一位美国的军官如此说。
Xinhua News Agency, quoting an unnamed ministry official, said the trains will resume service over the next several weeks. 新华社援引铁道部一位未具名官员的话报道,这些动车将在未来几周恢复运营。
White House official said the White House had contacted PETA , or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, about the poster . 白宫一名官员称,白宫已就海报事宜联系了善待动物协会。
And yet the number of casualties in Chile appears to be exponentially smaller, with the official death toll still in the hundreds. 不过,智利地震的死难人数以几何倍增角度看似乎更少,官方公布的死亡人数只有数百名。
Former President George W Bush was in good humour as he returned to the White House for the unveiling of his official portrait. 美国前总统乔治W布什返回白宫为他的官方画像举行揭幕仪式,期间他心情大好。
His pictures looked down from giant hoardings all over the country and no other official or politician was allowed to rise to prominence. 他的巨幅画像在全国各地居高临下地俯视着芸芸众生,没有任何一名别的官员或政界人士被允许出头。
If it were not even official media are eventually sent to uncover this scandal, the public officials do not know their land be used to do. 若不是连官方媒体都看不下去,揭发这起弊案,民众根本不知道官员把他们的土地拿来做什麽。
Martin had a printed form thrust at him by an unpleasant official. 一位讨厌的官员将一份印刷表格猛地伸到马丁面前。
A defense ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the ship would be open for tours by the general public. 一位不愿透露姓名的国防部官员发言时说,该船将对旅游的一般市民开放。
But a few days later a senior tax official said the government was still only studying the idea. 但几天后,一个高级税务官员说,政府还只是研究该想法。
In one of his first official actions, he ordered the closure of the American detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within a year. 在他第一次的官方法案中,他下令在一年之内关闭古巴关塔那摩湾的审讯中心。
An Iranian aviation official said the action had greatly increased the cost of such flights. 一名伊朗航空官员表示,此举大大增加了海外航班的成本。
This is not the official name of this experiment but I thought it had a nice ring to it. 这不是这个实验的正式名字,但我觉得这个名字更适合。
An official letter of designation on the letter-head of a recognized media organization signed by an editor will also be accepted. 也将接受使用公认的新闻媒体组织印有抬头的信笺并经编辑签署的正式委任书。
Among big banks, BofA has made it a speciality, becoming the "official bank" of several sports and forming partnerships with several teams. 在银行巨头当中,美国银行做的非常专业,它成为许多体育赛事的“官方银行”,又与一些球队结成战略伙伴关系。
His father is a senior government official, his mother is the general manager of a large company and he himself. 他的命真好。爸爸是政府高级官员,妈妈是公司的总经理,自己通过了托福考试并获得美国一所大学的奖学金。
An Israeli official said the rampage marked a further deterioration of diplomatic ties between Israel and Egypt since the fall of Mubarak. 一位以色列官员称这一事件让自从穆巴拉克下台以来一直恶化的以埃关系雪上加霜。
A U. S. official said the possible use of such trade constraints wasn't part of U. S. -Chinese discussions so far. 一位美国官员说,使用此类贸易限额的可能性还从未在美中讨论里出现过。
It has been a while since I've addressed you personally here on my official website. 它一直以来,虽然我已经解决,你亲自在这里对我的官方网站。
For her to do that, she would have to ask her sons to sign an official declaration saying they are not supporting their parents. 如果她要这么做,必须让自己的儿子们签署一份官方声明,表明他们无法赡养父母。
in the evenings we'd watch the state-run TV station, trying to spot bits of real news through the haze of official propaganda. 晚上我们会一起观看国营电视台的节目,试图从官方宣传的迷雾中找出一丁点真正的新闻来。
China's top drug official, Liu Yuejin, said the plan was to bomb the drug lord's hideout in northeastern Burma using unmanned aircraft. 中国最高禁毒官员刘跃进表示,原计划是使用无人机轰炸这名毒枭在缅甸东北部的藏身之处。
'We expect to see actions by China' to help rebalance global trade flows, a White House official said. 一名白宫官员说,美国希望看到中国采取措施以帮助平衡全球贸易。