
美 [ɔɪl]英 [ɔɪl]
  • n.石油;原油;燃油;润滑油
  • v.给…加润滑油
  • 网络油润滑;机油;加油

复数:oils 现在分词:oiling 过去式:oiled

oil pump,oil wheel
canadian oil,british oil


n. v.

1.[u]石油;原油a thick liquid that is found in rock underground

2.[u]燃油;润滑油a form of petroleum that is used as fuel and to make parts of machines move smoothly

3.[u][c]食用油a smooth thick liquid that is made from plants or animals and is used in cooking

4.[u][c]防护油;润肤油;护发油a smooth thick liquid that is made from plants, minerals, etc. and is used on the skin or hair

5.[u](绘画用)油彩coloured paint containing oil used by artists

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油脂oil) 什么是油脂 ? 油脂是一种酯 ? 油脂是高级脂肪酸的甘油酯 酸 醇 一.油脂的结构 结构: O R1 C O R2 C O R3 C O CH …

Copper oil lantern is made of a distinctive image of the little lamp and a huge component. 喀麦隆铜烟斗灯由一个形象鲜明的小人和一支巨大的灯管组成。
Crude oil continued to go on Friday, American cotton plunged, short-term PTA were expected to rally continuing turbulence. 上周五原油继续攀高,美棉大跌,预计短期PTA将延续震荡反弹行情。
Using some oil-based pencils from my makeup kit, I began to sketch Eichmann's face on the only paper I had: my guidebook. 我从化妆盒里拿出几枝油笔,在一本旅行指南上给他画脸部素描,这是我唯一能找到的纸。
But he said he did not know whether Bush had spoken about oil prices with Saudi King Abdullah in their talks on Monday in Riyadh. 不过,Gillespie表示,他尚不清楚布什周一在利雅得与沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜拉会面中是否也谈到了油价问题。
The first shoes with a clean soft cloth to wipe the dust off the surface, then wipe the oil evenly coated. 用干净的软布第一鞋子擦拭过的表面的灰尘,然后抹均匀地涂油。
Consider how much of the Pentagon's $550 billion-a-year budget goes toward securing oil supplies. 但要知道,美国国防部现在每年花在石油供应安全上的预算是550亿美元。
US oil groups were all but shut out of Iraq as the country completed the biggest oil field auction in history at the weekend. 伊拉克在周末完成了该国历史上规模最大的油田开发招标活动,美国石油集团几乎全部出局。
As mixture begins to thicken, continue adding oil in a fine steady stream, alternating with hot water and remaining lemon juice. 混合物开始变厚,持续增加在一条美好的平稳的小河的油,交替与热水和剩余的柠檬汁。
With that information, I immediately began looking for and found a new undervalued oil company that was about to find some oil deposits. 根据这些信息,我立即开始寻找并找到了一家新的价值被低估了的石油公司,这家公司正在勘探新的地下石油储备。
She went and told the man of God, and he said, 'Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left. 妇人去告诉神人,神人说,你去卖油还债,所剩的你和你儿子可以靠着度日。
I saw that she had picked up an empty oil bidon that had been lying in the corner. 我看到她捡起一直放在墙角的一个空油壶。
Absorbent booms and pads are being used to soak up oil floating on the surface or clinging to plants, boats and structures. 我们还采用了可以吸油的栅栏和垫板,来吸收漂浮在海面上和附着在植物表面、船只底部和建筑上的油污。
If you are having oil leaking out of your nose drive do not let TRD tell you it is normal or it is just the break in lube. 如果你正有油在你的鼻子运动之外漏不让TRD告诉你它是正常的或者这正是在润滑油内的休息。
And China is building oil pipelines and ports that will give it a hugely important strategic foothold on Burma's Indian Ocean coast. 此外,中国正在缅甸建造输油管道和港口,这将让其在缅甸印度洋沿岸获得极为重要的战略立足点。
With social progress and competitive development of oil business, petroleum informatization began to be an inevitable trend. 随着社会进步和石油行业的竞争发展,石油信息化建设成为必然趋势。
Those fishermen are unconvinced that the gradual disappearance of oil on the surface means they will be able to return to work soon. 这些渔民并不相信海面浮油的逐渐消失意味着他们将很快重返工作岗位。
"To make the most of our energy strengths, producing oil from coal is of great strategic significance, " he said. “为了最大限度地利用我们的能源优势,从煤矿中生产出油具有重大的战略意义,”他说。
Even before the turmoil, Iran signalled it had tired of western foot-dragging and was likely to favour Chinese oil companies. 早在动乱前,伊朗就发出信号称,它已经厌倦了西方的犹豫不决,有可能会偏向中国的石油公司。
When the brush color, nail oil brush should be to leave a little soft skin parts, note color should not be stained to soft on the skin. 在刷颜色时,指甲油刷应稍微离开软皮部位,注意不要将颜色沾到软皮上。
Dick and Jeana had been so busy trying to fly around bad weather and mountains that they had forgotten to watch the oil level. Dick和Jeana已经在和坏天气和群山的搏斗中手忙脚乱,以至于他们居然忘记了去看油料平衡表。
Government price regulation should be a multi-objective system, refined oil price regulation is nothing more than such a system. 政府的价格规制应该是一个多目标的系统,成品油价格规制也不外如此。
Ocimum sanctum fixed oil produced hypotensive effect in anaesthetised dog, which seems to be due to its peripheral vasodilatory action. 兰香固定的石油生产麻醉过狗,这似乎是由于周边血管扩张行动降压作用。
But if you compare oil companies by how much they have left in the ground, the American giant ranks a lowly fourteenth. 然而,如果你以石油开发存量比较各个公司,那么这家美国巨头则排名靠后,处于第14位。
Against the odds, it will not be turned into one of the vast palm-oil plantations that are eating up so much of the country. 克服了种种困难,这片森林将不会被开辟成巨型棕榈树种植园,摆脱了许多乡村土地正被种植园吞噬的命运。
And, I repeat, they did not get all this by discovering oil. They got it by digging inside themselves. 我再次重申,这一切并不是靠发现石油,而是通过充分发掘自身潜能得来的。
This article would have been even more porwerful if it had discussed the supply of such ingredients as palm oil. 这片文章若是探讨原料供给(如棕榈油)问题的话,会更有说服力。
So that would not, at first sight, seem to suggest that oil money has been driving bond yields up and down. 乍一看来,似乎石油美元推动债券收益率大起大落的论断并不成立。
It alleges that millions of dollars paid to the government to secure oil concessions do not show up in the official annual revenue reports. 报道称,为保证石油开采而向柬埔寨政府支付的几百万美元,在官方的年度收入报告中并无踪影。
Cooked rice, and potatoes together in the wok, the salt, oil, stir fry about one side and a bit of chicken powder. 米饭煮好后,和土豆一起放在炒锅里,在放盐,油,翻炒一下,一边再加一点鸡粉。
It comes from children's health insurance, he said, from education and from heating-oil subsidies for the poor. 从儿童健康保险,从教育经费,从穷人的取暖补贴中来,他说。