on board

  • na.在船上;〔美国〕在车上;〈口〉【棒】出垒
  • 网络到船上;上船;已装船

on boardon board

on board


大学英语四级常用词组 ... blow up 给(轮胎等)打气;爆炸 on board 在船(车、飞机)上 boast of 吹牛,自夸,夸耀 ...


成-vae ... 75. for the better 好转­ 80. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机­ 82. out of breath 喘不过气来­ ...


常用服装英语词汇 ... off size 尺码不全 on board 上船 on sale 换季 ...


...货物已经装载于船只上,则承运人可在待运提单上加注“已装船”(On board)字样,注明船名和装运日期并由承运人签署,这时 …


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... bay n. 海湾 on board 在船上,在飞机上 be all set 准备就绪 ...


...”)或其他包含“已装运”(“Shipped”)或“已装在船上”(“on board”)之类用语的措辞与”已装运于船”(“Shipped on board”)具 …

When they were brought on board the steamer, the mother went first to her little boy to see that he was alive. 当他们在船上带来的蒸笼,母亲先去她的小男孩看到他还活着。
Another community decides to come on board. The European Union is ready to move on without waiting for others. 另一个团体也决定支持。欧盟不等其它国家就准备开始行动了。
"I take what he said on board, but I am not going jump to a conclusion, " said one. 一名学生表示:“我同意他所说的,但是我不打算过早下结论。”
Rising up into the sky on board of a plane allows a human to see the world from an absolutely different angle. 乘坐飞机升到空中,人便能以完全不同的角度来打量这个世界。
The honest hands - and I was soon to see it proved that there were such on board - must have been stupid fellows. 诚恳的人手——很快我就得到证明,船上还确有这样的人在——必然是些很痴钝的家伙。
During this time all on board kept aft, as the after part of the ship still continued to be safe. 这段时间内,船上所有的人都要待在船尾,因为船尾这部分仍然是安全的。
Until this week, however, the markets for shares and many other things did not seem to have taken all this on board. 虽然在本周之前,股票市场以及其他方面似乎并没有受到影响。
Michael: So, once we get on board, do we have to wear slippers so we don't step through the bottom of the boat? Marian: That's right. 迈克尔:我们是不是一上船就要穿拖鞋,这样才不会把船底踩破?
' And yet another suggested 'she had swapped outfits with an air hostess on board' likening the outfit to a Sixties air hostess get-up . 另有一位说,”她在飞机上同空姐换了衣服“将她的套装同上世纪六十年代的空姐制服相比。
The deep winter nightfall is on board, there is black cloud in sky, the front is a few trees, and a girl is catching off clothing. 隆冬黄昏的船上,天上有一朵黑云,前面是几棵树,一个女孩正在脱衣服。
A spokeswoman for the Japanese Coast Guard said she did not know what had happened to the six people on board. 日本海上保安厅女发言人说,她不知道船上六人的境况如何。
No-no-no, it's just a bit sudden. (Listens) No, it's great. Okay? . I'm totally on board I love you too, all righty . 不,不,不,只是来了太突然一些了。不,我认为那个很好。我在出差。我也爱你。可以。
"It would be extremely detrimental not to have the US on board, " she said. “美国不表同意会产生极其不利的影响,”拉加德表示。
Someone had to defuse the time bomb or all the passengers on board the ship would be killed. The boatswain offered to bell the cat. 有人得去把定时炸弹的雷管拆掉,否则全船人的性命难保。水手长自告奋勇去冒这个险。
The sea was scoured by powerful nets, and there was tremendous excitement on board when a chest was raised from the bottom. 他们用密实的网对大海(海床)进行彻底的搜寻,当一只箱子从海底打捞上来,船上的人们很兴奋(兴奋不已)。
Well as I said, we had a group of photographers that went out on board ships and actually photographed the activities in process. 如我之前所说,我们有一群摄影家登船出海,他们拍摄了拖网捕捞活动过程。
our union reached an agreement with a major airline about which instruments we could carry on board, and which had to be shipped as luggage. 我们团队收到一份关于哪些我们可以带上飞机,和哪些我们得当做行李托运在大部分主要航线上的协议。
Without saying anything he just walked on board and sat down in a seat behind me. 他没说话,上了车坐在我后面的一个座位上。
This helped but he realized he still didn't know if he would be able to get the necessary people on board. 这有作用,但他还不确定是否可以得到必需的人支持。
There may not be a formal arrangment for you to roll up your sleeves and help promote the show, but get on board and do what you can. 也许没人正式通知你们要卷起袖子干活,不过还是主动点去帮忙推广演出吧。
Or, you might unwittingly imply that you're going to ask for a raise soon after coming on board. 亦或对方会认为,你在得到工作后很快便会要求加薪。
A GM spokesman said the automaker does not comment on board meetings as a matter of policy. 通用汽车发言人TomWilkinson称,根据公司的政策,通用不对董事会会议置评。
He took it in a great manner and said he would take it on board. 他非常有礼貌地接受了并说他将把这些话记住。
There was a Jewish mariner on board Columbus' flagship who had been hired on account of his reputation as a linguist. 哥伦布的旗舰上有一个来自犹太的水手,他作为一名语言学家而被雇用。
We climb on board the speed boat rather fast after surfacing , trying to get some warm from the sun and away from the chilling water too! 浮出水面后,我们飞快地爬上快艇,尽量离开冰冷的海水并尝试向太阳取暖!
I had the honour to work with Ross before and I think Honda needed someone like him and it will be fantastic to have him on board. 以前能跟Ross合作是我的荣幸,我认为Honda需要像他这样的人,如果车队拥有他就太棒了。
It's hard to see how Kerry and Lieberman can bring oil-state Democrats and any Republicans at all on board with that language. 看克里和利伯曼如何用这样的言辞把所有产油州的民主、共和党人都说服上他们的船吧,难。
PMG is delighted to have Bill on the team and looks forward to having him on board as a valuable industry resource. 和平监测小组很高兴能有比尔的团队,并期待着他在船上的一个宝贵的行业资源。
Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane. 后来才知道,飞机上有位非常重要的人物。警察获悉飞机上藏了一枚炸弹。
The order was executed as promptly as it would have been on board a man-of-war. 他的命令立刻被执行了,犹如在一艘大战舰上一样。