on the ground

  • 网络在地上;在地面上;席地

on the groundon the ground

on the ground


牛津英语5B词组归纳 ... 一卷胶卷 a roll of film 在地上 on the ground 捡起 pick up ...


英语介词用法 ... on the floor 在地板上 on the ground 在地面上 on earth 在地球上 ...


席_互动百科 ... 席不暇暖【 be in a tearing hurry】 席地on the ground】 席地而坐【 sit on the ground】 ...


词组大全(2) ... 6. at the same time 同时 7. on the ground 在地板上 10. far behind 在后面很远 ...


2011诺贝尔文学奖获得者Transtr&... ... trophy on the waters 远处的渔舟: on the ground 影子织在地上 Shaggy pines 葱茏的松 …

On his way he saw some thing on the ground. He looked at it and found it was a snake. 在路上,他看到有个东西在路上,仔细看发现是条蛇
Affliction transforms a man in his own eyes 'from the human condition into that of a half-crushed worm writhing on the ground'. 痛苦的事情守曰个人看到自己从一个有尊严的人转变成“一条被碾段的虫子那样在地上挣扎”。
(Teacher David) Crichton said the children had just completed their warm-up when they began to hear "soft thudding" on the ground. 克莱顿·大卫老师(DavidCrichton)说,孩子们刚刚热完身,便听到地上传来轻微的砰砰声。
A good teacher should have his head in the clouds sometimes, but his feet always on the ground. 一位好教师有时要有想象力,但总是应该脚踏实地。
She took off her clothes, lay down on the ground and spread her legs. "Here, " she said, "you must put it in here. " 她脱光了衣服,躺在地上并伸开双腿,说“来,把你的家伙放进来。”
When she was dancing, one of her legs was on the ground, and the other was up in the air. 当她跳舞的时候,她的一条腿站在地上,而另一条腿却悬在空中。
He found an old man lying on the ground on his way home. 在他回家的路上,他发现一位老人躺在地上。
Sometimes one of the pancakes drops on the ground, but the runner is allowed to pick it up and toss it again. 有时某个饼会从锅中掉到地上,但选手可以把它拾起来,并再次给它翻面。
He is always talking about his big plans to be a great actor. You should tell him to keep his feet on the ground. 他总是谈论自己要当大明星的远大计划,你应该告诉他要脚踏实地。
But for one year now, we have had no inspections, no American boots on the ground in Russia able to protect American interests. 但现在已经一年了,我们还没有做任何检查,在俄罗斯境内的美国人也不能保护美国的利益。
The melee ends as quickly as it had erupted, torn pieces of money lying like confetti on the ground. 但这样的混乱很快被打断了,撕碎的钱币如五彩碎纸散落满地。
She worked all day now and the child lay on an old torn quilt on the ground, asleep. 她整天在地里干活,娃娃就躺在地上的一张破旧的被子上睡觉。
Distributed generation tends to be placed on the roofs of homes and businesses, while utility-scale projects are often built on the ground. 分布式发电系统往往被放置在家庭和企业的屋顶,而公用事业规模的项目往往是建在地面上。
And on the ground beside her, when Joe picked her up, was a convict's leg-iron which had been filed asunder. 乔回来后在抱起她时,发现她身旁的地上有一副逃犯的脚镣,看上去是被人用锉子锉开的。
There was AT least five inches of this gray, pasty, dusty drywall soot on the ground as well as a thickness of it in the air. 地面上足足有五英寸厚的墙灰,灰色的、糊状的灰尘,在空气中也有这么厚的一层。
Our commanders on the ground are constantly adjusting their approach to stay ahead of the enemy, particularly in Baghdad. 我们前线的指挥官不断调整作战方案,来保持对敌人的优势,尤其是在巴格达。
It also arose from a pinpoint area, not the general area, as though something on the ground were the source. 而且它是由某个精确的位置升起的,而不是一个广阔的地区,就好象地面上有某种东西是它的源头。
poured out the water on the ground, gently, and then entered the kitchen and began to wipe his face diligently on the towel behind the door. 他卷起袖子,轻轻地把水泼在地上,转身走进厨房,用门后面的一条毛巾使劲地擦着脸。
But on the ground of the mausoleum , I could see three broken statue heads made of marble - of a man, a woman and a boy. 但是在陵墓的地面上,我可以看到三个破碎的雕像头颅,一个是男人的,一个是女人的,还有一个是男孩儿的,都由大理石雕刻而成。
He said the situation on the ground is dangerous and that there is no time to lose in reaching an agreement. 他表示,由于那里的情势十分危险,为了达成一项协议,没有时间去浪费。
Seeing hair fallen from a woman's head on the ground, people are reluctant to pick it up, in the name of keeping the commandments. 若见女人一发在地,自言持戒,不肯捉之。
The animal found the grenade on the ground, picked it up in its jaws and trotted back to its owner. 动物发现手榴弹在地面上,拾起它的下颚和小跑回到它的主人。
I can only choose the sky, Never kneel on the ground, To show the headsman's height, And block the wind of freedom. 宁静的地平线分开了生者和死者的行列我只能选择天空决不跪在地上以显出刽子手们的高大好阻挡自由的风。
Huan Zang cautiously made his way to the place they had been, and found a branch of peach flowers on the ground. 黄章小心地走到她们刚才游玩的地方﹐在地上发现了一枝桃花。
However I was still seen through . He picked up the clip on the ground, and yelled at me crazily : "Fucking ! STOP ! Give it back to me ! " 可是还是被他看穿了。他拎起丢在地上的夹子,冲着我气急败坏地喊:小兔崽子,你给我站住,把东西还给我!
The place was not fenced properly: the role of warning protection was played by the two-meter piece of a striped tape lying on the ground. 这个地方没有很好地进行保护:警告标志仅仅是放在地上的一条2米长的条纹带。
It has no troops on the ground and is not exchanging fire with hostile forces (unless you count the odd drone strike). 美国没有派遣地面部队,没有和敌对势力交火(除非将偶尔的无人机袭击算上)。
As media reports do not always accurately reflect the situation on the ground, WSPA examines allegations of animal cruelty. 作为媒体的报道并不总是准确地反映情况,在地面上,学会审查的指控虐待动物。
The other, unable to fight the savage beast alone, threw himself on the ground and lay still, as if he were dead. 另一个人,无法与这头凶猛的野兽对抗,于是直接躺在了地上装死。
A retreat without securing some sort of success would be the cruellest blow for the men on the ground. 没有捍卫某些胜利的撤退将会给先前阵亡的战士以最为残酷的一击。