one and only

  • 网络唯一;唯一的;独一无二

one and onlyone and only

one and only


战地之王_百度百科 ... 《You are my angel· 救世主》, 《One and only· 唯一》, 《Waiting You· 需要支援》, ...


唯一的的英文单词_英语单词_能飞背单词 ... sole: 单独的, 唯一的 one and only唯一的, 独一无二的 only: 只,仅仅 a.唯一 …


浅谈英语中对称现象 - 中国范文网 ... hard and fast 不能改变的 one and only 独一无二 simple and easy 简易明了 ...


唯一的的英文单词_英语单词_能飞背单词 ... sole: 单独的, 唯一的 one and only: 唯一的, 独一无二的 only: 只,仅仅 a.唯一 …


...e of number one).似乎他们是地球上唯一的人(one and only)。


戒了吧 ... With no clothes on 赤裸毫无遮饰 One And Only 你的唯一 Come on and give me a chance 给我一次机会吧 ...


Favourite... ... my prize posession 你始终是我最宝贵的 one and only 唯一的仅有的 adore ya girl i want ya 只想爱慕着你 ...

They are always looking out for number one and taking care of number one. It is as if they are the one and only person on Earth. 他们总是先为自己着想,只关心自己的利益,就好像他们是地球上唯一的人。数字one的奇妙用法
I told him I could save his wife, and he said yes. I guess they oversold me Being your one and only vessel. 我告诉他我能救他的妻子,他就就答应了。看来他们把我的身价抬得太高了,还说我是你唯一的躯壳。
My history might be a little bit off, but I am pretty sure that the one and only true god, L. Ron Hubbard, said the same thing. 我的经历也许会有一点过时,但我非常确定只有一个真正的上帝,罗恩。哈伯德说过同样话。
Allows one and only one of the elements contained in the selected group to be present within the containing element. 允许且仅允许选定组中包含的一个元素出现在包含元素中。
The universe are trying to protect each one, and only your wish to take it's hand to receive it. 宇宙正努力的去保护每一个人,只要你愿意伸出手去接受!
The FIFA world cup is nothing more than a cup. After all, there's one and only champion, but curses from the octopus will go on and on. 世界杯终究是个杯具,因为冠军只有一个,而章鱼的怨念却无穷无尽。
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。
Well it came when Elijah, the amazing prophet of the one and only God picked me to be a prophet like him after he died. 故事是这样开始的,以利亚是世界上最出色的先知,上帝则挑选我作为他的接班人。
This was around the time my musician parents recognized that their one and only offspring was not musically gifted. 大概在那个时候,我的音乐家父母就意识到他们唯一的儿子并没有遗传音乐天赋。
Whenever a software system must support a set of alternatives , one and only one module in the system should know their exhaustive list. 每当一个软件系统必须支持一组替代选择,那么在系统中有且只有一个模块知道它们的详细列表。
She might be unhappy, while he might be completely convinced that she is "the one and only" . 当他完全的确信她是他心中的「唯一」时,她也许是不快乐的。
"I think OSGi is a great technology but I don't think it's the one and only possible answer either, " he said. “我认为OSGi是一项伟大的技术。我并不认为它是唯一的解决方案”,他说。
That means it's probably the one and only time you're likely to see famous fast food outlets like Pizza Hut and KFC signs in black. 就是说很有可能你在这里唯一看见的著名快餐店像必胜客和肯德基的标牌都是暗淡无色彩的。
For He loves us so much, that he gave his one and only son to us, so that we can enjoy eternity in his presence. 祂爱我们,深爱我们,把祂的独生子给了我们,好叫我们与祂一起永恒里同在。
The customer thought for a moment, and then said, "No-engrave it 'To my one and only love'. That way, i can send anyone girl" . 客人想了一会后说,“不要刻名字,刻上给我唯一的挚爱吧。这样我可以送给任何一个女孩子了。”
The next morning, the American returned, placed his order, and then that evening he was served the one and only special delicacy of the day. 第二天早上,这位美国人又回来,下了他的菜单,等到晚上他得到了一份,当天仅有的一份,特殊的美味佳肴。
He makes you so happy and you know he is the one and only one for you forever! 他使你高兴,你知道他是唯一一个永远为你!
The day before she died, unexpectedly at home, I told her I loved her; the one and only time I can recall saying those words to her. 在她去世的前一天,我自己都没料到,在家,我会告诉她我爱她,这是我能回想起来的唯一一次我说这三个字给她听。
The application needs to be consistent with itself. You always want one and only one way of doing something within an application. 程序需要保持自身的一致性,在程序中做每件事都只能有一种方式。
Six days later, Xiong Wancheng returned to the Iron Tile Temple. This was the one and only meeting between Xiong and Qiu before the murders. 6天后,熊万成才上了铁瓦殿,这也是其被杀之前,邱兴华与他惟一一次会面。
One, and only one finds the ultimate goal of any experienced wind and rain not let go, Although it is so trivial, he is also a winner. 一个人,只有认定最终一个目标,经历任何风吹雨打都不放手,尽管那是个那么微不足道的小事,他也是个胜利者。
The region was home to the Grandfather of the Nation, the one and only Nelson Mandela - born in a rural spot known as Qunu. 这一地区是这个国家的创始人——伟大的纳尔逊•曼德拉的故乡——他出生在一个名为库奴的乡村小镇。
My secretary has left my one and only manuscript in the taxi, so I'll have to write the book all over again. It's back to square one. 秘书把我唯一的一份手稿丢在出租车上了,我只好重写这本书,一切从头开始。
Roger thought for a moment, grinned, then answered, 'No, instead engrave "To my one and only love" . ' 罗杰想了会,咧嘴笑了笑,答道,“不,就刻上‘献给我的唯一爱人’”
The one and only way in which I have been able to clear this away is to turn my mind and thoughts to good and to God. 而我能摆脱这种情结困扰的一种也是唯一的一种方法是将心灵和思想转向从善和信仰上帝。
Her tennis went off the tracks a bit and so many observers of the game questioned if that day was going to be her one and only glory. 她的状态在此后稍有下滑,许多网球评论员开始怀疑那个美网冠军将会是她职业生涯唯一的一座大满贯奖杯。
There must be one and only one definition of a variable in a program. 在一个程序中,变量有且仅有一个定义。
If I do not propose to you, I'll penitence lifetime, because you are my one and only. 如果我不向你求婚,我会后悔一辈子,因为你是我的唯一。
Keep in mind that this will be your one and only full moon in your love sector, so it's very special, and fortunate. (虽然没有和双鱼)要记住这会是你恋爱方面的唯一一个满月,所以它很特别,很幸福。
One, and only one, of the attributes must be specified in this element. 此元素中必须指定并且只能指定其中一个属性。