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If you don't like the person you've become then do something about it, because no one's gonna do it for you. 不喜欢现在的自己那你就行动起来去改变,因为这事没有人能替你做。
The process of telling people about one's homosexuality is often referred to as coming out. 向周围的人吐露自己的同性恋取向通常称为“出柜”。
Freedom. Freedom in deciding what work to do or how to do it; a sense of control over one's work. 自由。一种让人们自主决定做什么工作以及怎样去做的自由,一种工作自主的良好感觉。
They flaunt their conjugal felicity in one's face, as if it were the most fascinating of sins. 她们在旁边人面前炫耀自己的伉俪之乐,仿佛这是最诱人的罪过。
Let the child of every group assign the role and performs the story according to one's own will. 每组的孩子自行分配角色,并表演故事。
Working too hard can also be a way to escape from a bad relationship or to make up for an absence in one's personal life. 工作过于辛勤也可能用来逃避糟糕的人际关系或贫乏的个人私生活。
Kiss me, with the kiss of a lover, like no one's ever kissed me since the day that I was born. 吻我,一个情人的吻,像从来没有人吻我我出生的那一天。
A flat piece of coarse fabric or other material used for wiping one's shoes or feet, or in various other forms as a floor covering. 擦鞋垫,踏脚垫:粗纤维或其他材料制成的用于人们擦鞋或脚、或作为地面遮盖物的其他形式的垫子。
c: i'd prefer to call you mr. buchwald. isn't it rather disrespectful to make a nickname out of one's family name? 我更愿意称呼您布奇华先生。用别人的姓做昵称,不是很不礼貌吗?
One must descend all the circles of an inner hell to turn one's destiny into a subjective yet universal problem. 一个人只有敢于屈身于内在的地狱中,才能将自己的命运转化为主观但却广泛的大问题。
No one's asking you to huddle in the dark, shivering and eating beans by candlelight, to save the planet. 没有人会要求你为了拯救我们的地球在黑暗里面蜷缩成一团,在烛光中一边发抖一边啃豆子。
As sports with a long history and profound culture, athletics turns out to be very effective in building one's body. 田径作为一项拥有悠久历史文化积淀、巨大健身价值的体育运动,曾长时间在我国学校体育中占据主要地位。
One 's real life is made of a now form, only pleasant, sincere, diligent had a good now, it would be good for your life. 一团体的真正的生活是由如今的方式,只要高兴,真诚,勤劳,有很好的如今,它会对你的生活。
I used up my eyesight to search and would like to see one's silhouette who set free the boat, yet I was disappointed. 我用尽我的视力搜索,想从小舟上看见放舟人的身影。
To cross one's fingers is a hand gesture used to superstitiously wish for good luck or to nullify a promise. 交叉手指是一个迷信的手势,用来祈祷好运或者使一个做出的誓言无效化。
Were it not for the routine working schedule, it would be very unwise to rush to one's workplace during the peak hours. 要不是为了一成不变的工作时间表,选在尖峰时间之刻冲去上班,可能是不智之举。
'No one's going to die for the lack of bear bile, ' she said in a telephone interview. 她在接受电话采访时说,没有人会因为缺乏熊胆而死。
e. g. If it were up to me to make a choice between both in the event of betrayal of one's country, I would rather choose death over life. 如果要我在出卖国家的情况下在二者之间做出选择,我宁愿选择死而不选择生。
How much money dose it take to set up in business on one's own. 一个人自己开业需要多少资金?
You know, Jen, no one's happier than me to see this. 你知道吗Jen看到现在这样没有人比我更高兴了
Fantasies as promoted upon your entertainment systems cause the heart to contract and one's soul to leave the form. 当幻像通过你们的娱乐系统,致使心灵缩减,你的灵魂离开形体。
"For Heaven's sake, sergeant, next time you have to inform a trooper of a loved one's demise, please be a little more subtle, " he said. “看在老天的份上,班长,下次你要告诉弟兄们有亲人死亡时,请多用点技巧,委婉一些,”排长说道。
Gene privacy means that the subject of the right has the right to conceal and protect one's own gene, not being allowed to know by others. 基因隐私权在于权利主体有权就自己的基因隐私予以隐瞒和维护,不被外界所知悉。
one's opinion about politics, but if it was meant to instigate a rebellion, that was quite another pair of Boots. 一个人发表政见是可以的,但是如果再煽动叛乱,那就是另一回事了。
Well, that's up to one's own will. But. . . it's not something you can do alone, you know. 嗯,那也得看那个人的自我意愿。可是……你知道,这也不是你一个人能独自解决得了的事。
To go on hunger strike and shed tears on account of one's personal interests may be considered a kind of contradiction among the people. 为个人的利益而绝食,而流泪,这也算是一种人民内部的矛盾。
When meeting the trustful friend, go and get well along with him, for in one's whole life, it is critically hard to meet a bosom friend. 遇到可以相信的朋友时,要好好和他相处下去,因为有一生中,遇到知己真的不易。
In order for love to have a great impact upon one's being, the heart must be open enough to feel. 为了让爱对个人产生更大的影响,个人的心灵必须保持足够开放去感知它。
It is not hard for one to do a bit of good. What is hard is to do good all one's life. 一个人做点好事并不难,难的是一辈子做好事,不做坏事。
There was no escaping by means of any journey, however adventurous; one took one's problems and sorrows with one. 用任何方式的旅程都无法逃脱,无论是如何的惊险,人带著问题和忧郁一起走。